After hearing Wu Lijiao's talk about the relationship between Liu Xian and Cai Heshun, Ye Ming immediately came to a conclusion: Liu Xian, who is currently at large, probably broke through the inside story of illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County and found out the real cause of Cai Heshun's death The key point is also the object that I should focus on when I go to Huangyuan County to conduct inspections this time!

Therefore, he said to Wu Lijiao: "Sister Wu, if Liu Xian has such a relationship with your lover, then he should contact you after he absconds! He may not trust other people, but you should be Someone he trusts a lot, right?"

Wu Lijiao stared at Ye Ming for a long time, then nodded lightly and said: "Chief Ye, you guessed right. Not long after my husband committed suicide last year, he entrusted a friend he trusted very much. , came to my house secretly and gave me a mobile phone. This mobile phone has a card installed. He agreed with me: I will turn on this new mobile phone on the [-]th of every month, and he will call me. Learn about my petition and the latest developments in my husband's case.

"He also told me: He has all the evidence of those corrupt officials in his hands, but he can't tell me, and he can't give it to me, because he is worried that after I know these things, I can't help but expose them prematurely. If that is the case, it will be a surprise. He also told me: He has been waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a superior leader to pay attention to the affairs of Heshun Company. If there is a reliable leader who is willing to avenge my husband, and that leader is powerful enough, If he can fight against those corrupt officials, he will show up and hand over the evidence in his hand. Otherwise, he dare not expose himself because he is worried that he will be caught by those corrupt officials like my husband. murder."

Ye Ming understood as soon as she heard her words: not only did she regard herself as the most reliable person, but she might also see that she had a little background and background: because when she was fighting with those who arrested her just now, she was obviously prevailed.And she is a very smart woman with strong judgment. She knew that she must have used her connections and backstage just now, so she was able to turn the tables even when she was handcuffed, and she caught Tong Zi'an and others tightly. public security bureau……

So, he smiled at Wu Lijiao and said, "Sister Wu, thank you for your trust in me. If Liu Xian contacts you next time, you can tell him that someone in the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office is going to help him now, and he will definitely help you." I can help him. As long as he is willing to come out to expose those corrupt officials and provide evidence of violations of laws and disciplines by those leaders of the county party committee, I can guarantee his safety and promise that the public security organs will cancel his wanted arrest."

Wu Lijiao nodded and said, "Okay, I will definitely convey your words to him."

Ye Ming picked up his bag, took out a few thousand yuan from it, handed it to Wu Lijiao, and said sincerely: "Sister Wu, I know that after your investment company goes bankrupt, all your property will definitely be seized." , Maybe your home will be ransacked by those creditors. Now you have to pay for your two children to study, and life must be very difficult. You can use this money for living expenses. In a few days, the special inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office I will come to Huangyuan County, and then I will visit you at your home again."

After hearing Ye Ming's words, Wu Lijiao burst into tears again: It turns out that what Ye Ming just said is true: since Cai Heshun committed suicide, those investors who put money in Heshun Company are like crazy , rushed to the company office building together, looted all valuable items.At the same time, the county government set up an emergency response team to seal up all personal and capital accounts of Cai Heshun and the company, and ordered Wu Lijiao to call out her own bank deposits to repay investors' debts.

Later, some anxious investors rushed into Wu Lijiao's villa at that time, drove her and her two children out, occupied the villa by force, and snatched away all the valuable items in the villa. , even more ruthless than the local tyrants.

After Wu Lijiao's family was kicked out of the villa, they could only temporarily live in her parents' house, and usually relied on her parents' financial support.However, the money of her parents and siblings was also invested in Heshun Company, and it almost went bankrupt.Therefore, their assistance to her is also very limited, and they can only give her family a few hundred yuan a month.Therefore, Wu Lijiao's family is really at the end of their rope now...

Therefore, after hearing Ye Ming's sincere words, Wu Lijiao did not pretend to refuse, but said with tears: "Mr. Ye, thank you for your kindness. I will accept the money. Our Cai family is in trouble now." , the so-called true friendship is seen in adversity, but in the past six months, I have not seen the slightest truth, and no one has come to comfort our mother and child. To be honest, my husband used to help many people, and to many people You are kind. When our family was prosperous, these people who owed us favors often came to our house, saying that their kindness to us would never be forgotten, and they must find ways to repay us in the future.

"However, when our family was in trouble, these people who swore to repay their kindness were no longer seen. Sometimes, I ran into these people on the street, and they seemed to have seen ghosts. I hid far away from each other, lest I ask them for money or help. Only then did I deeply understand the meaning of the old saying: No one asks you if you live in a poor city, but you can get rich in the mountains if you are rich. Distant relatives! This sentence is really a wise saying!

"Originally, I didn't believe that there is still true love in this world, nor did I believe that there are people who will come to take pity on our mother and son and help our mother and son. However, after meeting you today, I believe in the sincerity and kindness in the world. No matter how dangerous the world is, there are always good people, kind people, and upright people. And Chief Ye, you are such a kind, kind, and upright person!"

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "Sister Wu, you are flattering me! I am a cadre of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office. If your family has a grievance, I will help you to redress the grievance. That is within the scope of my job duties. Don't be too polite! Yes Now, are you going to live in the provincial capital today or are you planning to rush back? If you want to live in the provincial capital, I will open a room for you right now."

Wu Lijiao hurriedly said: "Chief Ye, with you helping me, I feel more at ease, and I don't want to stay in the provincial capital anymore. My son and daughter are at home, and I have to go back to take care of them. I will sit down later. Take the long-distance bus back."

Ye Ming nodded, and told her again and again: "Sister Wu, please remember a few words from me: First, before our investigation team comes to Huangyuan, you must not go to petition or complain to any leader. The current situation is very dangerous, so you can no longer act rashly; second, you must pay attention to your personal safety. You'd better stay at home these few days and don't go anywhere. That boy An suffered a loss today, he must I won't let you go. So, you must protect yourself."

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