Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 65: Zhang Shaohan who throws herself into arms and kisses

ps: This chapter has basically won the "Mi Fan Girl", please cheer!Personally, I think the writing is very organized, and it is definitely not the kind of unrealistic and easy to get it done.Therefore, buddies have reason to ask for votes and collections!At the same time, I would like to thank Xiaoyu Ren and Shanshan for their generous rewards!

Hearing someone's "outrageous" expression, wanting to eat five bowls of rice for a meal, Zhang Shaohan, who has always had a small appetite, was slightly taken aback, and then said with a pretty face, "Okay, if you don't want to be told If you are a fool, then please show me as much as you want!"

"Okay, then come with me!" Brother Xiaosa walked to Zhang Meimei's side after saying that, and then bent his right arm towards her, showing a certain gesture with obvious meaning and familiar to many people— — An invitation to join hands.But all of a sudden, I was so nervous that I almost forgot to breathe.

Will she do me a favor once?The person who made the wind~scratched posses was anxiously waiting for Zhang Shaohan's answer.

If it was an ordinary woman, she would definitely not insert her hand into the arms of a man she had "rejected", because this kind of action is simply "only for couples", is there any?

However, Brother Xiaosa obviously forgot that a certain beautiful celebrity grew up abroad, and in various publicity occasions, such as the red carpet of various award ceremonies, she also walked arm in arm with male celebrity guests many times The experience of being interviewed and photographed together.

So, when about two seconds later, a pair of skinny and boneless jade hands suddenly appeared on his arms, when he and Zhang Shaohan stood in a row, when someone's silk clearly smelled a kind of When it was called feminine... Brother Xiaosa almost forgot how to walk.


A certain person was obviously extremely nervous, and he dared to swear that even before the college entrance examination not long ago, he had never been so nervous, because he wanted to say something, but his heart was in a mess, and he opened his mouth several times but only came out. The meaningless "I, I" syllable.

However, Zhang Shaohan, who was so close to him and directly arm in arm, also clearly felt the complicated mood of a certain pure-d silk man.Because she was very funny to find that a certain cute little boy who had expressed high-spiritedly just now that he was going to become a "loofer" was trembling with nervousness, and couldn't speak clearly.

While it was funny, Zhang Shaohan thought about it for a while, and Zhang Shaohan suddenly realized that maybe he really should give a certain little boy a chance, and at the same time, he was giving himself a chance.Because she suddenly felt that she might never meet a young man next to her who is so talented, ambitious and caring about herself so much. Especially worth mentioning is that a certain man is too pure, which is the expression of first love Ah, is there any?

That's right, it's really not easy for a female star to find a good home, but there are also successful precedents.And if you want to guarantee the success rate, it is undoubtedly an excellent choice to fall in love with a man who is crazy about yourself and is still your first love.

Because men in first love are "too stupid", even if they give everything to their true lover, they will be happy; and first love is too real, as long as there is a chance to keep this love, they will give a million points effort.The tough will become cowardly, the shrewd will become stupid, and the eloquent will become mufflers...

In short, at this moment, when the beautiful woman Zhang really felt the "pureness" of Brother Xiao Sa, a strong wave suddenly appeared in her heart.At the same time, a voice that was usually suppressed deeply in her heart also popped out:

"Angela, don't be stupid. Why are you still hesitating about such a good choice? This young boy with unlimited potential, versatility and deep affection for you is much more suitable than the flirtatious Yan Xingshu and the wanton Huo Jianhua. Hurry up and agree, and miss the opportunity." Maybe you will only regret it for the rest of your life.”

There are opinions in favor, but of course there are also opinions against: "Don't be stupid Angela, you are several years older than him, and how can a young man of this age understand what love is? It's just a momentary passion at most, if it's true If you agree to associate with him, you will probably suffer a lot of emotional trauma, which will never heal again. So simply refuse, don't think too much..."

The heart lake of a certain big beautiful star has become a mess.And this kind of dilemma, fear of tigers and wolves, is indeed a major weakness of Zhang Shaohan, because she is too afraid of the separation and reunion of the entertainment industry.Therefore, even though she had a good impression of Yan Xingshu and Huo Jianhua who had worked together before and showed that she wanted to pursue her, she never took that step and agreed to date or associate with one of them.

