Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1 Spring Dream

This is a pink world: pink walls, pink wardrobes, pink Simmons, pink sheets and bedspreads, pink ambiguous lights...

Chen Yi, who was wearing a pink silk nightgown, stood in front of Ye Ming, with a shy smile on her face, and glanced at him affectionately from time to time, but her plump and slender arms were shyly and uneasily folded on her chest, as if She wanted to try her best to cover up the half-covered white breasts, and seemed to want to soothe her agitated and expectant mood at the moment...

Under the temptation of this piece of pink, Ye Ming only felt dizzy, and his blood rushed straight to the top of his head. He suddenly stretched out his powerful arms, and embraced the goddess in his heart. Amidst the frightened groans, he pressed his lips on her wet and hot red lips abruptly and domineeringly...

Chen Yi in her arms struggled a little, and then began to cater to him tremblingly: her arms were tightly wrapped around his waist, panting slightly, while sticking out her lilac tongue, and Ye Ming's tongue Stirring together, the two began to kiss passionately...

Soon, Ye Ming felt that he had reached the critical point of passion, and he could no longer care about the vow he had made to never offend or desecrate the goddess in his heart. He couldn't wait to hug Chen Yi's hot body, and gently hugged her. He fell down on the pink Simmons bed, and then pressed down with his body...

"Scraping jelly—"

Suddenly there was a long, sharp shouting sound outside the window, pulling Ye Ming from the passion of Chunmeng to the real world.

He opened his eyes in a bewilderment, cursing in his heart the hawker outside who came to the Family Court of the Land Taxation Bureau every noon to sell sha jelly noodles. I want to get Chen Yi's seductive body out of the dream just now, and continue to perform the next passionate scene with myself...

However, the alarm clock on the table beeped untimely again, completely shattering his erotic dreams.

He lazily got up from the bed, turned off the alarm clock, sat on the edge of the bed and lost his mind for a while.

Although the dream just now was absurd, it was so real and so alluring that now he felt that his whole body was weak, and he seemed to be able to smell the intoxicating scent of Chen Yi's body in his nose. It seems that there is still a fresh and fragrant taste in her mouth...

The weather outside is fine.The sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the blinds, painting mottled golden halos on the white walls of the dormitory.

This ray of sunshine made Ye Ming wake up completely, and suddenly he felt guilty: Sister Chen Yi is so dignified and elegant, and she cares so much for herself, and she has a husband, why does she always do this kind of thing? What about the lingering spring dream with her?

Although, many people said that Chen Yi's multi-millionaire husband didn't come home all year round, and often messed around outside.However, Chen Yi never said anything bad about her husband in the bureau, nor did she ever express her unhappy life in front of others.She was always so innocent, so calm, so elegant and dignified, so reserved...

And it was this elegance and restraint that made Ye Ming regard her as a goddess in his mind and as his standard for choosing a spouse, so that he had been working for four years and had three girlfriends. Yee's gap was too big and eventually fell through...

Of course, Ye Ming knew very well: there must be more than one man in the bureau who likes or even secretly loves Chen Yi.

Chen Yi is known as "the number one flower in the local tax system of City K", and she is also the most perfect woman in Ye Ming's mind: her parents are both university professors, so they can be said to be ladies from a famous family.Moreover, she is tall and slender, with white and moist skin, exquisite and beautiful facial features, elegant and dignified temperament, gentle and soft speech, and a mandarin standard comparable to that of a CCTV announcer... From her body, there is a sense of nobility and elegance everywhere. The smell made Ye Ming who was sitting face to face with her often feel ashamed.

According to Ye Ming's observation, Li Li, the top leader in the bureau, has been coveting Chen Yi all the time, and asked Chen Yi to go to his office for a heart-to-heart talk many times in the name of caring.In front of many people, he was filled with righteous indignation and complained for Chen Yi, saying that it was really not worth it for a good girl like her to marry such a man who was bothered and didn't know how to cherish her.

He said too much, and the cadres and workers in the bureau saw a little clue, and they all laughed and talked behind their backs, saying that Director Li was a thief calling for a thief, and that he had several lovers, but he just accused Chen Yi's husband of trying to raise a mistress for nothing more than Wanting to break up Chen Yi's family, he took advantage of the opportunity and turned Chen Yi, the No. [-] flower in the local tax system of City K, into his nth lover...

However, Chen Yi didn't seem to appreciate Li Li's affection. Although she didn't say anything to offend him in front of him, every time she came back from the director's office to talk with him, she would show a trace of sullenness and anger on her face. A look of disdain.Sometimes, Li Li would condescend to visit the office and put aside his bureaucratic airs to chat with her amiably, but she also acted indifferently and did not give Li Li any chance at all.

This made Ye Ming respect Chen Yi even more...

After being lost for a while, Ye Ming jumped out of bed, got dressed, and decided to go to the office to have a look.Although he just came back from the provincial bureau's half-year business training in the morning, and he will report to the bureau tomorrow, but the spring dream at noon disturbed his mind-he now desperately wants to see Sister Chen Yi, who has been parted for half a year, and wants to be with her Let me talk about some anecdotes about my training in the provincial bureau this time, and I want to appreciate her beautiful face, elegant manners, and sweet and reserved smile...

When he walked into the office, Chen Yi might have just woken up from a sleep on the sofa and was stroking the messy hair on her forehead with her hands. When she saw Ye Ming who pushed the door in, her eyes showed a hint of surprise.But this look of surprise was only fleeting, and she quickly recovered her usual reserved and calm face, smiled slightly at Ye Ming, and said lightly: "I'm back!"

Seeing that she was wearing a blue tax uniform today, Ye Ming's full breasts were stretched so proudly by the narrow uniform jacket, he couldn't help but feel turbulent again, the charming scene in his dream just now suddenly appeared again. The brain, the face is also inexplicably red...

Seeing him staring at her obsessively, Chen Yi blushed and looked like a nymphomaniac, she couldn't help but also blushed, and said in a low voice: "Little Yezi, you have been studying in the provincial bureau for half a year, are you studying?" Stupid? My sister is talking to you!"

Ye Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that he had lost his composure, so he smiled embarrassingly, and said sincerely: "Sister Chen, you look so good in uniform!"

Chen Yi smiled and said, "How many times have you said this? You don't think it's disgusting! By the way, you always say that I look good in uniform, but is it because I look ugly in other clothes?"

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "Absolutely not. Sister Chen, you look dignified and beautiful in whatever clothes you wear. It's just that your uniform can better bring out your elegant temperament and beautiful figure."

Chen Yi pursed her lips and smiled, lowered her head shyly to look at a document on the table, and after a long time, raised her head and said to Ye Ming: "The bureau will run for middle-level cadres in a few days, and the competition plan has been released. There should be a great chance this time!"

Ye Ming was surprised: Why didn't Chen Weiping tell himself such an important matter when he was studying at the provincial bureau?I also called him yesterday and told him that I would come back today. Why didn't he mention the job competition on the phone?

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