Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 49: Brother Xiaosa: I Like Zhang Shaohan

ps: Always ask for votes and support!

Ordinary people imitate the classic songs of a certain group, definitely imitating the solo voice of a certain member, but will this ordinary person include Brother Xiaosa?How could such a "simple" thing be the choice of such a cowardly person like him?

Just when tens of thousands of people were expressing their shock, shock, and intimidation, and when two professionals were also anxiously waiting to see how someone would perform, on the big stage, Brother Xiao Sa He also picked up a spare electric guitar and hung it on his chest, then pinched his nose, and said loudly to the suppressed audience who were about to explode: "Everyone has seen that, although I am very I want to perform more perfectly, but because our band lacks some instruments, maybe the accompaniment will be a little bit missing in the next performance..."

"It's okay, we'll just listen to you imitating the voices of the three girls."

This sentence was yelled out in unison by so many impatient friends, and even a first-rate female pop singer made a trumpet shape with her hands and put it next to her mouth and shouted loudly: "I just want to hear you imitate."

But after being glanced at by Sister Fen with a smile, she immediately put down her little hand with a blushing face, and said embarrassingly: "Sister Fen, what do you think I am doing, don't you want to hear it?"

"Fool, thanks to the fact that you are still a new big idol who has declared great success throughout Southeast Asia, don't you realize that this is a common way to tease fans?" Sister Fen shook her head with a smile, and then said with emotion: " Angela, do you believe it, if this young man was in our bay, he would have been discovered long ago, and he probably wouldn't be worse than you, because his ability is so provocative, everyone Don't like his work, but would love to watch this amazing ability of his."

"He can compose his own lyrics~!" The young woman corrected, "Maybe he's better than me!"

Sister Fen smiled, but did not refute.Because people who hang out in the entertainment industry, sometimes it is not ability that determines everything. Relationships, word of mouth, and even luck are also important.

"Okay, since everyone said so, then I will start to perform." Brother Xiaosa got everyone's "promise", so he didn't delay any longer, and turned around and nodded three times in a row to the dignified group of five.Then, a explosive and familiar prelude to the song played by electric guitar + drum beats + electronic organ immediately sounded.

Then, at a certain rhythm point, at the moment when the flashes were flickering, the handsome brother who was playing the guitar wildly opened his mouth and sang naturally:

Smile ~ sing praises, frown heartache

I don't have time for me, just feel what you feel

Where are you going, take my soul with you


A girl will sing two lines of lyrics, and then three girls will sing together immediately. No matter how well one person imitates such a song, it is impossible for it to be exactly the same.

But everyone is obviously not really such a "perverted" person. It is impossible for them to ask others to perform a harmony effect in a line of lyrics. That is no longer "imitating the emperor", but a god.

So, when a person who is singing easily finished the first climax part, everyone, no matter if they are men or women, no matter if they are old people or children who can already understand the song, everyone will be shocked by this "" The ability to "pervert" is overwhelmed, and the real completeness is overwhelmed.

"I've decided, I'll be Brother Xiao Tang's fan from now on." A little girl clenched her fists with bright eyes, waved her fists vigorously and shouted, and immediately decided to join Brother Xiao Sa's "camp".

"In the future, if conditions permit, I will definitely support him! Whether it's a record or a TV movie." The couple were watching the performance, and the husband suddenly said loudly to his wife who seemed very excited.The latter didn't object at all, but nodded in agreement: "Just to support such an idol, it's simply too powerful."

"I can't help but want to be his fan!" A few reporters finished taking pictures of the crazy crowd, and suddenly a middle-aged man couldn't help but said: "If this kind of person is not popular, It’s even more impossible than me winning 500 million.” Several other reporters also nodded in agreement.

"I take back what I just said. This young man is no longer magical, he is an evildoer!" The professional Sister Fen's eyes were filled with amazement and joy. She seemed to have made a certain decision. Angela said: "When it's over, I decided to go see him, do you want to go too?"

"Of course! Wouldn't it be a pity not to get to know such a powerful person?" The young woman named Angela nodded repeatedly.


Although "superstar" is very nice and explosive, it is really too short, the whole song is only a little over 3 minutes.Therefore, no matter whether everyone has heard enough or high enough, Brother Xiaosa and the band ended the performance "on time", just smiling at each other, standing quietly on the stage and letting the tens of thousands of audiences under the stage stop. screams and applause.

Sometimes, when a certain emotion comes, if you don't vent it, you really can't hold it back, such as anger, ecstasy, and of course excitement.

But now, everyone is obviously seduced by Brother Xiaosha's performance against the sky~ They are too excited, so that it has been almost a minute since the end of the singing, and everyone still can't calm down, especially some girls. to test the ears of those around him with loud screams.

"Okay, everyone's excitement reassures me..." Brother Xiaosa waited for a while, ready to speak for the next performance, but he just said a word, and before he finished speaking, there was another scream from the audience The sound spread rapidly, causing him to stand on the stage and touch his chin helplessly. As a result, screams and laughter all came out.

"Okay, the joke is over here." Brother Xiaosa had to wait for about 30 seconds, and this time he didn't pay attention to the screams of some troublesome girls who sounded again, with a calm expression on his face. He smiled and said, "The song just now was actually a very popular dance song when I was in high school. I liked it a lot at the time, so I can perform it better now..."

He paused and continued: "And whose song will be performed in the following show, I'm going to give it to some friends at the scene to choose..."

Obviously, this was another piece of good news that had to be interrupted by frantic howls and screams, at least for the tens of thousands of people present, it was indeed good news.Because they can choose songs here, isn't it good news?So for a moment, the whole scene was full of raised hands, and the voice of "I choose, I choose..." came like a tsunami.

However, Brother Xiaosa is not such a good person. He patted the microphone with his hands vigorously, and the speaker suddenly made a muffled sound like thunder. " stared fixedly at someone who was announcing the rules with a smile on his face.

Brother Xiaosa couldn't see that far, so he took off the microphone without being affected at all, walked to the edge of the stage, stood still and said: "First of all, the selected song must be a classic song, at least it must be familiar to everyone's ears. Fortunately, Mandarin comes first (there was a burst of no-question answers from the audience);

Secondly, I don’t have all the songs, all the singers have tried to imitate, so I will choose 5 friends to come on stage and tell their favorite songs, and then I will choose the most confident singing; (This one has also been accepted by everyone. After all, no one can deny this reason.)

And finally...

Speaking of this, brother Xiaosa was suddenly stunned, his eyes were a little dumbfounded, and then, when everyone was surprised, his face turned red and he looked at the crowd with embarrassment Near one of the green belts at the very edge.

Then, he immediately said to everyone in the most sincere tone: "In the end, this is a very personal wish. I personally like Dawan's new big beauty idol star Zhang Shaohan very much (everyone says ah), she will meet tomorrow." A new album signing event is held at a video store here, so I hope that friends who have the conditions can come to the scene tomorrow to buy a genuine album to support me."

"how is this possible?"

When the tens of thousands of people at the scene hadn't recovered and screamed, a girl named Angela, who was surprised, happy and a little shy by the sudden "confession", uttered a cry. Incredible question.


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