Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1088 The speed of life and death

After listening to Secretary Lu's explanation, Li Runji finally understood the reason and process of Ye Ming's death. He also felt that what Secretary Lu said was very reasonable, so he nodded and said, "Secretary Lu, I understand Ye Ming's thoughts: He is very motivated and has a strong self-esteem. Although he knows that you and I will help him. However, in his opinion, if we need to help him and settle things for him, he feels ashamed and afraid that we will help him. Therefore, he underestimated him. Therefore, this time when he went to Huangyuan County, he chose to do it alone, wanting to make a big splash, and independently expose the inside story of those Shuoshu in Huangyuan County who violated discipline and law, so that I and you can admire him.

"I actually agree with his idea, and I encourage him to solve problems independently and create a career independently, instead of relying on us. So, from this point of view, his idea And mentality, are very positive, this is worthy of affirmation and encouragement.

"However, he also made a fatal mistake this time: he misjudged the dangerous situation he was facing, and he was overconfident in his ability. Moreover, he also made an old problem this time, that is, he was too kind-hearted and treated The dangers of the human heart are underestimated and insufficiently understood. They seriously underestimate the ability and courage of those wicked people to do evil. They think that since the other party is also an official, they will definitely play their cards according to the routine, and they must not dare to touch him, a cadre of the provincial party committee inspection office. Therefore, He didn't think of the worst outcome, nor did he think that those people would dare to murder him. Therefore, he didn't report these things to us in time, and he didn't choose to ask us for help.

"So, in the final analysis, the reason why he made such a fatal mistake today is because he didn't have enough experience in the officialdom, he didn't have enough understanding of the intrigues in the officialdom, and sometimes even life-and-death struggles for power and interests, and he didn't have enough coping skills. Experience. When he was fighting with Li Botang and his son in Xinleng, he also made similar mistakes. It was also because of insufficient experience and experience that he almost capsized in the gutter. So, Secretary Lu, don’t be too anxious, and don’t blame too much He. His current problems are likely to be committed by many young cadres of his age. As long as he has been in the officialdom for a long time, has gained a lot of experience, and with his intelligence and comprehension, he will naturally eliminate these problems gradually. Corrected."

When Secretary Lu heard Li Runji's words, he felt a little relieved, nodded and said, "Runji, what you said is also reasonable. Just now I was indeed a bit blamed, and a little bit negative about iron and steel. In general He dared to independently investigate the inside story of illegal fund-raising in Huangyuan County this time, and bravely stood up to fight against those evil forces. This kind of enthusiasm and courage is worth encouraging. Although his method is inappropriate, his spirit We should be gratified and proud. It’s just that his life and death are uncertain now, and he doesn’t know when he will be out of danger, which makes me very worried!”

Speaking of this, his tears flowed down uncontrollably again...

While Secretary Lu and Secretary Li were sitting in the office anxiously waiting for Ye Ming's news, at this time, a real "speed of life and death" movie was being staged on the corridor from Kongling County to Tianxi City.

The driver of the van carrying Ye Ming, after receiving a call from Guo Guangwei, director of the Public Security Department of Tianjiang Province, felt extremely honored, and felt his courage and confidence greatly increased.Especially after he learned that the public security officers from Tianxi City and Kongling County had surrounded the national highway from both sides and were about to rescue the cadre in the car, he felt more confident.So, he cheered up, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and wanted to drive forward as soon as possible. First, he wanted to get rid of the pursuit of the car behind him, and second, he wanted to meet the police who came from the direction of Tianxi City earlier. , so that the passenger officer who had been unconscious in the car could get rescue early.

However, his van is too old and in poor performance.Even though he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, the speed was still only 1 km/h.Fortunately, due to the remote location of Kongling County, there are mountains everywhere, and it is already six o'clock in the evening.Therefore, the national highway is relatively open, and there are fewer vehicles passing by. He can also drive the van to the highest speed.

However, despite this, after driving for 10 to 140 minutes, the driver still found in the rearview mirror that the Peugeot that blocked the van's way out in the small town of Sanbudao had appeared not far behind.Moreover, according to the speed of the car, he estimated that the speed of the Peugeot was at least 5 kilometers per hour.In this case, within [-] minutes, that car will catch up with his own van.And some of those people in the car were armed with guns. As long as they rammed their vans and then shot them, they would either roll over or be shot to death...

Thinking of this, lines of cold sweat broke out on the darkened face of the van master. While stepping on the accelerator hard, he prayed that the vehicles from the Public Security Bureau participating in the rescue operation would appear soon...

At the same time, Jiang Fangjun, the director of the Public Security Bureau who was going to intercept those gangsters and rescue Ye Ming from Tianxi City, suddenly received a call from Guo Guangwei, the director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, in the car.On the phone, Guo Guangwei told him that he had already led Chen Guitian, the captain of the criminal investigation team, and Yang Hong, the captain of the special police of the provincial department, from the provincial capital to Tianxi City to supervise the battle in person, and asked them to speed up again, and strive to fight in Tianxi City. Gather up in the shortest possible time, tighten your pockets, and wipe out all the gangsters who were chasing and killing Ye Ming.

Hearing Director Guo say that he came to Tianxi City in person, Jiang Fangjun was pleasantly surprised and busy, so he quickly agreed to Director Guo's request, and after hanging up the phone, he picked up the command walkie-talkie and asked the east and west again. Give an order: go forward at full speed at the fastest speed, and the time for the two people to meet must not exceed 10 minutes.Otherwise, the leader of the team will be held accountable...

At this time, Tong Zi'an and his Peugeot had already caught up with the van.A gunman sitting in the passenger seat pressed the window glass, poked his head out, and aimed a few shots at the rear tires of the van. Although the tires were not hit, the steel frame behind the van was also hit. Go straight to Mars.

When the van driver heard the gunshots, he felt a little flustered and his hands trembled a little, but he firmly stepped on the accelerator and used his skilled driving skills to turn left and right, trying to prevent the Peugeot from overtaking his car— —Because he understands: Once the Peugeot overtakes his van and hits the front of his car, he and the guest officer in the car will die!

However, despite his clumsiness, the Peugeot slowly approached to the left of his van, and it was about to overtake the van...

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