Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 84: The embodiment of fame and appeal

A certain entertainer once said such a sentence: The most difficult thing for a star is before becoming famous.Because, even if you are an actor with acting skills, but due to the lack of backstage support, you can only play tricks in the small crew; A bar and nightclub singer who runs the venue.

That's right, the biggest fear of celebrities is not being famous, just like an otaku who writes novels. He writes well, but because he doesn't have a good opportunity, he becomes a god, so life forces him to tj.

The singer is a little bit better, but it is also limited.Before he became famous, no matter how good he sang, at most a small number of people might know him, while others would still not take him seriously.

However, if the singer suddenly became famous and became a "big name", then those who didn't take him seriously before would be willing to turn around and support him, just for an autograph and a group photo.

Well, brother Xiaosa is certainly not as hard-pressed as his predecessors, at least he didn’t go to places like bars and nightclubs, begging others to give him a chance to perform on stage, and he didn’t behave like some seniors who were bar singers , he became addicted to alcohol and tobacco, and his possibly excellent voice became hoarse.

However, he still feels the benefits of "famousness", such as now.

I still remember that when he just left home and first performed in small towns along the road, he needed him to perform several songs slowly in order to attract the few dozens of spectators. What's more, he had to "shamelessly" pursue and beg for dozens of yuan.

But now, when he refused interviews and exclusive interviews from reporters, there were more than 100 people standing on the empty and quiet street, and most of them did not hold umbrellas and wore raincoats. audience.

Watching and listening to the increasingly bustling streets, someone smiled happily in his heart while waiting for the reporters to take back his microphone reluctantly.

Is this the celebrity effect?This is the benefit of being famous, understand?

If he is still an uneducated wandering singer, if he is still an ordinary singer with no reputation but good singing skills, then at this moment, he may have to fight for the next "reward". Continue to have a headache.

But now, he is no longer a wandering singer who has nothing, nothing, he is the famous handsome brother, imitation emperor, and dancing god (netizens exaggerated).

Now, he is a popular celebrity who has published reports on the Internet, TV, and newspapers.

He is the person who was promoted by many "anti-super" camps against "Super Girl".

He is a handsome and all-around brother who is more "brother" than the pure man and real man Chun. His talent is at least a few blocks behind Chun's (this is the opinion of many netizens).

But it is such a "big name", if he suddenly appeared by your side one day, and will soon perform "free" publicly, then, would you be very excited and run out in the rain to watch?

Obviously, this is one of the benefits of being famous, because everyone will no longer doubt your ability, but simply because of excitement and curiosity, so prepare to watch a live performance that is rarely encountered by a "big god".

That's right, standing on the street in the rain, and more and more viewers, they have just heard that a certain "star" who has been very popular on the Internet and newspapers has suddenly come to his small town On, and there is still no ticket money for performances.

Therefore, everyone came immediately, and at the same time they were holding the phone to invite relatives and friends.After all, if you don't inform about such a good and lively event, you will probably be complained about in the future. Anyway, you can still see celebrities without paying, and the big deal is just a few cents for the phone bill.

So, when Brother Xiaosa finally handed back all the microphones in his hand, when many photographers were already holding their cameras, and the cameras were already looking for the best camera position and lens feeling, the originally sparse number of more than 200 people had already disappeared at this time. It has become more than [-], and it is continuing to increase towards the number of [-].

"Before I begin the show, I would like to say a few words."

Although Brother Xiao Sa is very satisfied with his "appeal", but he dare not really continue to wait, because this street is only so big, who knows how crowded it will be if more people come later look?

So, he decided to start acting right away, but the scene still cannot be omitted.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Tang Xiaosa. Everyone usually calls me Xiaotang or Brother Xiaosa. I come from An~ County, Bashu. I passed by Baodi today, just to go all the way to Changsha..."

Brother Xiao Sa still told everyone as usual, and he said his origin and name aloud, so as to avoid many audiences who just watched the show. No one knows, isn't that too embarrassing?

After saying these words, he went on to say: "I set myself a task, that is, to travel no more than three county-level cities every day, and at the same time have to perform several performances in three small towns along the road every day, and then each small town Zhen must at least get a total of [-] yuan in rewards from everyone..."

