Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 3 The Truth

Before Ye Ming's mother died, she told him that the camphor wood box in her bedroom was a relic she left to Ye Ming's father, and it was locked with a lock.After she passed away, this box should not be burned, but should be kept forever.If one day Ye Ming and his father have a chance to recognize each other, then this box will be handed over to his father; if Ye Ming has not found his father, then this box will never be opened, and Ye Ming is not allowed to go. See what's inside.

Ye Ming is a dutiful son, he never dared to disobey his mother's words.What's more, this is my mother's last words.Therefore, although his mother gave him the key to the camphor wood box before his death, he has always followed his mother's last instruction, never opened the box, and never checked what was in the box.

But now, when Ye Ming realizes that the mystery of his life experience is likely to be solved, his biological father is likely to be Secretary Lu, and he cannot directly investigate and inquire, he naturally thinks of this animal. Camphor box.

Since it is the most important relic of his mother, Ye Ming keeps this camphor wood box with him all the time. No matter where he moves, he will bring the box to the place where he lives for safekeeping.So, the box is now in his single dormitory.

After thinking that this box might solve all his doubts, he jumped up from the office chair and quickly ran back to the dormitory, dragging the antique camphor wood box from a corner of the bedroom. When he came out, he unlocked the box with trembling hands, lifted the lid and saw that there were two or three hundred letters neatly placed in the box.On top of the large stack of letters was an exquisite diary.Other than that, nothing else.

Ye Ming looked at the large stack of letters, and couldn't help but shed tears like raindrops: Obviously, these letters were written by his mother to his father but not sent out after being separated from his father for more than 20 years. A way of missing and caring for my father.She clearly knew that these letters could not be sent to her father, but she insisted on writing so many letters, which shows how much her mother missed her father.However, in Ye Ming's impression, her mother never confided her deep thoughts of her father to herself, but buried it deeply in the most secret place of her heart, only occasionally through this kind of writing. Express your heart in a letter.

And the diary on the letter must have been written by the mother for the father, and it is to record her usual feelings of missing and caring for her father.Although this diary is not written every day, as long as there are thoughts and feelings, mother will record them down, hoping that father will be able to read this diary one day and feel her deep affection for him...

Because he was not sure whether Secretary Lu was his biological father, Ye Ming still didn't dare to read his mother's diary.So, while weeping, he gently picked up the diary, put it aside, picked up an unsealed letter, glanced at the envelope, suddenly his body trembled, and his eyes widened instantly A: I saw that in the middle of the envelope it was written: "Lu Zhiyao (Yuan) kisses you".Beyond those few words, there was no information: no address, no return address, no postage stamp.

Although Ye Ming already felt that Secretary Lu was his biological father, when he saw with his own eyes that Secretary Lu’s name really appeared on the unsent envelopes from his mother, Ye Ming still felt extremely shocked. A little annoyed and puzzled: Secretary Lu should have known about his blood relationship with him a long time ago, why did he keep hiding it from himself?Why didn't you tell yourself earlier?Could it be that he is still afraid that he will cause him some trouble?Do you still think that your own son may affect his career promotion?

Thinking of this, a sense of resentment welled up in his heart: for so many years, his mother had worked hard to raise him, had no complaints about the father who abandoned their mother and child, and lived in that rural middle school in obscurity.However, even though his father knew that he was his son, he still didn't want to recognize him as his son. He was only thinking about his own career, for fear that he would affect his promotion. How could he be worthy of making such a big sacrifice for him? Mother?

After staring at the envelope for a few minutes, Ye Ming picked up the diary again, opened it, and saw a group photo posted on the title page of the diary. It was taken in a state-run photo studio in the 80s and [-]s: the background is a landscape painting with rough lines and mottled oil paint, and my mother and a man in his thirties are standing in front of the painting, holding hands, with their heads sideways Together, the smiles on the faces are a bit stiff and unnatural.Although the image of that man was very different from the current Secretary Lu, Ye Ming still recognized him at a glance.

Judging from the group photo, Lu Zhiyao was probably in his early thirties at the time, tall and thin, with a well-defined face, and vigorous youthful eyes in his eyes; while his mother was about 20 years old, holding Lu Zhiyao tightly with her right hand The big bony palm seemed a little nervous and apprehensive.At the bottom of the group photo is a line of printed words: "Photographed by Lu Yuan and Zhao Han on May 19, 5xx"...

Below this group photo is a line of beautiful pen characters written by my mother: "Forever Love".This line of words should be the theme of this diary.

After seeing this photo and his mother's handwriting, Ye Ming burst into tears again...

After that, Ye Ming sat blankly in the dormitory for nearly two hours.During these two hours, he neither read those letters nor read those diaries of his mother, but kept crying silently, falling into deep thoughts of his mother...

Until almost five o'clock, Ye Ming's cell phone rang suddenly.He picked up the phone emotionlessly and looked at the caller ID, but it was Chen Mengqi who called.

Ye Ming quickly pressed the answer button, only to hear Chen Mengqi crying and shouting inside: "Brother Ye, something big happened here. Now many investors who raised funds in our company have flocked to the company's finance department, demanding to withdraw their funds in advance." Fundraising. Because the company is currently short of cash and cannot meet all their withdrawal requirements, many customers have lost control of their emotions and have begun to smash the company's office space, and some people have begun to rob the company's valuable office supplies. Now, there are still people who are continuously People from the security department can no longer control the situation as they flood into the company from outside. Brother Ye, what should we do now!"

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