Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 74: Now I'm really famous,

ps: Alright, brother Xiaosa is really famous now, and he is the kind that is so famous.It shouldn't be an exaggeration, right?Back then, Super Girl made Du Niang's post bar popular, and brother Xiaosha rose strongly because of it, right?

Songwriting really requires talent, especially if you want to write a good song with beautiful vocabulary and moving melody, then you need talent even more.

On the first day, Brother Xiaosa was full of resentment towards the system, so he began to write all kinds of lyrics mocking the system, such as: There is a bastard in the world, its name is the system, I don’t understand anything, but it thinks writing songs Easy…….

Well, this is indeed a great grievance, because someone actually tried to compose the music, and quickly completed the "creation" of "this song", but, ahem, trying to sing Sometimes, Brother Xiao Sa felt that the melody was not good, and he couldn't express the depression and anger in his heart at all.

So, he continued to compose the music from the beginning, and even played the guitar while looking for the feeling, while humming softly. In the end, he didn't make anything.

The next day was still drizzling, so someone had to stay in this small hotel, thinking hard about how to write a good song, but it was undoubtedly difficult to do this.

It was at this time that his fame could be regarded as "well-known throughout the country", because during the whole day yesterday, at least one national media reported the story of "Wandering Singer Xiao Tang". His "Morning News" and the Tudou video site are hanging on. His three videos are all secretly "working hard", so that a guy who is still scratching his head for writing songs is directly exposed on in front of the people of the country.

"Hey, is this young man really so powerful?"

The old man wearing reading glasses saw a social news in the newspaper titled "God-level imitation detonated Yuzhou, tens of thousands of citizens reveled in passion - the rise of a young wandering singer", and couldn't help reading it with great interest. stand up.

"Fuck, why didn't brother watch it?"

A young man who was watching a new video marked new on the homepage of Tudou, became more and more excited when he watched it. Finally, he punched his fists hard and roared loudly.

That's right, the video he watched was exactly the clip of Brother Xiaosa singing "Superstar" loudly with his guitar in his arms. Probably the recording time was too long, and the recorder was too amateur, so the video was not complete and smooth.

"It's really amazing! How could this guy be a wandering singer? At least he should be a master in the imitation world, right?"

The young man watched all the videos about "Xiao Tang" excitedly, and then couldn't bear the doubts in his heart anymore. He wrote down his comments affirmatively, and then copied and pasted them in every video about "Xiao Tang". The video below is "written" again.

After finishing all this, he also took out his PHS and made a phone call to all the good friends in the address book: "Hey, are you up there? Hurry up and have a look at the Potato Station, a guy named Xiao Tang The video, what, I don’t know the address? I’ll send you the link using Penguin, which will definitely surprise and shock you.”

The young man sent out more than a dozen invitations in a row, and then proudly ran to Tianya, Maopu, Xici and other well-known community forums, pasted and copied a lot of content, then lit a cigarette, and took a few deep puffs comfortably. Mouth: "Good things shouldn't be buried! Just do your part."

In addition to these ordinary people who were "shocked" by the video and news, there are more reporters from major media who are belatedly aware. As far as all the information about this young singer Xiao Tang who is likely to become a "popular man", such as age, education, height, and the most important thing is of course the address of his hometown, as the media, he has an obligation to serve countless citizens who care about this person. Thoughtful!

As a result, the reporters were dispatched one after another, and as a result, all major social networking sites and forums also raised a wide range of questions:

Do you know who the young wandering singer Xiao Tang is?

Do you know the origin of imitating Emperor Xiaotang?

Do you think Xiao Tang is amazing?


At the same time, some independent managers, small record companies, small performing arts commissioning companies... and other individuals and institutions who are very concerned about the entertainment industry are even more interested in this "mysterious little girl" who suddenly became popular and seemed to have fallen from the sky. "Tang" was very concerned, and each of them searched for relationships one after another, inquiring about Brother Xiaosa's origin and whereabouts everywhere.

Then, a young man in a small town in Yuzhou who had watched the live performance of Brother Xiaosa broke the news on a large forum he often went to: "I saw his live performance with my own eyes, just yesterday morning In our small town, when he asked for a reward, he said that he would perform all the way to the magic capital. The route was probably to Changsha first, then to Wuhan, and finally to Nanchang. Anyway, he was performing along the way. reward."

