When Xiang Xiaoping saw that Lu Nianzi stuffed the 5 yuan he just took out into his arms, he was startled, shook his hands wildly, and said blushingly, "Sister, how can this be done? What? Can I ask for your money? I rescued Chief Ye because of the situation. If I didn't take him away, I might be killed by those vicious gangsters. So, half of my behavior at that time was For Section Chief Ye, half of it is for myself, how can I have the nerve to ask for your money?"

Lu Nianzi and others listened to his words very plainly and sincerely, and they liked him even more in their hearts.So, Lu Nianzi grabbed his hand and said emotionally: "My fellow, don't be too modest. I heard people from the Public Security Bureau tell about your heroic deeds: At that time, if you didn't give up your life to carry Ye Ming to escape, wouldn't you Regardless of your own safety, you bravely rammed your car into the gangster's vehicle, and my brother might have been chased and shot to death by those gangsters. Therefore, you are fully worthy of the title of hero and righteous man. Moreover, I listen to Secretary Qiu of the Provincial Party Committee Office Chang said: You will soon be transferred to the Provincial Party Committee Office to drive. If you go to work in the provincial capital, I suggest you bring your family members there. Children studying in the provincial capital will benefit their future studies. .If you go to the provincial capital, you will definitely have to spend a lot of money. So, you can take this money, rent a house in the provincial capital, buy some furniture, and pay tuition for the children. "

Seeing that Lu Nianzi's attitude was very sincere and his words were very sincere, Xiang Xiaoping couldn't evade any more, so he took the 5 yuan in his hand with a smirk and kept thanking Lu Nianzi.

At this time, Xia Chuchu also came over, and also stuffed 5 yuan into Xiang Xiaoping's arms, and said with a smile: "Master, you took money from sister Ye Ming, and you can't shirk my money: you know that I am Who is it?"

Xiang Xiaoping looked at her dumbfounded, and mumbled: "I know, my guest told me just now: You are Xia Chuchu, the host of Tianjiang Provincial TV Station, and you are a big star."

Xia Chuchu laughed again and said: "Master, I am Xia Chuchu. But you may not know: I am still Ye Ming's fiancee. So, the person who should thank you the most is me, right? 5 yuan, you can't shirk it!"

When Xiang Xiaoping and his wife heard that Xia Chuchu was actually Ye Ming's fiancée, they both opened their eyes wide and let out an "ah" at the same time, speechless in a daze.

Next, Chen Yi, Chen Mengqi, and Zhang Yan also walked over, each stuffing 5 yuan into Xiang Xiaoping's arms.

Xiang Xiaoping and his wife have lived for nearly 40 years, and they have never seen so much cash, and the money is still theirs. They were so happy that they couldn't even say a word of thanks.

Xiang Xiaoping's wife is a simple rural woman. Seeing these big stars and beauties respect her husband so much and give them more than 20 yuan at once, she was so excited that she burst into tears. Thank you.After looking at Lu Nianzi and the others with tears in her eyes for a while, she suddenly remembered the red lacquer food box she had been carrying, so she quickly squatted down on the ground, opened the food box, took out two large thermos buckets, and touched them. The thermos was still warm when I touched it, so I said to Lu Nianzi and the others: "Several big girls, you gave my family so much money, and the two of us have nothing to repay. I stewed two native chickens here. It was prepared for Section Chief Ye, but he can’t eat it yet. Just drink this chicken soup! Don’t worry, although I’m a rural person, I’m very clean and hygienic. The chicken is made of rice and grass , The native chicken fed by worms, the stewed soup is fresh and sweet, you all have a taste!"

As she said that, she used the set of bowls and chopsticks prepared for Ye Ming in the food box, and first served Lu Nianzi a bowl of chicken soup, asking her to taste it first.

Lu Nianzi knew that this was her intention, so he was not polite, took the bowl of chicken soup that was still warm, took a small sip, sipped it carefully, smiled on his face, and nodded repeatedly Said: "It's delicious, it's delicious! Let's all have a bowl!"

Zhang Yan hurriedly called the main station and asked the waiter to bring some sets of disposable bowls and chopsticks, and then drank a bowl or two of chicken soup with each of Xia Chuchu, Chen Yi, and Chen Mengqi. The chicken soup tasted the most delicious.

Before the chicken soup was finished, there was a knock on the door of the guest room, followed by a voice from outside asking, "Excuse me, do Director Zhang Linjiang and Director Lu Nianzi live here?"

Lu Nianzi hurriedly stood up, walked to the door and opened it, and saw two middle-aged men standing outside with smiles on their faces. Seeing Lu Nianzi who opened the door, one of them hurriedly asked: "Hello, are you Lu Nianzi?" Director Nian Zi?"

Lu Nianzi didn't know who they were, so he nodded and said, "Yes, I am Lu Nianzi. Excuse me—"

It turned out that these two people were Tianxi Municipal Committee Secretary Gong Xinqiu and Mayor Liu Richang.

Yesterday morning, after Secretary Lu, Secretary Li, Guo Guangwei, Qiu Wangxi and others left Tianxi City and returned to the provincial capital, Gong Xinqiu and Liu Richang immediately left the hospital and rushed to the municipal party committee to hold an emergency meeting and demanded that the municipal party committee members who had returned to the city Jiang Fangjun, director of the Public Security Bureau, reported the progress of the hunt for the criminals.After listening to the report, both Gong Xinqiu and Liu Richang made serious speeches, requesting the Municipal Public Security Bureau to cooperate with the Tianxi Armed Police Detachment to effectively strengthen the protection and vigilance of Tianxi City, especially the central hospital, and strictly prevent leaking gangsters Sneak into the city and murder Comrade Ye Ming again.At the same time, based on the current situation, it is estimated that many provincial leaders will rush over to visit Comrade Ye Ming.Therefore, the relevant staff of the Municipal Party Committee Office must stick to the central hospital and find out which leaders from the province have visited Ye Ming in the hospital at any time.If it is an important leader, it must be reported to the main leaders of the municipal party committee and government in time.

According to their instructions, since yesterday afternoon, the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Municipal Armed Police Detachment have added a large number of police forces, set up guard posts and secret posts near the central hospital, and stepped up patrols.At the same time, the Tianxi Municipal Party Committee Office also arranged several people to stay in the central hospital to find out who came to visit Ye Ming.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, when Zhang Yingzhi, Xia Bicheng, Lu Nianzi, Zhang Linjiang, Xia Chuchu, and Chen Yi arrived at the hospital, the people who squatted around only found out the identities of Zhang Yingzhi and Xia Bicheng, knowing that one of them was the director of the provincial TV station, and the other was the director of the provincial TV station. Director of Provincial Local Taxation Bureau.But for Lu Nianzi, Xia Chuchu, Chen Yi, Zhang Linjiang and others, they didn't know who they were.

So, they fed back this information to Gong Xinqiu and Liu Richang, saying that Zhang Yingzhi, director of the Provincial TV Station, and Xia Bicheng, director of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau, brought some beauties to visit Ye Ming.

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