Ye Ming already had a general understanding of Cai Heshun's character from Wu Lijiao's narrative, and felt that with his experience, character, and ability, he should not choose to commit suicide because he was locked up in a detention center.Perhaps, Wu Lijiao said that he was murdered, so there is such a possibility.

So, after pondering for a moment, Ye Ming asked again: "Sister Wu, do you know who are the leaders of the county party committee who have put money in your company? What positions do they hold? What are their names?"

Wu Lijiao shook her head and said, "Chief Ye, you don't know my husband's character. He is very cautious and reliable, and he is very loyal and trustworthy to his friends. At that time, he had a good relationship with almost all the leaders of the county party committee. Moreover, there are a few leaders who have helped him, and he has always regarded them as friends. Therefore, the names and amounts of those leaders who put money in the company, except for him and his brother and assistant Liu Xian know , even my wife, he didn't dare to tell me, because he was worried that I was a woman, and I would inevitably talk about those leaders. So, until he was arrested and sent to the detention center, I didn't know the county party committee Who exactly put money in the company.

"Besides, when he couldn't withstand the persuasion of those corrupt officials and started to switch to an investment company, he probably had a premonition of the risks in this business, and he also had a premonition that if something happened to him, it might affect me and our children. Therefore, he almost He told me once again that I must never interfere with the company's affairs, let alone meddle in the company's management, just do housework at home and take care of the children. His purpose of doing this is to consider that if the company goes out of business in the future I don’t need to be involved in anything. Therefore, he never told me about the company’s financing and operation. I only learned about many things from the mouths of other company employees.

"However, what I can be sure of is that Zhou Bihui, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the County Party Committee, put money in our company. Because his wife knows me very well, once she asked me to wash my hair, and whispered that her old man Zhou put 500 million yuan in our company in the name of his niece, and the monthly interest is [-] cents. She asked me if I could talk to my husband and increase the interest on their money to [-] cents a month. The reason why she told me this was because she didn't know the situation in my family, and thought that I was also involved in the management of the company. Except for this Zhou Bihui, I really don't know who they are, and I don't know who they are. I really don't know their identities."

Ye Ming nodded, frowned and thought for a moment, then asked: "Sister Wu, I would like to know the list of county party leaders who raised funds in your company, the amount they raised and how much interest they got in total. If you can give If I provide this information, I will have a way to avenge you and your husband."

Wu Lijiao thought for a while, and replied with some hesitation: "Chief Ye, I believe in your words, and I believe in you. However, apart from Zhou Bihui, I really don't know which other leaders of the county party committee are in our company. Rest. And even with Zhou Bihui, I only heard his wife mention it, and I don't have any evidence. But—”

Speaking of this, she seemed to hesitate a little, and didn't say anything further for a long time.

Ye Ming asked urgently, "But what? Is there anyone else who understands and grasps all the inside information about the rest of those leaders?"

Wu Lijiao nodded and said: "I'm not sure. However, I heard my husband said before he was arrested: If something happens to him and his assistant Liu Xian is not arrested, I can go to Ask Liu Xian for help. Moreover, Liu Xian has been with my husband for more than ten years and has been managing his finances for him. He is very loyal to my husband, and he is the person in charge of the company's financial department. Therefore, he should know all the people who put money in the company They also know the amount of each person and the rewards they get.

"Moreover, Liu Xian is a very careful and shrewd person. I guess those corrupt officials should have a lot of clues in his hands. However, he is now a wanted criminal, and he cannot protect himself, so he cannot come forward to testify against those Corrupt officials. Especially my husband’s bizarre death in the detention center must have touched and shocked him a lot. In order to protect himself, I guess he would not dare to show up to help me expose those corrupt officials. What’s more, I don’t even know where he fled to now , even if he has evidence of those corrupt officials violating laws and disciplines, I can't ask him to help!"

Ye Ming heard that Liu Xian might have grasped the situation of those officials lending money to Heshun Company for profit, so his eyes lit up and he asked, "Sister Wu, let me ask you another question: You said that Liu Xian is very loyal to your husband, loyal To what extent?"

"My husband once saved Liu Xian's life. Ten years ago, Liu Xian failed to start a company and owed more than 100 million yuan in debt. Due to too much mental pressure, Liu Xian was about to jump off the Huangshui Bridge to commit suicide. Coincidentally, when he was about to jump off the bridge, my husband drove by the bridge and saw that he was about to jump over the guardrail on the bridge, so he immediately braked suddenly. I hugged Liu Xian who had already stepped over the guardrail of the bridge with one foot, carried him to the car, and asked him why he committed suicide. When I heard that he was desperate because of investment failure and debts, my husband immediately He comforted him and said: You come to work in my mine first, and if you have any practical difficulties, I will solve them for you.

"Therefore, Liu Xian went to work in the finance department of our lead-zinc mine at that time. He is a certified public accountant, proficient in finance, stable and reliable, and my husband admires him very much. So he gave Liu Xian 100 million yuan. Xian, let him pay off his debts first and work in our company with peace of mind. Liu Xian is a person who repays his kindness. From then on, he told everyone that the rest of his life is not his own, but belongs to Mr. Cai. The love he owes Mr. Cai has never been clear in his whole life. Therefore, my husband has always treated him as his own brother, and he often walks around my house. Moreover, my husband will always ask for Liu Xian's opinion on everything he does. .

"At the beginning, the leaders of the county party committee urged my boss to invest in the company publicly. Liu Xian strongly opposed it, saying that the investment company was too risky and would be easily attacked by the government. What's more, if the leaders of the county party committee release money to the company, what will happen in the future? It will be very complicated, and unexpected things may happen. It is a pity that my husband did not adopt his advice, which led to such a miserable end."

Speaking of this, Wu Lijiao burst into tears again.

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