Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 2 The Stupid Donkey Seduced by Carrots

Chen Weiping is the office director of the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau. He was the one who transferred Ye Ming, who had an outstanding literary talent, from the first sub-bureau to the office to do secretarial work.

In the tax bureau, the general cadres, especially the young cadres, no one is willing to do secretarial work in the office.Because secretarial work is very hard, I often have to write information, summaries, speeches, and experience materials.However, if you manage taxpayers in the branch office, you will be relatively free, and there will always be taxpayers treating you.Even if you are not greedy or possessive, it is still much better than writing materials at the desk in the office...

Therefore, in order to win over and appease Ye Ming at that time, Chen Weiping made a vow to him: as long as you work hard, make the information research work of the county bureau achieve results, and write the summary report materials of the leaders, within three years, you will be guaranteed to let me know. You take the position of the deputy secretary director of the office...

And in the past three years, Ye Ming has indeed made great achievements: the county bureau's information research work has jumped from No. 1 in the city's local tax system to No. 1; provincial and national newspapers, News reports about the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau often appear; various experience materials and tax research articles written by Ye Ming often appear in the internal publications of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau...

Because of this, he won the reputation of "the first pen" in the local tax system of City K, and because he is handsome and handsome, his handsome face is very similar to Hong Kong and Taiwan star Gu Tianle, and he is knowledgeable and eloquent. Together, he is very humorous and happy, and can mobilize the atmosphere, so he also has the nickname "Ye Tianle".

According to the thinking of the general cadres of the Xinleng County Bureau, this time the bureau will promote four middle-level deputy cadres, and the position of the deputy secretary director is definitely Ye Ming. No one can compete with him, and no one has the strength to compete with him— —Because not everyone can do secretarial work well, you must have goods in your stomach.

Therefore, when Ye Ming heard Chen Yi say that the bureau had already issued a competition plan, and that he, the popular candidate for the deputy director of the secretarial department, had no knowledge of it, he seemed so surprised, so unexpected...

Obviously: Chen Weiping deliberately did not disclose this news to himself.And he is the secretary of the party group of the bureau, the confidant and henchman of Li Li, the director of the bureau, which means: Li Li already has another candidate for the deputy director of the secretary.This time, I was arranged to study at the provincial bureau for half a year. In fact, it was a plan to keep myself away from the work unit and the secretarial position.When I come back from studying, everything is a foregone conclusion, and no matter how big my opinion is, there is nothing I can do.

However, neither Li Li nor Chen Weiping expected that because the provincial bureau's internal hotel "Huahui Building" was going to hold a national tax work conference, in order to make room for it, Ye Ming and his training class ended more than ten days earlier... …

After figuring this out, Ye Ming's face turned extremely ugly because of the humiliation of being fooled and bullied: he didn't really want to be the deputy director of secretarial affairs.However, for so many years, Chen Weiping has been hypocritically encouraging himself, saying that he has mentioned it to Director Li many times, and this time he must be allowed to take the position of deputy director of the secretary.And Li Li has repeatedly said that he is a great talent in the Xinleng County Bureau, a rare reserve talent, and he must be reused...

Unexpectedly, behind their swearing promises, there is such a sinister intention: use false promises to mobilize their enthusiasm, engage in the information research work of the county bureau, and then when they really want to promote people, they will kick them out again. Kick yourself away.And now that I am already in the position of secretary, it is very difficult to transfer to other departments...

This reminded Ye Ming of the famous story about a donkey and a carrot: Westerners drive a donkey, and when the donkey refuses to leave and the whip is useless, they hang a bunch of carrots in front of the donkey’s eyes and on the lips.This stupid donkey thought that as long as he took a step forward, the carrot would reach his mouth, so he continued to move forward step by step. The more he wanted to bite his mouth, the more he would move his feet, and he walked another stop unconsciously.At that time, whether it can eat this bunch of radishes depends on the donkey driver's happiness...

Unfortunately: I have become such a stupid donkey in the past few years.And Li Li and Chen Weiping are just two donkey drivers who fooled themselves...

When Chen Yi heard Ye Ming say that he didn't know about the job competition in the bureau, she was also very surprised, and hurriedly said: "Then you have to prepare quickly! This competition will have an exam first, the content and scope of the exam It has also been set, tax business knowledge accounts for 70.00%, other comprehensive knowledge and writing only account for 30.00%. You have not been engaged in tax business work for many years, and tax policies and regulations must be relatively unfamiliar. You should review and prepare for the exam!"

Ye Ming asked: "Has the job competition plan been issued? Is it in the document processing system?"

"No, I haven't had time to forward it yet. Why don't you use my identity to enter the document processing system to take a look at the document!"

Chen Yi is in charge of files and official document processing in the office, and all documents in the bureau must be forwarded through her before they can be received by the bureau's various units.

