Li Qingbo actually had the same thoughts as Hu Deqing, and wanted to use this opportunity to investigate, get closer to Ye Ming, try to form an alliance with him, and then use him to get acquainted with Xu Lizhong, paving the way for his future promotion.

However, he didn't expect that Hu Deqing stepped in and offered to be the team leader of the investigation team, and pulled Ye Ming into his team as the deputy team leader.And I am in charge of the general department, finance department and logistics work in the inspection room, and I don't care about the business.Hu Deqing didn't let him go down to investigate, and it was impossible for him to fight with him.Therefore, although he had an opinion in his heart, he couldn't express it, so he kept silent.However, from this moment on, he had the idea of ​​alienating Hu Deqing in his heart...

After the group meeting was held, Hu Deqing immediately called Ye Ming to his office, and told him with a smile: In early May, he will personally lead an investigation team to Huangyuan County to investigate the local party committee and government's crackdown on illegal fund-raising. After the investigation, he has confirmed that Ye Ming will be the deputy team leader of the investigation team, who will be responsible for various transactional tasks of the investigation.Then, he asked Ye Ming if he had any good ideas and suggestions for the steps of this investigation?

Ye Ming had heard from Secretary Li and Secretary Lu that he hoped that after entering the inspection office of the Provincial Party Committee, he would be able to go down to the hardest-hit areas for illegal fund-raising to carry out inspection work during the special inspection operation against illegal fund-raising that started in May. , strive to make excellent results.Therefore, after he was transferred to the Chief of the First Supervision Section, he began to think about how to prepare for the inspection while studying the business, and how to obtain Valuable clues and information enable one's own supervision work to be carried out in a targeted and orderly manner, so as not to fall into blindness and passivity.

Once, when Ye Ming was reading a supervisory report on the work of letters and visits, he suddenly had an idea and came up with a good idea: Back then Secretary Lu and Secretary Li said that those counties and cities with illegal fund-raising phenomenon, the reason It is necessary to strike hard and clean up because many investment companies squandered the funds raised by investors. As a result, they failed to pay the interest and principal of the fund-raisers on schedule, causing many fund-raisers to go bankrupt and causing social unrest.Many investors who raised a large amount of funds but could not get back their principal and interest began to petition everywhere, calling for grievances everywhere, and many of them became "veteran petitioners."

Therefore, if I want to understand the status quo of illegal fundraising in Huangyuan County, I can go to the Provincial Letters and Calls Bureau, check the visit registration book of the Letters and Calls Bureau, and see if there are any petitioners in Huangyuan County who cannot get their money back because of participating in fundraising. What are the names.As long as you get this list of petitioners, when you go to Huangyuan County to investigate next time, you can go to these people who participated in fund-raising according to the names and addresses on the list to investigate, and you can easily learn some basic information about illegal fund-raising in this county. ...

So, when Hu Deqing asked if he had any ideas and suggestions, Ye Ming excitedly told him his thoughts.

After hearing his idea, Hu Deqing was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment with his eyes puffed out, then nodded and said: "Okay, this idea is very good! Section Chief Ye, you young people are still open-minded and responsive! This method of going to the Letters and Calls Bureau to learn about illegal fund-raising petitioners can indeed make our preparations more adequate and the investigation more purposeful. I agree with your idea!"

Seeing that Hu Deqing agreed with his idea, Ye Ming was very happy, so he couldn't wait to say: "Director Hu, then I will go to the Letters and Calls Bureau in the afternoon to find out if there are any petitioners involved in illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County. If so, I will Record their detailed information. In this way, when we go to investigate, we can talk to them one by one based on this information, and ask about the current situation of local illegal fund-raising and existing contradictions and problems, so that the investigation can be carried out Avoid blindness. And, I recommend that other groups take this approach."

After hearing Ye Ming's words, Hu Deqing remained silent for a while, half-closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, he thoughtfully said to Ye Ming: "Chief Ye, don't worry. You go to the Letters and Calls Bureau to check the Letters and Calls Register. Contact and communicate with their leaders. Fortunately, our inspection room has business contacts with the Letters and Calls Bureau, and we often cooperate with each other. Moreover, I am also a good friend with Deputy Director Zhu of the Provincial Letters and Calls Bureau who is in charge of receiving interviews. Therefore, I In the afternoon, first contact Deputy Director Zhu, and ask him to coordinate with the department in charge of petition registration, so that they can cooperate with your work. Then, you can go to the general department to write a letter of introduction, and then go to the Petition Bureau tomorrow morning, okay? ? As for whether other groups should adopt the same method, it depends on how well you go to the Letters and Calls Bureau this time, let’s talk about it at that time!”

Ye Ming heard that what Hu Deqing said made sense, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go to the Provincial Bureau of Letters and Calls tomorrow."

At 08:30 the next morning, Ye Ming drove to the Provincial Bureau of Letters and Calls with a letter of introduction from the inspection office in his arms, and found Deputy Director Zhu's office on the sixth floor.

Before Ye Ming came to the Letters and Visits Bureau, Hu Deqing made a phone call to Deputy Director Zhu.Therefore, after Ye Ming knocked on the door and entered, Deputy Director Zhu shook hands with him warmly, and then took him to the "Interview Office" on the first floor. Section Chief Ye of the First Section of the Inspection Office came here to find out if there are any people in Huangyuan County who have petitioned for participating in illegal fund-raising, and asked him to show Comrade Ye Ming the registration of petitions in Huangyuan County for a period of time.

The director seemed to have known that Ye Ming was coming. After shaking hands with Ye Ming, he called the reference room and asked them to bring the Huangyuan county visitor registration book.

Soon, a data clerk brought a long notebook into the director's room.Ye Ming took a look at the cover, and suddenly had a question: This registration book looks very new, as if it has just been opened.And what he asked was to see the registration book for two years. If this book has been registered for two years, it is too new.

So, he opened the registration book and looked at the items registered on it, and the time was registered from last year.However, the number of petitions registered in Huangyuan County is very small, only three in the past two years, and none of them was related to illegal fundraising.

After reviewing the three petition cases repeatedly, Ye Ming closed the registration book and asked the data clerk, "May I ask if the records of Huangyuan County's interviews in the past two years are all in this book?"

The data officer glanced at their chief, nodded hesitantly and said, "That's right, it's all here."

Seeing that the data officer's tone of answer was very uncertain, Ye Ming suddenly had doubts in his heart.

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