Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 108 Husband Asks Lover

When Chen Yi saw that Li Zhi mentioned his father Li Botang, she was embarrassed to refuse.

As Li Zhi said: Li Botang is still very good to Chen Yi.

At the beginning, it was Li Botang who fell in love with Chen Yi, who came from a scholarly family. He thought she was dignified, beautiful, well-educated, diligent and virtuous, and a tax official who held a "golden rice bowl".Therefore, he personally went to Chen Yi's home to propose marriage to her parents.After Li Zhi and Chen Yi got married, he also proposed to let Chen Yi manage the family's money.It's just that Chen Yi is indifferent by nature and doesn't like those things that manage money and accounts, so she doesn't have the financial power of the Li family.

Li Botang knew that his son had the problem of sleeping in flowers, sleeping in willows, and hanging around, so every time Chen Yi and Li Zhi quarreled, no matter who was right or wrong, Li Botang always scolded Li Zhi first, and then comforted Chen Yi some.

Because of this, although Chen Yi hated Li Zhi, she respected his father very much.

So, when Li Zhi asked her to ask Ye Ming out of respect for his father, she hesitated and finally agreed.

However, when she picked up the phone, she felt very uncomfortable: what kind of thing is this!My husband forced me to invite my lover to dinner, which is too absurd and unimaginable!

At the same time, she made up her mind again: she wants to divorce Li Zhi as soon as possible!Otherwise, my current relationship with Ye Ming is an immoral, shameless and depraved behavior, which is not good for myself or Ye Ming, and it is also very unfair to Li Zhi...

After hesitating and weighing for a long time, under Li Zhi's repeated urging, Chen Yi finally called Ye Ming.

"Yezi, Li Zhi came to my office, and he said he would treat you to dinner at noon. If you are free, go there! Don't worry, this meal doesn't mean anything, it's just a dinner between ordinary friends, you don't need to promise anything , and I won’t embarrass you.”

Ye Ming was obviously taken aback when Chen Yi called to invite him to dinner. After a moment of silence, he said, "Sister Chen, since you said so, then I'll go!"

When Li Zhi heard Ye Ming agree to go, his face was full of joy at first, then his face suddenly became gloomy, and he muttered resentfully: "This little white-eyed wolf, who has been a small official for two days, doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is." , maybe he even forgot his surname. Lao Tzu begged and begged, but he just pretended not to let go. As soon as you showed up, he went down the slope and agreed... Bah, what a virtue!"

When Chen Yi heard him scolding Ye Ming behind his back, his face suddenly sank, and he shouted: "Li Zhi, what kind of virtue are you doing? A man, if you have something to say in person, you have to put forward your opinion in person. You mutter and scold others behind your back like this. , What is the difference from those gossips who gossip behind their backs? You are ruthless, I will call Ye Ming now, and you will scold him inside, that is the behavior of a man—do you dare?"

As he said that, he really picked up the phone and pretended to dial the number.

Li Zhi was startled, jumped over in a hurry, grabbed her mobile phone, and said with a pale face, "My aunt, aren't you my wife? I complained in front of my wife, and then How did you become a tongue-in-cheek woman? I know that you and Ye Ming have a good relationship, closer than siblings. But, I am your husband after all! No matter what you do, you have to stand on my side, right? You call now Calling Ye Ming, isn’t it clear that it’s going to ruin me?”

Seeing his panicked look, Chen Yi despised him even more in her heart, so she turned her head and ignored him...

After Ye Ming received Chen Yi's call, he couldn't figure out what she meant: she had clearly warned herself to be more vigilant about Li Zhi's tax reduction and exemption, and not to fall into his trap.However, now she personally invited herself to Li Zhi's "Hongmen Banquet" on behalf of Li Zhi, what is going on?

Before he could figure out why, Chen Mengqi suddenly called.

"Brother, what happened to you last night? I called you, but you didn't speak, and then turned off the phone again. Did you have something urgent at that time? I was worried about you all night. !"

Chen Mengqi said aggrievedly on the phone.

A sense of guilt surged in Ye Ming's heart, and he said softly: "Qiqi, I'm so sorry! I was really in a hurry last night, so I couldn't answer your call. It was too late, so I didn't come here. Now I sincerely my apologies."

After saying these few words, he felt that his face was slightly hot: he rarely lied, but he had to lie about what happened last night, so he was a little ashamed.

Hearing that his tone was very gentle and full of guilt, Chen Mengqi couldn't help but feel relieved, she put away the grievance in her heart long ago, and said coquettishly on the phone: "Brother, then you have to apologize with practical actions. Tonight you Invite me to KFC, how about it? After eating, we will go to the Jindian Cinema on the pedestrian street to watch a movie."

Ye Ming said, "Okay, I promise."

He just hung up Chen Mengqi's phone, but Chen Yi called again: "Yezi, Li Zhi has gone to the Crown Hotel to order food. Just now I have something bad to say to you: You are fine if you go to have a meal." Anyway, Li Zhi eats and drinks outside every day, so it's not a big deal for you to eat him. Also, later, you can call Chen Mengqi and have dinner with us."

"Sister, what are you calling Chen Mengqi for?"

Ye Ming asked knowingly.

Chen Yi spat at him on the phone, gritted her teeth and said in a low voice: "What are you talking about? I'm worried that you little pervert, if you don't have another girl to accompany you, you will touch me at the wine table. I found that you little bastard is so bold, regardless of location or occasion, sooner or later I will be killed by you!"

When Chen Mengqi heard Ye Ming call and asked her to have lunch, she screamed happily on the phone.

In addition to Ye Ming, Chen Mengqi, and Liu Pengcheng, those who went to Li Zhi's banquet at noon that day also included Hao Jinbin, ** and all the cadres of the key enterprise group.

Li Zhi arranged the food and wine very well, and he basically ordered all the high-end and expensive dishes in the Crown Hotel.Since Ye Ming and others had to go to work in the afternoon, they didn't drink white wine, so they opened two bottles of French red wine.Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi both drank some.

When the wine was almost finished, Li Zhi picked up his satchel and took out a dozen "good luck" red envelopes from it.Each red envelope is bulging, and at least 2000 yuan is stuffed inside.

Then, he walked to Ye Ming first, took out a red envelope and put it on the table in front of Ye Ming, and said with a smile: "Director Ye, it's a little trick, let's buy a cigarette, I don't have any cigarettes on this table gone."

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