According to Ye Ming's conjecture, there must be many investment companies in places like Huangyuan County where the phenomenon of illegal fund-raising is particularly serious, because the overall economic situation has declined, the prices of coal and other mineral resources have continued to fall, the stock market and futures markets have continued to slump, and the real estate industry Due to the difficulty of returning funds and other reasons, serious losses occur, and it is difficult to pay high interest, so they may go bankrupt, or the boss of the investment company absconds with donations, causing many fund-raising households to come to the province to petition, asking the government to intervene and recover their hard-earned money .

Therefore, as long as I find the petition registration book of Huangyuan County at the Letters and Calls Bureau, it will definitely record the basic information of the petitioner, the reason for the petition, the method of handling, etc. in detail.If you copy this information back, you can go to Huangyuan County to find those petitioners who participated in illegal fund-raising, investigate with them the basic situation of illegal fund-raising in the county, and find out whether the local party committee and government have any measures to combat illegal fund-raising. It can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Unexpectedly, the registration book produced by the Letters and Calls Bureau today does not contain a record of petitions by illegal fundraisers.Could it be that the Huangyuan County Party Committee and County Government really did such a good job, completely solving the problem of illegal fund-raising within the past two years, so that now there is no one who petitions because they want to return the raised funds?

Obviously, this is impossible.Because Ye Ming heard what Secretary Li said last year: Huangyuan County is a hard-hit area for illegal fund-raising. From June to September last year alone, dozens of people went to the Provincial Letters and Calls Bureau to petition, and even gathered at the gate of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government to cry for grievances. , asking the provincial party committee and the provincial government to put pressure on the local party committee and government to organize the judicial department to arrest some investment company bosses who absconded with money as soon as possible and get their hard-earned money back.It was precisely because Secretary Li had said about these petitions at that time that Ye Ming was deeply impressed by the illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County.

But now, the Provincial Letters and Calls Bureau's registration book does not contain any information about petitions by illegal fund-raising households in Huangyuan County. Isn't this the devil?

At this point, Ye Ming deduced: The register book he saw today should be a fake, and it was made up temporarily to deal with him.It is very likely that Director Hu and Director Zhu called yesterday and said that after he wanted to check the register of complaints and visits, the deputy director surnamed Zhu instructed the people at the receiving work office to activate a new register, and then Three pieces of information unrelated to illegal fund-raising were extracted from the old notebook and registered to fool myself.

But why would they do this?What is its purpose?Why did they hide this information for Huangyuan County?

Although, Ye Ming was full of doubts about the petition register in front of him.However, this is another unit after all, and the deputy director of the Letters and Calls Bureau and the director of the reception department, who are much more official than myself, are present, so it is not easy to question them if I have any doubts.

Therefore, after reading through the interview registrations calmly, he did not ask any questions, handed the registration book to the data clerk, smiled, and said to Deputy Director Zhu and the director: "Thank you both. A leader, I already know the situation in Huangyuan County. However, before I came, the deputy team leaders of our two other investigation teams entrusted me to show them the registration of visitors in Zinan City and Huangling County. Are there any people in the two counties and cities who have petitioned for participating in illegal fund-raising. Therefore, I would like to trouble the two leaders to show me the registration books of the two counties and cities.”

Ye Ming's request was just a brainstorm he came up with. The purpose was to see what the registration books of the two counties and cities looked like, and at the same time, he also wanted to see if there were any illegal fund-raising accounts in the two registration books. Records of visits.Through such a comparison, we can know that the registration book in Huangyuan County is not falsified.

When Deputy Director Zhu and the director heard Ye Ming's request, they were stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

After pondering for a while, Deputy Director Zhu said: "Section Chief Ye, I'm really sorry. Director Hu called me yesterday and only said that you want to borrow the registration book of Huangyuan County. Local. And you should also know about our complaint reception registration, which is within the scope of confidentiality. The basic information of all petitioners, the reason for petitioning, etc., are not allowed to be known to unrelated people unless there are special circumstances. You have to see Huang We have already made an exception for the visitor registration book in Yuan County, and it would be bad if we had to look at other counties and cities!"

Ye Ming smiled and said: "Director Zhu, our Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office and the Provincial Letters and Calls Bureau are brother units with overlapping business. Some information should be exchanged and shared with each other, right? Since it is information sharing, I would like to Take a look at the registration books of Zinan City and Huangling County, it should not be too much! Besides, I am also the chief of the first inspection section of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office, so I still know the basic principle of confidentiality. We learned from you The basic information of the petitioners obtained here will never be leaked to the outside world, the two leaders should believe this! Or, how about asking Director Zhu to make another call to Director Hu and communicate with him?"

Deputy Director Zhu listened to what he said, and he was completely reasonable, so he couldn't refuse him any more.So, he nodded, picked up his mobile phone and went outside, called Hu Deqing, told him Ye Ming's request in a low voice, and asked him if he would like to show Ye Ming the registration books of the other two counties and cities .

Hu Deqing thought about it on the other end of the phone, and said helplessly, "Old Zhu, just show him! Let me tell you: we can't afford to offend this young man surnamed Ye, and he has a deep background! You If he resolutely rejects him, it will arouse his suspicion. If he becomes suspicious, he must read the real interview records of Huangyuan County, and we will be passive instead! Don’t worry, even if he has any doubts about the problem in Huangyuan County , and I’m sitting in town there! I’m his superior and the leader of the investigation team. When the time comes, I’ll do whatever I say to investigate, but he can’t do anything about it.

But, I have to remind you: Secretary Chen in Huangyuan County, you have to go and say hello to him, and ask him to implement the decision of the provincial party committee and severely crack down on illegal fund-raising in his county before our investigation team goes down. The materials should be made more detailed and beautiful, and should be coherent and logical, without any obvious loopholes.Don't underestimate this young man surnamed Ye, he is very shrewd and capable, and he was born in secretarial work.If there is any logical error in the data of Huangyuan County, I think Ye Ming can also see it.Therefore, on this matter, you must tell Secretary Chen to pay great attention to it! "

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