When Brother Xiao Sa said this, he really saw some agitation in the crowd.After all, everyone would have a slight reaction when they heard the word "asking for money".

Smiling slightly, he said loudly again: "Please pay attention, everyone, what I said is that everyone can give me a total of [-] yuan. Of course, if there are generous friends, you can give more. I will not refuse." .”

"Ha ha……"

Everyone was amused, mainly because he explained the amount of "asked money", which is just a mere yuan. If so many people give one or two yuan each, it will be hundreds of dollars. Who cares?

At first they thought everyone wanted it!In that case, you may have to think about it a little bit.

"Okay, I'm starting to perform now. First of all, I will present my own song "Happy Bachelor" to everyone..."

Brother Xiaosa really didn't dare to procrastinate, because he found that within just one minute of his speech, at least dozens of people were added to the scene. Is this the prelude to being surrounded again?

So, someone quickly took out the guitar from the bag, and also took out a white plastic bag and put it on the ground in front of him.

When the melodious but slightly vicissitudes of the guitar accompaniment sounded, and when someone began to spit out a line of lyrics with a more mellow and more flexible singing voice, the street that was a little noisy just now suddenly became quiet.

"You sang really well. You can speak and breathe very rhythmically, and you can't hear anything inappropriate at all!" Many reporters holding microphones nodded in admiration.

"It's not just his singing skills, right? He also has a lot of energy. Don't you think his voice is very loud? Everyone at the scene can probably hear it!" A reporter added.

Although they had watched all Brother Xiaosa's high-definition videos on the Internet, they had already been mentally prepared for his singing skills.However, when they really heard this absolutely "authentic" singing on the spot, everyone still absolutely admired it.

After all, brother Xiaosa has nothing now, except for an obviously cheap acoustic guitar for accompanying, he doesn't even have a simple microphone and speakers!

But it was this kind of performance that was the most primitive, the most testing of singing skills, and even the humble occasion of testing the voice, but he didn't have the slightest out of tune or out of tune. This is simply a great singer born for the stage, is there any?

Ordinary singers, who of them would dare to play this kind of performance on this occasion?Even if they dare to play, do they dare to sing loudly? Are they afraid of having a sore throat and possibly changing their voice?

But Brother Xiao Sa dared, and even the reporters found that he seemed to be very relaxed, his face didn't turn red and his neck didn't change thick, it didn't look like he was "shouting loudly" at all.

"With this kind of ability, it would be weird if it didn't become popular." Many reporters took notes of this point, and started writing a report immediately after going back.

Brother Xiao Sa didn't know what the reporters were thinking. After he sang "Happy Bachelor", he deliberately picked two old classic songs and sang them in his own voice. The audience of more than 500 people shouted loudly: "Okay, friends, today's performance is over here, and I am about to leave for the next stop. Please pay attention to the order. It is too rainy on the road." Slippery, don't fall down."

"Brother Xiaosa, we want to see your imitation and magic tricks!"

In the crowd, someone yelled, and it was this yell that immediately aroused the interest of everyone on the scene, including the reporters, and everyone shouted: "Imitation, magic, imitation, magic... "

"Damn it, I won't easily imitate anything I say now, otherwise I will really be stereotyped as the god of imitation."

Brother Xiaosa sighed in his heart, dumbfounded, then turned his head while lowering his head to install the guitar.

To be honest, besides imitation, the only things he can do now are magic, dancing and playing musical instruments, but playing musical instruments is obviously unrealistic. Guitars and flutes are too common, and everyone will obviously not be satisfied.And the piano is too expensive, it is impossible for everyone to have it.

And dance?That's a way of performing well that requires accompaniment. In a place like this where the ground is covered with muddy water, he wouldn't dance even with accompaniment, because he didn't want to become more dirty.

So, now he can only perform magic tricks.

"Okay, I'll perform a little magic trick!"

After putting away the things, Brother Xiaosa had no choice but to raise his right arm, and after everyone quieted down, he continued, "But, I have conditions..."

He looked around the hundreds of people who had calmed down, and then pointed to the still empty white plastic bag on the ground: "I hope everyone can be a little more generous. If you think it's wonderful, then just give it a dollar or two."

"Okay!~" At this moment, many people cheered loudly, isn't it just one or two yuan?Do something more?


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