Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 63: Shaohan, I'm Betrothing You

ps: Continue to ask for tickets and collections, and declare another sentence, I am not anyone's brain-dead fan, I listen to good songs, and I will never buy a certain record or movie ticket because of someone.I like to watch beauties, but the beauties themselves don't like to pay attention to the stories behind them.At the same time, I would like to solemnly thank the four big rewards, Fengyun of Dragon Ball, Xiaoyu Ren, Bamboo Leaf Panda, and the youngest member of the Yuan family. Thank you for your encouragement and support!

"Then you just keep practicing like this, and then you will learn it quickly?" Wu Yifen, Zhang Shaohan, and Gao Yan all shouted in unison.

"Just kidding, do you think I'm a god? How can I be so fast?" Brother Xiaosha shook his head solemnly, and then said in a very depressed tone: "It took me three days to achieve this level..."

"You are a pervert, a real pervert~" The other three people in the car couldn't suppress their "anger" any longer, and shouted almost in unison.

Well, for a person who pretends to be like this, not calling him a "super pervert" is actually a lot of tolerance.Even Zhang Shaohan, who never swears, couldn't help but cursed with a smile.

And brother Xiaosa was speechless about it, facing the three pairs of "flaming" eyes, he explained weakly: "How can you say that I am a pervert? Maybe this is my only talent. Bar?"

This is true. In history, there have been many records of people who can be called "abnormal" in their respective fields, but are mentally retarded and idiots in life or other aspects.Not to mention far away, when the great scientist Einstein was studying, he always couldn't answer the questions in class, and was kicked out of school by the teacher on the grounds of being 'mentally retarded'. He almost failed to graduate from middle school.

But in the end?Hasn't he become a super master in the field of physics?In fact, many great scientists have frighteningly high IQs, but their EQs are like elementary school students.Isn't this just "talent"?

"Don't explain, I'm really afraid that you will blow my self-confidence down again!" Zhang Meimei suddenly interrupted someone's explanation seriously: "Do you know how much time I spent learning the cello and other instruments? It’s been quite a few years! Even so, I’ve only been able to perform a little while following the score, why are you so good?”

Well, it seems that this really hit the confidence of a certain big beauty, thanks to the fact that she thought she was very talented before!Who knew that as soon as he met a certain "pervert", he was immediately beaten back to his original shape.

This feeling is indeed a bit stifled!

"Okay, okay, Angela, you are also very good, okay?" Wu Yifen saw that Zhang Shaohan was really depressed, so she quickly persuaded: "You can play the guitar, cello, piano, zither, clarinet, etc. Even if he is not as proficient in playing several musical instruments as Xiao Tang, he is still better than many other artists!" At this point, she laughed again: "Besides, why do we have to find ourselves uncomfortable, go and play with us?" How does pervert compare?"

Brother Xiaosa: ...well, brother is indeed a pervert.

After being persuaded by her like this, Zhang Shaohan was much happier. After thinking about it a little bit, he felt that he was really a bit stupid. He clearly knew that a certain guy was a pervert, so why did he still compare with him?It's like Wang Lihong's piano level is the same as some singers in the circle, but can he compare with a guy with piano talent like Lang Lang?

So, I still do what I can do, and do the best I can.Zhang Shaohan thought secretly in her heart.

"I told you three to get ready, we're going to the place soon, don't be recognized by anyone!~" The boss Gao Yan, who was driving, reminded everyone.

In fact, being prepared is only Zhang Shaohan alone. Although Wu Yifen's status in the entertainment industry is relatively high, who do ordinary people know who she is?At most, she looks like a rich woman with a little money.And as for Brother Chisa?If it was after tomorrow, he might have to dress up a little bit in Yuzhou City, but it was only a little bit.Now, who knows who you are?Even the most "signature" broken bicycles, luggage, and guitar bags were left in the hotel.

