Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 66: Kissing is unhygienic, a test of lung capacity

ps: I finally finished this chapter. To be honest, the description of the pure virgin's psychology and movements is indeed too nerve-wracking. It took me 5 hours to barely get it done. It should be easier in the future.I am still grateful to Xiao Yuda Ren and the youngest member of the Yuan family for their rewards.Finally, please collect and recommend tickets.

"...You know what? Angela, when I was performing at the first million people two hours ago, the biggest wish in my heart was thinking, it would be great if you were there, because I want to express my heart to you in front of the witness of countless people... um..."

Brother Xiaosa hadn't finished speaking when he felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing over his face, and then he was thrown into his arms by a fragrant, soft and hard petite body, which almost made him spank Stagger.

Then, at the moment when he changed from bewilderment to disbelief, to surprise, and finally to ecstasy, his lips were pressed against a soft, nice-smelling lip.

"This is……"

Brother Xiaosa almost stared his eyes out, even though his waist had already felt the incomparably real feeling of being hugged, he still looked at Zhang Shaohan who was closing his beautiful eyes and kissing his lips frantically.

Well, he didn't stick out his tongue, and didn't put his arms around her slender waist. Brother Xiao Sa was like a woman who was hugged and kissed by a man, but didn't show any signs of it.

Because he didn't expect at all, or even thought at all, that he would impress the heart of "Mi Fan Girl" so quickly, and "easily" got her throwing himself into her arms, plus her proactive kisses and wild kisses .

Isn't this scientific?Why so fast, so unexpected?

Someone was struggling in his heart, trying to find the answer he wanted, but on the other hand, he slowly wrapped his arms around Zhang Shaohan's slender waist, and his lips, which had not responded at first, began to respond jerkyly.

Men are very talented when it comes to the intimacy between men and women, especially when they really like a woman and then make out with her, that is "rapid progress".

A pure virgin who never knew what a wet kiss was before, it only took less than 30 seconds to understand the "action program" of kissing, and then he unabashedly "forgot" Wu Yifen and the dumbfounded Wu Yifen not far away. Gao Yan, who bit his own tongue, forcefully and actively stuck out his tongue and slipped it into the mouth of Zhang Shaohan who happened to be about to wake up at this moment.


Miss Zhang was attacked by this kind of "tongue kiss", she suddenly became more sober, struggling to get rid of the big hand around her waist in embarrassment, but at this moment, which man would let it go easily?

To be honest, kissing, especially tongue kissing, is not so hygienic, because everyone's mouth has its own unique taste, whether it is light or heavy.And kissing is purely devouring each other's saliva... Well, it seems a bit disgusting to say it, but it is the truth.

However, as the saying goes, men and women attract each other, and the combination of yin and yang, don't look at explaining it in words, kissing seems to be a disgusting feeling.However, among men and women who are in love, who doesn't regard kissing as casual and normal as eating?

And, to be honest, kissing the woman you like and love is actually a wonderful thing, isn't it?

For example, a guy who is passionate about expressing his "aggressive surname" has obviously begun to enjoy the beauty of this combination of verbal and verbal sports.

"I didn't expect a kiss to be so wonderful..."

Brother Xiaosha kissed the beautiful woman Zhang so confused and short of breath that he almost rubbed the petite body in his arms into his body for a moment, and he was completely immersed in this indescribable wonderful feeling.At the same time, his love for Zhang Shaohan has reached an extreme.

If at this time, if there is a group of powerful guys who want to treat Zhang Shaohan not inferior or unfavorable, even if he can't beat him, even if he may die, he will definitely stand up without hesitation, and it will definitely be like the ones often filmed on TV. In this case, the hero is willing to give his life for the heroine to have a chance to escape.

That's right, this is the Achilles' heel of a pure love virgin. Once he really falls in love with a certain woman, but loses this woman, then I'm afraid it will only take a long time for him to recover again.

Kissing is a sport that tests lung capacity, and although the petite and beautiful Zhang Shaohan has an unbelievably strong lung, it is only compared with ordinary "idol singers". Lungs", she obviously couldn't stand it.