If it's just such a pure revelation, everyone will definitely not believe it. Who knows if you are lying?

However, when this guy posted a fairly clear photo of Brother Xiaosa performing in a small street as evidence, it was immediately reposted by many people, and then countless people who liked to join in the fun reposted it crazily stand up.

Some people even roughly gave Brother Xiaosa's traveling route according to the online map on the spot, and then calculated and calculated, unexpectedly, countless friends worked together to calculate his real whereabouts very quickly.

Now it became lively, because many newspaper reporters and even TV reporters and enthusiastic netizens had already searched along the road, and they really wanted to witness the skill of "Imitation Emperor" for themselves.

Someone obviously doesn't know that he is now a "national celebrity" and will soon face the "baptism" of long guns and sprints, and even the "siege and interception" of many fans who sincerely admire him.He didn't pay that much attention either, because his biggest worry now is how long will he stay in this small town?

Although the "Successor System" did not clearly state how far he must travel in a day, but it is the summer flood season in the Yangtze River Basin. If it rains, it is not impossible for ten days and a half months.So, can he just hope dryly that God can "show his face" and clear the sky?

If the heart is restless, the mind will be restless, and the effect of continuing to create songs is obviously even worse.But there is no way, in this kind of ghostly weather, it is impossible for him to complete the task of performing for rewards!After all, everyone is hiding from the rain, who would stand on the street and listen to his singing and performance?Unless crazy.

"Master of the system, why don't we discuss it, look at this terrible weather, even if I want to perform, I can't help it~"

Brother Xiaosa had no choice but to ask the system for help, hoping that it would have a kind heart attack so that he could go straight on the road.

After about three seconds of silence, the system started up with a "beep", and then I heard it say: "Players, please pay attention, you have attracted the attention of tens of millions of people, and many people along the way are Find your whereabouts. Can you think of any good way to do this?"

"What? You said that now I am followed by tens of millions of people?" A certain man's jaw almost dislocated, and he opened his mouth wide in a daze for a while, then shook his head again and again: "Impossible, isn't it just in Yuzhou? Thousands of people performing? It can't be so powerful!"

That's right, brother Xiaosa always thought that even if he was indeed famous, it was only a little fame, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be such a "perverted" name now!

The attention of tens of millions of people, and the intense attention?Do you think I'm the super girl champion of Mango Channel?It's nothing more than a young man with some unique skills. Why do people pay so much attention to you?

The system was silent for a moment, and then gave the answer: "In the past two days, you have been published in the "Yangcheng Daily", "Southern Metropolis Daily", "West China Metropolis Daily", "Computer News"...etc. The social or entertainment editions of newspapers and periodicals, large and small newspapers total 900 copies, with a direct attention of about 4700 million people (that is, readers who subscribe to these newspapers), and then on Internet portals, social forums, and video stations, your name The total number of direct searches in these two days was [-] million, which should be the indirect influence brought to you by newspapers and TV stations.”

After talking about these specific numbers that made someone dumbfounded, the system continued: "The total number of hits on your three performance videos on Tudou Video Station has exceeded 00 million, and the total number of comments is 110 million. On the entire Chinese-speaking network, various remarks and comments about your nickname "Xiao Tang" have exceeded 500 million times, and the number of people participating in the discussion of your travel route has really increased... Now, are you sure you can't complete the task? ?”

Brother Xiao Sa came back from the shock, took a deep breath and said with bright eyes: "Then am I really a big celebrity now? The exposure and attention of a first-class star?"

"Not only at the level of a first-class star?" The system smiled and said: "At this moment, Liu Dehua and Zhou Jielun do not have as many searches as you, and even your Baidu Post Bar has now established dozens of them, the largest and most popular One of your names is "Imitation Emperor Bar". Now there are nearly [-] members, and the news including your new video address is also listed on the homepage of the post bar. In addition, your encyclopedia has also been edited by good people. If you If you want to see it, I can let you enjoy it directly."

"Fuck, of course I want to watch it, hurry up..."

Brother Xiaosa nodded impatiently, he really didn't know what his own post bar would look like, and he wanted to know how the netizens compiled their own encyclopedia information.


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