Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1006 The ulterior purpose

When Ye Ming heard Hu Deqing's question, which was a bit out of line, he couldn't help but feel a little funny: the leader of the inspection office decided to take up the actual position of the main department, and changed from the general department to the first inspection department. What thoughts and opinions do you have? ?

However, Ye Ming also knew that this was Hu Deqing trying to curry favor with him, so he replied seriously: "Director Hu, thank you for your concern for me, and thank you for the trust in me from the leadership team of the inspection office. I asked for I came to the Inspection Office of the Provincial Party Committee to learn more business, participate in more inspections, and improve my comprehensive ability. Therefore, I am very happy and honored to be able to serve in the first inspection department. In the new position In terms of work, I must master basic supervision skills as soon as possible, learn more from veteran comrades and supervision experts, and strive to adapt to the new role as soon as possible and achieve excellent results."

Ye Ming didn't like empty words, stereotypes, or lies at first, but he also knew: When your superior comes to tell you that he will give you a new position and promote you, such stereotypes to express determination are necessary There are few procedures, and it is also the basic routine to express your gratitude to your superiors.So, although he was very disgusted with this set, he knew it had to be said again.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Ming's words of determination, Hu Deqing patted him on the shoulder happily and said: "Mr. Ye, I didn't know you very well before, so there is a little bit of trouble between us." Unpleasant, I hope you don’t take it to heart. In the future, I will always pay attention to your work situation, and you can come to me directly if you have any questions. In our free time, we can also go to eat, drink tea, or Sing and sing, don't see outsiders, okay?"

Ye Ming nodded quickly.

Hu Deqing rubbed his palms with satisfaction, and said: "Just now I also mentioned it at the team meeting. Tomorrow, our inspection room will hold a grand welcome meeting for you. All cadres above the deputy department level in the room will participate. It just so happens that you Tomorrow, the appointment documents can be officially issued, and we will go to the Furong Hotel to have another meal in the evening, and we will exchange feelings. Ha ha!"

In the morning of the next day, nearly twenty cadres above the deputy department level held a meeting in the conference room to welcome Comrade Ye Ming to work in the inspection room.At the meeting, Hu Deqing also read out the document appointing Ye Ming as the Chief of the First Section of Inspectorate and expressed his warm congratulations to him.

When he went to work at 02:30 in the afternoon, Hu Deqing personally accompanied Ye Ming to report to the first division of the inspector, introduced Ye Ming to all the cadres and workers of the first division, and made an impromptu speech, making a comparison with Ye Ming Nasty flattery, and then asked the cadres and employees of the first inspection section to consciously obey the leadership of Comrade Ye Ming, and the two deputy section chiefs should fully cooperate with Section Chief Ye's work, and strive to make the work of the first inspection section better and more outstanding.

In the evening, all the middle-level cadres in the inspection room came to the Furong Hotel, had a drink, and congratulated Ye Ming again.

For the next half month, Ye Ming stayed next to the computer in the office almost every day, carefully reading the "Supervisory Bulletin", "Supervisory Report" and various supervision summaries and experience materials for the past two years. Generally grasp the main points and key points of the current supervision and inspection.

At the same time, he humbly asked the two deputy chiefs of the first department for advice, learned basic supervision methods and skills from them, understood the knowledge needed for supervision work, and mastered some basic skills.

At the same time, according to the inspection plan that the inspection office reported to Secretary Li for review last time, the inspection office held several business backbone meetings to discuss how to carry out special inspections on some counties and urban areas where illegal fund-raising is serious.

According to the requirements of the inspection plan, in early May, the four inspection teams of the inspection office of the Provincial Party Committee will go to four places where illegal fund-raising is very serious to conduct investigations and find out whether the crackdown on illegal fund-raising in these places has been effective , the implementation of the spirit of the provincial party committee is not thorough, and there are still hidden and leftover problems.

When the members of the investigation team were established, a dramatic scene occurred: According to the general situation, Hu Deqing, as the deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Office and the head of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office, should sit at home in such a special operation. Commanding.The four inspection teams can be led by Li Qingbo, Jiang Qinghua, Commissioner Huo, and Commissioner Su respectively, and there is no need for him, the top leader, to do it himself.

However, at the meeting where the investigation team was established, Hu Deqing suddenly proposed that he would personally lead an inspection team to Huangyuan County, where the illegal fundraising disaster was the worst, to understand the situation there and urge the local party committee and government to rectify it as soon as possible.During the ten days when he went down, Deputy Director Li Qingbo presided over the inspection room. If you have anything to do, you can report to Director Li.

At that time, everyone was puzzled by his decision: because in the past, Hu Deqing never personally participated in various special supervision operations that were both troublesome and easy to offend. Chashi is in command and rarely leads the team down.Moreover, he has also expressed his point of view: he is now mainly the deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Office, and the director of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office is only a part-time job.Therefore, he does not participate in the specific business work, but only plays a leading, coordinating, and organizing role. For the rest of the specific work, Director Li, Director Jiang, Commissioner Huo and Commissioner Su are asked to do more.

But this time, this special inspection operation to crack down on illegal fund-raising is obviously the hardest nut to crack, and it is easy to offend people after going down. Why did Hu Deqing insist on bringing a group down again uncharacteristically?

This question was not solved until Li Qingbo and others determined the deputy leader and members of each group.

After the team leader of each investigation team was determined, Hu Deqing, as the team leader, began to personally order, and clearly proposed that Ye Ming be the deputy team leader of the investigation team.

As soon as this remark came out, Li Qingbo understood: No wonder Hu Deqing rushed to lead the team to Huangyuan County today. It turned out that he wanted Ye Ming to join his team as his assistant.Then, he used the investigation team's more than ten days in Huangyuan County to win over and get close to Ye Ming, introducing him as a confidant, and using Ye Ming's close relationship with Xu Lizhong to draw closer his relationship with Xu Lizhong and even Secretary Lu ...

In fact, Li Qingbo's guess was only half right: Hu Deqing had taken a fancy to the relationship between Ye Ming and Secretary Li, and wanted to use Ye Ming to get close to Secretary Li.As for the relationship between Ye Ming and Secretary Li, only Hu Deqing in the entire inspection room knew about it, and he didn't want to tell anyone, lest other people also try to get close to Ye Ming.

Moreover, the reason why Hu Deqing wanted to personally lead the team to Huangyuan this time was not only to use this opportunity to get closer to Ye Ming, but also had another ulterior purpose.For this purpose, he must go down in person, and must not let other people lead the team to conduct inspections...

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