But then again, if she finds a man outside the entertainment industry as her boyfriend, this boyfriend might not be able to accept the scandals she would provoke from time to time, right?

This paragraph is a long story, but in fact, less than five seconds passed.

Just when Brother Xiaosa fell into intense tension and couldn't move his own pace, Zhang Shaohan was in a fierce "confrontation" in his heart, so he forgot to remind someone, there were two consecutive "bump" sounds of the car door closing Suddenly "heavy" sounded.


Brother Xiaosa and Zhang Shaohan who were awakened suddenly screamed in unison, and when they were about to take a step back subconsciously, their arms wrapped around each other clearly reminded the two men and women who were not in the right place: You are holding hands Woolen cloth!


Zhang Shaohan, who was awakened, instinctively wanted to pull out her arm, because she just held hands with Brother Xiaosa just in the interest of joking, well, of course, there was also a little bit of excitement.But the main thing was an element of "politeness". She felt that she couldn't embarrass a boy who had a crush on her because of her own reasons.

But now, when waves are surging in her heart, when her heart is no longer "pure", especially when she is about to be seen by Wu Yifen and Gao Yan, she can't act as she did just now. Peaceful, so she was about to separate her hand from Brother Xiaosha shyly before being seen by the two "bystanders".

Well, at this moment, Miss Zhang is completely shy, and she no longer has the usual detachment and tranquility.

However, her movements seemed a little slow, especially when her arm was pulled back, the startled Brother Xiaosha almost instinctively stretched out his palm like lightning, and grasped it with incomparable accuracy. Zhang Shaohan's little hand was caught - the scene was frozen.

"You are..."

Just as Wu Yifen came out of the car, she saw the two people who were "hand in hand" with red cheeks at the same time, so her heart moved and she quickly closed her mouth.

"If you're in love, just fall in love. If you don't want to part with Angela, how can you get the magical little Tang?" Wu Yifen narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly began to think: "I will tell him in detail later, what will I do to him?" Packaging and operation, um, I believe he will definitely be moved by my sincerity, because it is impossible for other companies to have a sincere boss like me personally, and even move him several times to understand the reason.”

Not to mention Wu Yifen's wishful thinking, Gao Yan who just closed the car door and stood up straight also widened his eyes, looking in disbelief at Brother Xiaosa and Miss Zhang who were holding hands and looking at each other "affectionately", Some speechless sighed in a low voice: "Are young people changing so fast now? Didn't they just say that they didn't think about it? Why are they so affectionate now?"

Well, forgive some middle-aged man who doesn't know why!Just when Gao Yan was thinking wildly, Zhang Shaohan finally came to her senses. She saw that someone who was pulling her was about to speak, but she heard Brother Xiaosa speak first, and he said affectionately in his very magnetic voice : "If I can hold your hand for the rest of my life, I will never let go unless someone kills me. I really want to use my arms to protect the petite and beautiful you forever. If you are willing to give If I get the chance..."

Brother Xiaosa didn't draft this passage at all, and he didn't lie at all, because he really felt a feeling of love coming from his heart, so the love words and sweet words came out almost naturally.

"He didn't lie, he didn't lie to you...he really loves you..."

While feeling someone's more and more intense love, the well-intentioned thoughts that Zhang Shaohan had suppressed resurfaced again, reminding her over and over again to agree to this courtship.For a moment, this scene made Zhang Shaohan feel that his heartbeat was at least half faster, and he even started to feel a little pain. His beautiful face also clearly showed the expression of mental struggle, and his big eyes almost shed tears.The light-colored blood vessels also bulged in the small and delicate hand held by brother Xiaosha, and the palm of the hand became tight all of a sudden.

"...you know what? When I played on the first million people scene two hours ago, the biggest thought in my mind was, it would be great if you were there, because I'm going to be in front of a million people The testimony expresses my heart to you... um..."

Brother Xiaosa hadn't finished speaking when he felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing over his face, and then he was thrown into his arms by a fragrant, soft and hard petite body, which almost made him spank Staggering, and then, just as he changed from daze to disbelief to surprise, and finally to ecstasy, his lips were pressed against a soft, nice-smelling lip.


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