Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 48: Crazy Yuzhou

ps: Continue to ask for tickets, sooner or later each chapter will be unshakeable.I hope everyone's votes can be as strong as this!In addition, I am very grateful to Gu Shulin and ζ书┋虫ζ for their great rewards~! ~

If a capable person is arrogant, that's called bullshit, and a pretentious person who is too arrogant is already a fool.

But, is Brother Xiaosa a fool?If you ask someone this question, he will definitely yell: "You are the idiot, and your whole family are idiots!"

Yes, if you are not fully prepared, who would, who would dare to say loudly: "The so-called imitation against the sky is a fart? I know too many things."

So, when the performance site is slowly approaching 4 people, and these people are all curious, disbelieving, disdainful, etc., ready to watch someone's jokes, that person is Brother Xiaosa himself, he has to He coughed lightly into the microphone, and then said to the tens of thousands of people who quickly became quieter: "Our Chinese ancestors once said many famous sayings, and one of them said this..."

Brother Xiao Sa cleared his throat again, and suddenly, a very familiar voice rang out: "You have to be good at everything in your life, as the saying goes, you can't overwhelm yourself with too many skills. Ahaha..."

"I'm dizzy, isn't this someone's voice?"

As soon as the voice sounded, everyone felt dizzy again, because this voice was obviously this little Tang imitating a certain celebrity, and everyone felt very familiar, it must have been seen on TV before, but, what exactly Who is it?

It's a pity that brother Xiaosa is the one who kills and doesn't bury. He impromptu imitated the tone of a certain old man surnamed Wen, and immediately continued: "So, all the friends who came to the scene tonight are blessed, this is my This is the first official performance of this skill..."

Just when everyone was about to applaud, Brother Xiaosa said calmly: "But it's a pity, what I want to perform now is the imitation ability that you are looking forward to..."

There is no doubt that this is Chi Guoguo's molestation. Just when everyone felt that they had been fooled and were about to "boo", the "Eagle Band" who was fully prepared on the stage had already started playing.

"If you can sing, please come along, forever beyond, forever Ka Kui, a song "Glorious Years" for everyone!"

Brother Xiaosa held the microphone, and when the classic and familiar prelude sounded, he shouted out a trick that singers would use in the concert-welcome to "sing along".

Some things are really classics among classics, even after a hundred years, I am afraid that some people will still remember them.And the song "Glorious Years" is undoubtedly a classic that all Chinese people who like rock and roll will love very much.

In the eternal and moving classic melody, Brother Xiaosha, who is the "lead singer", is already standing in front of the microphone stand with ease. He raised his hands up and beat the beat gently above his head, and then at a certain rhythm point, he began to sing :

The bell rings to signal home,

in his life

彷佛 带点 唏嘘

The meaning of black skin to him


Although beyond has sung their classic song on countless occasions since Huang Jiaju passed away unexpectedly, Huang Jiaqiang's singing is not bad, but their music fans still feel that the deceased lead singer Huang Jiaju's singing is even better Well, more feeling too.

Although, this may be caused by a nostalgic mentality of "what is lost is the best", perhaps it is indeed Huang Jiaju who sings better.But it doesn't matter anymore, because when Brother Xiao Sa's singing sounded, everyone has already fallen into a kind of excitement, impulsiveness, and emotion by coincidence.

"This is a real reproduction of the original sound! Is Jia Kui possessed?"

Among the tens of thousands of people, some who were originally fans of beyond, when they heard the singing of "idol" in public again, all of them could not help but blur their eyes, and the tears were like rain It ran down the cheeks.And there are really many such people, at least hundreds or even thousands.

Even the quintet of the "Eagle Band" who was accompanying them still felt that they couldn't stop their tears, because the reason why they fell in love with rock and finally formed a band was actually inspired by Beyond's performance video at the very beginning. Affect!To put it bluntly, in this age group, there are very few Chinese who play bands and rock music who don't like this legendary band.

"Sister Fen, what's the matter with you?" On the edge of the green belt, the thinner and younger of the two ladies in sunglasses suddenly caught sight of Sister Fen, whom she respected very much, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes. eyes, quickly asked.

"Hehe, it's nothing!" Sister Fen immediately put on her sunglasses with a smile, waved her hands and said with a sigh: "I really can't think that I can hear Huang Jiaju's voice again, it is exactly the same! There is no difference at all .”

"This guy seems to be capable." The young woman also nodded in admiration. She is a new first-line star and singer in the entertainment industry. Of course, it is not difficult to imitate. Many people can actually learn it slowly. .However, the difficulty is to reproduce the original sound without flaws, which is really amazing.After all, people are different. There are too many differences in vocal cords, voice lines, timbre, and sound quality.

"Just kidding, if someone dares to speak louder, then he is sure." Sister Fen listened attentively, and said expectantly: "I want to hear how many people's voices he can imitate."

Brother Xiaosa didn't know that there were actually two real professionals in the audience. After he perfectly imitated "Glorious Days", the whole square didn't need him to say anything, and immediately burst into applause and cheers overwhelmingly. The emotions are really tuned up now, and I have "forgot" the molestation of someone just now.

For a singer, no matter how big or insignificant he is, applause and cheers are obviously a necessary pursuit, and it is also a proof that they can feel a sense of accomplishment.

Brother Xiaosa was very satisfied with the deafening sounds from tens of thousands of people. He even stretched out his hand and placed it in the shape of a trumpet next to his ear. This scene was seen by everyone and faithfully recorded by the reporters with cameras. down.

When everyone felt that their hands were a little numb and their voices became quieter, a certain guy who pretended to be b finally raised his right hand in satisfaction.Then, as if rehearsed, almost as soon as he raised his right hand, everyone stopped cheering and applauding.

"It's the first song just now, so it can be regarded as a foreshadowing for the warm-up!" Brother Xiaosa put down his hands and stood behind the microphone, and said with a slight smile in his eyes: "I just said that tonight must be enjoyable for everyone. , so it is not a big deal for a man to imitate a man to sing, next, I will let everyone understand why I am named the 'Imitation Emperor', because what I am about to imitate is..."

His eyes slowly scanned around the audience, and then, when everyone couldn't help but burst into screams, he said loudly: ""Superstar" by the she group from Daiwan!"

"Coax~" The scene was silent at first, and then there was a burst of screams and various, loud exclamations.

"Isn't it?"

"I rely on~"



I can't believe it, yes, everyone can't believe it, not only the ordinary audience can't believe it, even the two professionals who already have confidence in Brother Xiaosa, are still shocked by the news this time and screamed .

Because since the second half of 03, this girl group of Dawan was not very well-known in mainland China, and even in their "home court" Dawan, they are not very popular. They rely on the album of the same name of this song "Superstar" became the best combination of the year in one fell swoop, and won countless Golden Melody Awards for it. The song "Superstar" was also called the "Divine Comedy" of the year. Almost both men and women would hum a few lines.

None of this is important. The important thing is that this song is composed of three girls, and one song contains three different vocals and timbres. If a general imitator is at most imitating a girl from this group The child's singing voice is singing, but, will the cool and unrestrained brother of Niu B coax him to deal with it so "simplely"?


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