Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 73: Encountering continuous rain on the road, start learning to create

ps: I don’t know if the lyrics and composition I understand are reliable, um, I hope it’s okay!

Xiangxi, known as the place where corpses are expelled, is covered by dense forests on both sides of the road, and the mountains are steep and rugged. Therefore, when building roads, winding roads can only be used.

This not only increases the cost of road construction, but also lengthens the road mileage. Obviously, the distance between the two mountains is only a few kilometers, but because the winding road is built, the straight-line distance suddenly expands. Dozens of times, it can be said that Wangshan ran to death!

It doesn’t matter if you drive, it’s just a matter of spending some gas money and time, but the key is that a certain person has been out for more than half a month and has traveled at least 1000 kilometers (this is not the straight-line distance on the map, but the distance of the detour ) guy, he is still riding his broken bicycle at this time!

"I'm going crazy!"

When someone can't remember how many times he got off the bike and pushed his broken bike up a mountain, he finally let the bike fall down on the road, and then he didn't care to wipe the sweat from his face. He just sat down on the concrete curb beside the highway with his guitar bag in his ass, and then was full of depression and speechless, thinking about all the experiences he had experienced in the past half month when he left Yuzhou.

Since the day after he and Zhang Shaohan confirmed their relationship, he "sneaked" out of Yuzhou early in the morning. After the city that made him famous and almost made him popular, someone directly killed him on the same day. "escaped" from the main urban area, and then ran desperately for nearly 0 kilometers before the sun set in the afternoon, and finally completed the third small town performance of the day in a small town in Fuling and asked for rewards Task.

Well, if that's the case, it doesn't matter, because everything is normal, and he didn't encounter the scene of autograph signing.However, it was from this day that his troubles came.

First of all, the flood season of the Yangtze River has arrived. At this time of year, it will rain from time to time along the Yangtze River and even near the river basin, and it is still heavy rain and torrential rain.

Brother Xiaosa just checked into a small hotel in the town that night. While complaining about his hand hurting to death, he expressed excitedly that Zhang Shaohan, who has very enthusiastic fans and a lot of reporters, was talking on the phone when he heard the phone call from outside the window. It started to rain heavily, and then it quickly turned into a pouring rain, the kind where you could feel the ground trembling even standing in the house.

It is said that the heavy rain will not last long, and it should be over soon. It won't delay my buddies' departure tomorrow, right?A certain person was talking on the phone with his girlfriend, and at the same time let it rain heavily.

However, his "experience" was wrong, because although the heavy rain does not last long, it can change from heavy rain to moderate rain, and then moderate rain to light rain!

So, when someone got up from the bed the next morning and was about to continue flashing people on time, he was suddenly depressed, because it was still raining outside the house, um, it was the kind that continued, but it didn't get wet all at once. That light rain.

"I hope it will stop soon, right?" Someone began to worry, because every day, he has three towns above the town level that need to perform and reward tasks to do!If it was raining all the time, wouldn't he just have to act in the rain and rush on the road?

It doesn't matter if it's just him in the rain, anyway, it's summer now!But the key point is that the residents of the small town will not watch and give rewards in the rain!Is he not, then, a blind man lighting a lamp--in vain?

Someone's premonition came true very quickly, even though he deliberately waited in the hotel until after 9 o'clock in the morning without rushing, but he still miscalculated.Because God has no intention of harvesting rain at all, the sky is still dark, and the rain keeps falling.

Now there is really no other way, so let's go!

A certain person had no choice but to buy a set of raincoats for motorcycles because he was unlucky, and then set off again on a broken car in the rain during the farewell of the hotel owner.

His luck was not too bad that day, because when he arrived at the first small town, the sky cleared up, so Brother Xiao Sa successfully completed the task of performing in three small towns and asking for rewards , can speed up the journey, and finally arrived at a certain area of ​​Qianjiang directly before the evening, and walked nearly 250 kilometers in one day, which is not bad.

After all, he is walking on roads now!The average speed has exceeded many kilometers per hour. One can imagine how hard he was riding.

There is no way, who knows if tomorrow will still be so lucky, and the rain will stop unexpectedly?

You know, he never thought about the rain before, and now the plan has been disrupted.

Cough cough, probably a good but not a bad spirit!On the second day, his bad luck finally came.

On this day, he didn't go out of the town at all, because there was bad news that the bridge collapsed and the heavy rain didn't stop.

That is to say, from this day on, Brother Xiaosa basically stopped walking. When the weather is barely good, he can walk hundreds of miles a day. When the weather is worst, he can only look at the non-stop heavy rain and ask the sky silently. : "When are you tm going to go down? I really want to fly to the magic capital!"

So, a certain guy has a lot of free time, and he always has to talk affectionately with his girlfriend who was busy during the promotion period for more than half an hour every day.At the same time, his biggest achievement is that he started to follow the system to learn how to compose lyrics and music.

Because of the accidental triggering of the "super task", Brother Xiaosa got the "reward" from the system for the task of "freely using" the training space to train creative ability, so a certain person can't wait to soak in the space every day.

However, the system cannot be so generous, because according to the "system tutor": "Song creation is actually very simple, because it is a way to express your inner feelings, just like speaking, almost everyone can. Therefore, I will not To teach you how to write lyrics and compose music, I will just tell you how to write good lyrics and music. Then, you can try it yourself, even if you continue to stay here, it’s useless.”

Well, in this way, brother Xiaosha's calculations were wrong, because the "system instructor" really said it very simply.

The first is the mood. If you are happy, the words you use will be pleasant, but if you are sad, it will of course be sad and gloomy.As for the melody, if you are in a good mood and excited, the rhythm should be bright and lively, but if you are in a bad mood, such as depression or pain, then the melody will naturally be depressing and heavy.

The second is rhyme, the lyrics must rhyme, at least, you must pay attention to this when writing Mandarin songs, if you don’t rhyme, it’s not conducive to widespread dissemination, because if you don’t rhyme, it means that there are many places where the song changes tunes. Even if it sounds good, it will not be sung by the public.After all, no one can sing!

Of course, it doesn't matter if it's rap or simply English songs, because foreign languages ​​and Chinese are different after all, the difference is too great.

Then there are long and short sentences. A song generally has two ques, that is to say, except for the "**" part, the two preceding paragraphs are basically the same tune, but the lyrics are different.This requires the use of long and short sentences. It is best to have the same number of words, the same rhyme, and even the same paragraphs.

Finally, of course, is the composing. Whether a song is a classic or not is not judged by whether the lyrics are beautiful, and everyone likes songs with beautiful melodies, even if the lyrics are almost the same.And this is to test a person's true level.

First of all, you have to hum the melody yourself, then choose a melody that is more satisfying than beautiful and write it down, and finally match the lyrics to it, which is really difficult.But if it is the other way around, if you write the music first and then add the lyrics, it is actually the same, because good lyrics are really not so easy to write.So it's better to write the lyrics first, and then let the creator hum to find the best melody.

The "system tutor" mainly talked about so much content, well, it is very vivid and specific, and he will also use some examples to illustrate while talking.Then, someone spartan.

Because the system kicked him out all at once, and then said directly: "This lecture has been completed, please try your best to create your first song."

Chuang your sister ah Chuang?

Someone started to curse immediately after realizing it, I just knew a little bit of the principle, and you actually told me to start composing songs right away? Why don't you die?

It's a pity that the system doesn't care about his depression, no matter how loud his voice is, the system doesn't care about him at all.Therefore, a certain emotional guy could only acquiesce to this fact, and began to "create" with hard thinking.


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