"I'll put on some sunglasses, and Sister Fen, please help me see if I need to dress up a little bit!" Zhang Shaohan quickly took out the large sunglasses in her handbag and put them on her eyes, and then she was about to look at the makeup box with the interior lights Dress up a little "stranger".

"Forget it, Ms. Zhang, you're still wearing sunglasses at such a late hour, that's simply to attract attention on purpose!" Brother Xiaosa and Wu Yifen had no objection, but Gao Yan stopped the car, turned around and said to Zhang Meimei with a smile : "Look, it's 22 o'clock now, who else would wear sunglasses? In addition to your outstanding temperament, do you think everyone will not recognize you?"

"Yeah, what should I do then? I only have sunglasses..." Zhang Shaohan and Wu Yifen both understood what Gao Yan said at once, so they quickly searched in their respective handbags... In the end, they found nothing, except a big Pile of cosmetics and... ahem, large band-aids for women.

Well, brother Xiaosha will never admit that he deliberately and carefully turned his head to peek at the secret fact in the woman's handbag.Although he was really curious why almost every woman bought a handbag, and even more curious about what they used it for.

"Here, I used to buy a pair of plain glasses to pretend to be a gentleman!" Gao Yan took out a pair of glasses from the front of the car, and handed them to Zhang Shaohan while explaining something self-deprecating.

"I think Mr. Gao is really humorous, and people can't help laughing!" Wu Yifen first reached out to take it and wiped it with a tissue, and at the same time admired sincerely: "If I didn't know your occupation in advance, I might will think you're a funny radio host."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Gao is indeed very good, he opened such a big store, and he has a great sense of humor!" Zhang Shaohan also praised him.Well, I don't know if it's true or not.

"Okay, I accept the compliments from the two ladies..." Gao Yan nodded honestly, then slowly started the car and drove directly into an underground parking lot near the hotel.

Brother Xiao Sa's eyes didn't shift at all, because he really wanted to see how Zhang Shaohan, who had almost never worn glasses, would look like wearing black-rimmed plastic glasses now.

Knowing the surname Mei?Pure beauty?Or naughty and cute?He doesn't even deserve it at all, how can he be as ordinary as a "marriage maniac"?

Wu Yifen cleaned the glasses several times, then handed them to Zhang Shaohan and said, "The frames of these glasses are relatively large. Once you wear them, I believe fans will not recognize them easily." She looked very satisfied.

Celebrities who have not been accidentally exposed will never think of how uncomfortable that kind of trouble is. It’s better to be soft when signing. Sneak attacks on vital parts are possible!Therefore, Wu Yifen is very satisfied with this kind of big-frame glasses.

Then I'll give it a try!Zhang Shaohan put the glasses on her face with a smile, then raised her head and asked curiously: "How do you guys take a look? Do you still know me?"

While speaking, she gently stroked the long brown hair that fell on her forehead and covered half of her glasses...

There is a small manual by Gu Long called "The Style of That Sword", and now, when Brother Xiaosa saw Zhang Shaohan wearing black-rimmed glasses suddenly raised his head, and then brushed his hair very naturally, a modern poem suddenly came out She touched her heart, and then suddenly chanted softly: "The most is the gentleness of bowing her head, like a water lotus flower's shyness that cannot withstand the cool wind."

"Okay, great praise!" Gao Yan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly laughed and patted the steering wheel.

Why did brother Xiaosa, a guy who failed in reading so much, recite poetry at this very moment?Why did Boss Gao Yan praise him so much?

The reason is very simple, because the glasses he wore didn't subtract half of Zhang Shaohan's beauty, maybe it was too fresh, anyway, Brother Xiao Sa and Gao Yan felt a strong sense of amazement from their hearts. Zhang Meimei, who is now wearing glasses, is simply perfect, especially the moment her right hand rests on her forehead, she is even more fascinated by a pure virgin who opened his mouth and said, "Angela, no, Shao Han, I really want to pursue you, no matter how difficult it is, I want to make you~"

As soon as these words came out, the whole car was suddenly dead silent.


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