So, she involuntarily began to take a deep breath, her small and lovely nose flapped non-stop, and she moaned "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" and her pretty fair pink face turned red.

"I said you should pay attention to the impact, okay? Do you still want to eat supper?" A middle-aged woman's voice with a tone of blame rang in the ears of the obsessed brother Xiao Sa and the emotional Zhang Shaohan. After being frightened by this, The two immediately froze like puppets, but looked at each other with deep affection in each other's eyes.

As a man, especially a man who just lost his "first kiss", Brother Xiaosa generously moved away his somewhat numb lips, and then gently kissed Zhang Shaohan's forehead as if he had lost something.

"Angela, are we officially in love now?"

Moving his lips away again, brother Xiaosha couldn't help tightening his big hand that was still resting on Zhang Damei's waist, then stared at her beautiful eyes and said aggrievedly: "It was my first kiss just now, you must be responsible to the end."

Zhang Shaohan glanced at Wu Yifen, who was standing next to her with a somewhat complicated expression, and Gao Yan, who was still watching by the car, and then laughed coquettishly: "Hehe, I have a lot of scandals, as long as you can accept it..."

Before she could finish her words, the "angry" handsome brother blocked her red and swollen lips again, and at the same time, the big hands around her waist became even stronger, and the unstoppable Zhang beauty suddenly wanted to struggle , but with her little strength, how could the "master" brother Xiaosha take it to heart?

As a result, in less than five seconds, Zhang Shaohan was forced to loosen her teeth again, letting brother Xiaosa's tongue chase after hers, and gradually entangled with each other, sending out a slight "chih chih chih chih" sound.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you, can you be a little more careful about your intimacy?" A certain middle-aged Obasan yelled again.

Wu Yifen was so depressed that she was about to jump. Although she was very optimistic about "Xiao Tang" and was willing to support him in pursuing Zhang Shaohan, well, the most important thing was that she hoped that Zhang Shaohan could use Zhang Shaohan to "trap" him in Fumao.

However, who would have thought that the progress of the two of them could be so fast?It's just that he got out of the car a little slower, and they ended up hugging each other?Well, even hugging and holding hands can be ignored, because this is too common in the entertainment industry, such as filming movies and MVs, there are so many pictures of male and female stars holding hands and hugging.

However, they actually kissed under the witness of themselves and another man outside the circle, and it seems that Angela, a female star, took the initiative?

Ok, even if Angela kissed Xiao Tang on her own initiative, they shouldn't stick out their tongues at each other!You shouldn't have kissed once and have to do it again!Don't you two guys know that celebrities are absolutely not allowed to reveal their true love at will?Can't you just announce your relationship at will?What if there is a hidden camera here, and it is captured by accident...? ?

Therefore, Wu Yifen had no choice but to issue another annoying warning, and turned his head to look at Boss Gao who had always been "aloof", made a camera gesture, and then pointed to the walls and pillars of the garage .

"What..." Gao Yan was distracted all the time, and finally woke up only after hearing Wu Yifen's voice, but immediately saw her make eye contact with him, and even made a gesture to take a picture.So, Boss Gao was shocked: "Did you ask me to secretly take photos of their affection?"

But it doesn't matter, because when he was about to refuse with righteous words, he saw Wu Yifen pointing to the wall and the big pillars, so Boss Gao immediately understood, smiled a little embarrassedly, and immediately nodded and looked around.See if there are hidden surveillance cameras.

However, Brother Xiaosa and Zhang Shaohan are obviously very lucky, because the garage is too small, so there are only two cameras installed at the entrance, and there are no monitors in the other twenty or so parking spaces.

"Let's go, let's go to supper!"

Gao Yan was about to turn around and talk about his discovery, but he saw that Brother Xiaosa was already holding the little hand of Zhang Shaohan who was wearing glasses, and walked in front of him with a very happy expression, smiling and showing a mouthful of white and neat teeth, and said: "It's so late Now, if I don’t leave, I’m afraid I’ll have to go to the snack street to eat Chuan Chuan Xiang.”


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