Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1089: Ye Ming Rescued

When the Peugeot overtook the van's rear window and was about to keep pace with the van, a gunman sitting in the co-pilot and Duan Da, sitting on the right side of the back seat, both stretched out their pistols from the window at the same time, ready to aim at the van's Shoot from the driver's seat, kill the driver first, and then get out of the car to clean up Ye Ming who is hiding in the back of the van.

The driver of the van knew that he and the guest officer in the back seat had already reached the gate of death. If the Peugeot was parallel to his car, the other party would definitely shoot at him and hit his minivan with the car.In that case, he would either be beaten to death, or he would be pushed off the embankment and fell into the ditch beside the national highway.

So, he gritted his teeth, and decided to act first, before the other party squeezed up, and hit them with all his might—because he knew that if two cars were parallel, whoever had the guts to turn the front of the car and hit the other party would be the first to hit the other party. Can take the lead.

Therefore, when the front of the Peugeot just passed the rear window glass of the van, the driver of the van suddenly swung the steering wheel to the left, and the van suddenly turned 45 degrees, and the body of the van suddenly changed from straight to oblique. .At this time, the front of the Peugeot driven by Tong Zi'an just reached the front window of the van.Just heard a "bang", the fronts of the two cars collided.The Peugeot was knocked so that its body swayed to the left and almost rolled down the ditch on the left side of the national highway.And the van was also bumped from oblique to straight, and quickly jumped out in front, and soon opened a distance of more than 100 meters from the Peugeot.

With great difficulty, Tong Zi'an slammed on the brakes to stabilize the body of the Peugeot, corrected the direction of the front of the car, cursed "you're a fool", stepped on the accelerator again, and quickly chased after it.

While driving the van, the driver looked in the rearview mirror and found that the Peugeot behind him was chasing him again.Looking ahead again, about two kilometers away, there is a big bend, with towering mountains on both sides of the bend.He knew: After passing this bend, it was the suburb of Tianxi City, only [-] kilometers away from Tianxi City.However, if the police do not arrive in time, the Peugeot will catch up again in a few minutes.This time, I'm afraid that it will be difficult for me to sneak attack successfully!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling desperate, and looked back at Ye Ming who was curled up motionless on the back seat, and said silently in his heart: "Little brother, I'm sorry, my brother couldn't rescue you!"But my brother will never abandon you and run away. If we die, we will die together.If those bastards are forced to come again later, my brother will try his best to hit them, killing one is counted as one...

At this moment, the driver of the van inadvertently raised his head and glanced at the curve in front of him. Suddenly, his heart beat violently, and his eyes suddenly revealed the light of hope that could be saved from a desperate situation: it turned out that when he raised his eyes, Suddenly, I found that there were many vehicles with flashing red and blue police lights turning out at the bend between the two mountains.Immediately afterwards, he heard the earth-shattering siren sound that echoed from mountains to valleys.This siren sounds very piercing to my ears, but at this moment, in the driver's ears, it was as if he heard the sound of heaven, which made his blood pumping and excited.

So, he quickly sat up straight, exerted force on his feet again, and drove the van straight to the police car...

At this time, Tong Zi'an, who had been chasing the van closely, saw that he was getting closer to the damned van, and estimated that he could catch up with and overtake the van at the bend between the two mountains.

However, at this moment, he suddenly found that the corner was suddenly brightly illuminated by countless bright car lights.Immediately afterwards, red and blue police lights flashed suddenly on the curve, and the piercing siren pierced the night sky, echoing in the valley for a long time...

This scene changed the expressions of Tong Zian and his accomplices in the car.Tong Zian hurriedly slammed on the brakes, stopped the car in time, then shifted into reverse gear, and began to reverse quickly to a fork in the back, preparing to turn around and run back there.

Just when he fell to the small fork in the road, he suddenly heard the earth-shattering siren sound from behind. Looking back from the rearview mirror, he saw a large number of police cars appearing about three kilometers away from the Peugeot. He galloped over here like an electric gallop.

Tong Zian reacted extremely quickly, and suddenly turned the steering wheel. Before the car coming from Kongling County noticed his car, he suddenly turned the car into a country road on the right, and then turned off the headlights. , relying on his superb driving skills, with a twilight, he drove the Peugeot silently into a village. After turning a corner, he avoided the sight of all the vehicles on the national road...

Because he knew that Director Guo of the Provincial Department would come to supervise the battle, Jiang Fangjun, director of the Tianxi Public Security Bureau, ignored the dissuasion of others and insisted on sitting in the first special police car, ready to be the first to meet Ye Ming, and told the people in the car The photography officer of the Political Department should take good photos when he gets off the car to greet Ye Ming, and don't miss any details.

After turning the corner, the leader of the special police detachment, who had been sitting in the co-pilot position of the first special police car and observed the movement ahead with a telescope, suddenly shouted excitedly: "Director Jiang, there is a van opposite, let me check the license plate first. ...'Heaven l36332', that's right, this is the license plate, this is the car!"

After saying this, the detachment leader immediately threw the binoculars aside, raised the loudspeaker in his hand, and called to the van opposite: "Attention comrades in the van Tianl36332: We are the Public Security Bureau of Tianxi City." Officers of the special police detachment have been ordered to rescue you. Please drive as far as possible to the right, pay attention to driving safety, and join us immediately."

The driver of the van, who was driving at full speed, heard the loud and warm voice, his eyes turned red suddenly, and his foot on the accelerator was suddenly released, allowing the van to meet the first special police vehicle at a speed of 60 mph. After the car, he listened slowly.

After the special police car stopped, the team leader was about to jump out of the car first, when he suddenly remembered Director Jiang sitting in the back row, hurriedly took back his right foot that jumped down, turned to Jiang Fangjun and said, "Director Jiang, you get off first." Car. Xiao Li, hurry up and take pictures of Director Jiang."

Jiang Fangjun didn't say anything, opened the door, and was the first to get out of the special police car. Followed by the camera officer, he quickly walked to the van, shook hands with the driver who had got off the car, and then quickly pulled away. At the back door of the van, I leaned over to inspect Ye Ming's injury, then reached out and probed under Ye Ming's nose, and found that he was still breathing, so he let out a long breath.

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