Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 109 Something Happened to Ouyang Ming

Ye Ming expected a long time ago: Li Zhi will definitely give out red envelopes at the wine table today.Because he had heard from Ouyang Ming that Li Zhi was very generous to those in the power department who could provide him with convenience and benefits.

Moreover, although Xinleng is a small county.However, because there are many coal mines and antimony mines in the territory, a large number of coal bosses and antimony bosses have been created, and the development of other industries has also been driven.Therefore, there are many rich people who are new and cold.

When these rich people deal with people in the power department, they like to give red envelopes to cadres in the name of "missing meal fees" and "meeting gifts" at every turn, and it has formed a trend.

According to some cadres of the Xinleng County Bureau: Some special administrators in charge of some units with good profits, if they go to the units within their jurisdiction to make an inspection, the "mistake meal fee" and "meeting gifts" often get several thousand yuan. .

It is also because of this that after Zou Wenming came to power, he first organized the cadres of the overall situation to hold a mobilization meeting on the construction of a clean government with the theme of "refusing to accept red envelopes and gifts to maintain a clean and honest image". , "Tax Cadres' Code of Conduct for "Five Dos and Ten Don'ts"", "Regulations on Punishment of Tax Officials for Violations of Laws and Disciplines" and other party discipline rules and regulations, resolutely put an end to illegal and disciplinary behaviors such as collecting red envelopes and gift money from taxpayers, and "reporting the Sona card" at taxpayers ...

Just because he knew that Li Zhi would give out red envelopes, Ye Ming had already thought of a way to deal with it.When Li Zhi put the red envelope in front of him, he immediately stood up, picked up the red envelope, shook it in his hands, and said with a smile, "Brother Li, you are trying to harm us!"

Li Zhi was about to put the second red envelope in front of Chen Mengqi, when he heard Ye Ming's words, he was stunned for a moment, and asked in puzzlement: "Director Ye, this is my little idea, but it's just for everyone to buy two cigarettes, How did it hurt you?"

Ye Ming saw several cadres of key enterprise groups staring at him eagerly, obviously hoping that he would accept the red envelope.In that case, it would be logical for them to pick up.

Moreover, Ye Ming also knows that these cadres must have received similar red envelope gifts before, and they have long been accustomed to it, and do not regard this behavior as something illegal...

So, he glanced at those cadres, handed the red envelope to Li Zhi, and said seriously: "Brother Li, we just held a clean government construction mobilization meeting a few days ago. At this meeting, the bureau leaders specifically talked about The issue of red envelope gift money, and it is clearly stipulated that every cadre of the county bureau must not accept any valuables such as meal fees, meeting gifts, or expensive cigarettes when they go out to handle errands. .For those who violate this regulation, the first time they will be ordered to return the red envelopes or gifts, and they will be given admonishment talks; All cadres participated. So, I said that you gave us this red envelope today because you are planning to harm us. Am I right!"

Li Zhi still wanted to insist, but Chen Yi stood up and said, "Li Zhi, Ye Ming is right: now our province's land tax system is carrying out style rectification, especially the issue of accepting red envelopes and gift money is being investigated very strictly. , The handling is very heavy, so don’t drive everyone to the fire. Come here today, and you have to go to work in the afternoon, so don’t be late.”

With that said, she walked out of the box first.

Hearing what Chen Yi said, Li Zhi knew that today's matter could only end here, so he reluctantly put away those red envelopes and sent Ye Ming and the others out of the hotel.

Not long after work in the afternoon, Ye Ming was in the office drafting a system for strengthening the internal management of the No. [-] Sub-bureau. Hao Jinbin suddenly pushed the door in and said in a panic, "Director Ye, something happened to Director Ou!"

Ye Ming was taken aback, and quickly stood up and asked, "What's going on? Isn't he on vacation? What happened?"

Hao Jinbin raised the mobile phone in his hand and said in a low voice, "He just called me with an unfamiliar mobile phone number and begged me to collect 15 yuan for him as soon as possible and send it to Room 1 of Phoenix Villa. I asked him What's going on, a person next to him snatched his phone and said viciously: Ouyang Ming owed them more than 20 yuan, and the repayment deadline has long passed. Today they found him in Fenghuang Mountain Villa and asked him to The 15 yuan must be repaid before five o'clock in the evening. Otherwise, they don't want the money anymore, and they are going to take off his arm to let him improve his memory... Director Ye, where can I collect 15 yuan at once! So far , Director Ou still owes me more than 3 yuan! Alas, I really don’t know what to say about him!”

As he spoke, he kept shaking his head and sighing.

Ye Ming had long heard that Ouyang Ming owed a lot of gambling debts outside, but he didn't expect him to be so rotten now. He was also very surprised, thought for a while, and told Hao Jinbin, "Brother Hao, you must not worry about this matter." You can’t tell anyone, especially the bureau leader. If the bureau finds out about it, he’s screwed.”

Hao Jinbin knew that Ouyang Ming had been plotting against Ye Ming all this time, and he had made a lot of tricks behind his back. He thought that Ye Ming would be gloating after hearing the news, but he didn't expect to see his current expression, but he was really worried and anxious for Ou Yangming. , I couldn't help but secretly feel a little strange.

So, he asked tentatively: "Director Ye, if you don't tell the bureau leaders about this matter, I'm afraid it will be difficult to solve it! I guess those who caught Director Ou were the bosses who specialize in loan sharks on the street. They People open investment companies in name, but in fact they lend usury, and the interest often reaches 10% per month. Moreover, their so-called investment companies are all protected by umbrellas. Some of these umbrellas are from the political and legal systems such as public security, prosecutors, and courts. Leaders, some of them are leaders of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and county government. Their IOUs do not specify the specific interest, but write the principal. The usual interest is paid monthly, and they will not issue any text when paying the interest. Evidence. Therefore, even if you report them for loan sharking, there is no evidence. What Director Ou encountered today must be thugs hired by these investment companies or professional debt collectors. If the bureau does not come forward, it will be difficult to solve it!"

Ye Ming frowned and thought about it for a while, then said firmly: "Ouyang Ming is a cadre of our first sub-bureau. If something happens to him, I can't just sit idly by. If it alarms the bureau, even if his problem is solved, he will He will definitely be severely punished, and he may even be fired. In this case, his life will be completely ruined. I don't want him to fall into this situation."

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