Ye Ming hesitated and said, "Is this appropriate? Your identity involves some confidential documents, so I won't be able to enter them!"

"What secrets does the tax bureau have? It's not the National Security Agency. Just use my identity to see it: the identity number is 0108, and the password is 024689690926."

Seeing the concerned expression in her eyes, Ye Ming knew that she was really worried and anxious for him, so he smiled gratefully at her, sat in front of his computer, opened it, and entered the document processing system as Chen Yi , After carefully reading the competition plan that had been issued but not yet forwarded, I couldn't help but feel more and more annoyed: this competition is based on qualification review, qualified applicants apply for the job, business examination, cadres and workers ** evaluation, party group inspection If I don't come back from the provincial bureau in advance, I will no longer be eligible to participate in the competition after the registration period is over in two days.

It can be seen from this: my guess is correct, Li Li and the others just want to finish this job competition while they are still studying at the provincial bureau...

At this moment, Chen Weiping, the director of the office, opened the door and walked in. When he saw Ye Ming, he forced a smile on his face and said, "Xiao Ye is back? I just have something to tell you. When I was on the phone with you yesterday I forgot: in a few days, there will be a competition for middle-level deputies in the Bureau, so you should prepare well, go back and read more business books, and prepare to take the competition exam."

Ye Ming stared at his chubby round face, wishing to punch his sleek, oily face into a rotten persimmon.

"Director Chen, if I hadn't come back early today, wouldn't the bureau have notified me to come back to participate in the competition?"

Ye Ming asked coldly.

Chen Weiping sternly said, "Xiao Ye, don't judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. You are a cadre who meets the qualifications for competition. Even if you are studying in the provincial bureau, the party group of the bureau will notify you in time to come back to participate in the competition Yes. Besides, I have recommended you to Director Li many times, why do you have such an idea?"

After saying this, he ignored Ye Ming, turned his head to Chen Yi, and immediately put on a flattering smile like magic, and said softly: "Chen Yi, Director Li asked me Go to his office, I have something very important to talk to you about."

Chen Yi glanced at Ye Ming, whose face was flushed with anger, with a trace of sympathy and worry on his face, and asked Chen Weiping very coldly: "Director Chen, I am just an ordinary cadre, what important matter does Director Li want to discuss with me?" Talk? If he has a job for me to do, you can just arrange it, there is no need to go to his office to talk!"

Chen Weiping didn't care about her indifference, and continued to say with a smile: "This conversation is about your participation in the job competition, which is definitely a good thing. Let's go, Director Li is waiting for you!"

As he said that, he dragged Chen Yi to the director's room on the fourth floor involuntarily.

When Ye Ming heard that Li Li was going to talk to Chen Yi about competing for a job, he was startled again. After careful consideration, he suddenly understood: In order to please Chen Yi, Li Li was going to give her the position of deputy secretary director of the office. Use this routine of sealing an official and making a wish to trap her heart, and let her be his mistress willingly—according to people who know Li Li, when he was the director of the Gaoxin Branch, he used this routine to make a beautiful girl in the branch. The cadre got it.

And now, he called Chen Yi to his office, he must have started to make a wish with her...

Thinking of this, Ye Ming's heart ached: Is it possible that this reserved and noble-looking sister Chen Yi, a goddess who is not tainted with vulgarity in her heart, is also a vulgar philistine woman in essence?Otherwise, why didn't she call herself to mention the job competition when she was studying in the provincial bureau?Why didn't she sternly reject Li Li's explicit teasing and hints?

Could it be that she already knew that Li Li was going to leave her the position of deputy secretary director?

At this time, Ye Ming suddenly remembered Chen Yi's usual suspicious and weird behaviors: several times, he opened the door of the office to enter, and Chen Yi, who was typing on the computer, suddenly looked up and looked at him as if frightened. Looking at him, his face was flushed, his expression flustered, and he quickly closed the computer page.

Intuition: Chen Yi is writing something in her QQ space, and the content should be something she regards as highly confidential, so when Ye Ming came in, she seemed so flustered.

So, is the content in this space diary related to Li Li?Is it related to Li Li's promise to her?

If this is the case, then the intimacy and concern she usually shows for herself is purely a show and cover-up, and her city mansion is too deep...

Thinking of this, Ye Ming only felt a pang of sadness in his heart, and turned his computer to the outside, ready to log on to his QQ account, chat with a few good friends, and relieve his depressed mood.

When logging in, he suddenly registered Chen Yi's QQ number by accident, and tried to log in with the password of the document processing system that Chen Yi told him just now, but the login was actually successful.

When he was about to enter Chen Yi's QQ space, he hesitated for a moment, thinking that this seemed a bit immoral.But the curiosity to know the truth overcame his inner moral sense. After a moment of hesitation, he opened Chen Yi's QQ space with trembling hands...

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