Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1120 Why is Ye Ming so stupid?

Gong Xinqiu heard from his subordinates that the director of the Provincial TV Station and the Director of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau came to see Ye Ming. These were all on the same level as him, so he didn't pay much attention to them. He wanted to pay them a courtesy visit the next day.And it was already past six o'clock in the evening, and he didn't rush to the hospital anymore.

However, just now, he suddenly received a call from his old leader, Qiu Wangxi, Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee Office.As soon as the phone was connected, Qiu Wangxi asked him: "Xinqiu, how do you receive Master Lu Nianzi and Director Zhang Linjiang in your city? Are you receiving them according to the highest standards?"

Gong Xinqiu didn't realize it for a moment, and asked a little confusedly: "Secretary Qiu, who are Lu Nianzi and Zhang Linjiang? Have they come to Tianxi?"

Qiu Wangxi was taken aback, and asked a little annoyed: "Didn't you personally receive Director Lu and Director Zhang? Didn't they go to Tianxi City yesterday afternoon to visit Comrade Ye Ming? Before I left, I told you: Ye Comrade Ming has a very important relationship with Secretary Lu and Secretary Li. There will definitely be important people coming to visit him in the past few days. Please pay more attention to it. When you meet important people, you must receive high standards. You don’t know that Director Lu and Director Zhang is here?"

Gong Xinqiu really didn't know who Lu Nianzi and Zhang Linjiang were, because he was not in the provincial party committee, and it was rare to hear some information about Secretary Lu's family background, so he only knew that Secretary Lu had a daughter who worked in the capital, but he didn't know his daughter's name was What, I don't know what department she is in or what position she holds.

Therefore, Gong Xinqiu still hadn't reacted, so he had to ask again: "Secretary-General, who are the important people you mentioned, Director Lu and Director Zhang? I really don't know! Yesterday, I followed your instructions and kept arranging People squatted in the hospital to ask who came to visit Section Chief Ye. However, those people just told me: Zhang Yingzhi, director of the provincial TV station, and Xia Bicheng, director of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau, came to visit Section Chief Ye in our central hospital. I don’t know the identities of a few lesbians. So, I didn’t pay much attention to it, thinking that I’d just go and visit Director Zhang and Director Xia right now.”

Qiu Wangxi sighed and said: "Xinqiu, you are too insensitive and inexperienced! Think about it: Comrade Ye Ming was injured, Secretary Lu and Secretary Li came to Tianxi City overnight Visit, Secretary Lu even gave Comrade Ye Ming a blood transfusion, what kind of relationship is this? Just for the sake of Secretary Lu and Secretary Li, many important people will come to Tianxi to visit Comrade Ye Ming, Haven't you thought of this? So, you shouldn't go back from the hospital, you should stay there all the time. Today is Saturday, so you can just take this opportunity to perform there, right? If I have the convenience of you nearby If the conditions are not met, I will stay in the hospital. Because by doing so, at least Secretary Lu and Secretary Li can have a good impression of you, right?

"As for Director Lu, I can also tell you: she is Secretary Lu's only daughter, and she is now the director of the Economic Transformation Office of the National Development and Reform Commission's Old Industrial Base Revitalization Department. Her husband is the Zhang Linjiang I just mentioned to you. Director of the Department. For these two people, let me not say that Director Lu is the daughter of Secretary Lu. Director Zhang alone, you, the secretary of the municipal party committee in a backward area of ​​Tianjiang Province, may have a lot of things to rely on him Bar: For example, applying for poverty alleviation funds, providing development funds, etc. If you get to know him, wouldn’t it be a piece of cake for you Tianxi City to go to the Ministry of Finance to ask for some development funds allocated by a hat?”

When Gong Xinqiu heard that Secretary Lu's only daughter had also come to Tianxi City, and that her husband was also the Director of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance, and now came to Tianxi City with her, he was shocked at first, and then, The expression of ecstasy appeared on his face again: it turns out that Tianxi City is an underdeveloped area, and within the territory of Tianxi, there are three counties that are impoverished.In the past two years, Gong Xinqiu has been worrying about how to ask the Ministry of Finance for more funds for poverty alleviation and development.Now that I heard that the director of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance has arrived in the city, how can I not be overjoyed?

So, he hurriedly said to Qiu Wangxi: "Secretary-General, thank you for your reminder. I will rush to the Central Hospital with Mayor Liu and invite Director Lu and Director Zhang to visit our city for a day. Don't worry, I They will be entertained to the highest standard."

So he immediately called the mayor Liu Richang, and both of them had no time to eat lunch, so they rushed to the hotel near the Central Hospital, and knocked on the door of the guest room where Lu Nianzi and Zhang Linjiang registered to stay...

As soon as Gong Xinqiu and Liu Richang entered the room, they saw a large group of beauties sitting around a food box drinking chicken soup.The driver who rescued Ye Ming stood with a rural woman watching them drink soup, and asked, "Which one is Director Lu Nianzi from the National Development and Reform Commission?"

Lu Nianzi just opened the door for them, and walked in behind them. Now he went around in front of them, smiled and said, "I am Lu Nianzi. May I ask who you two are—"

When Gong Xinqiu and Liu Richang heard that she was Lu Nianzi, they immediately had smiles on their faces.Gong Xinqiu quickly reached out his hand, shook hands with Lu Nianzi, and said, "Hello, Director Lu. I am Gong Xinqiu, secretary of the Tianxi Municipal Party Committee, and next to me is Mayor Liu Richang. Mayor Liu and I have been in the hospital the night before yesterday and yesterday morning." Accompanying Comrade Ye Ming, I left for a while yesterday afternoon because I was going back to the meeting. I didn’t expect Director Lu and Director Zhang to come. We didn’t get the information, so we didn’t come to visit in time. Director Lu and Director Zhang, please don’t be offended. .”

Lu Nianzi heard him say that the two of them spent the night with Ye Ming the night before yesterday, and he immediately developed a good impression of them, and said enthusiastically: "Hello, Secretary Gong, and Mayor Liu. My wife and I are sworn brothers this time. As a sister and brother-in-law, the visit to my brother Ye Ming is purely private, so I did not report to the local leaders. Thank you to the two leaders for their care and love for my brother. Come, please sit down."

After saying this, Lu Nianzi introduced Xia Chuchu, Zhang Yan, Chen Mengqi, Chen Yi and others to Gong Xinqiu and Liu Richang one by one.

When Gong Xinqiu and Liu Richang were introduced to Xia Chuchu and Zhang Yan by Lu Nianzi, they were both surprised—because they also knew Xia Chuchu and Zhang Yan, and knew that one of them was a famous show host, and the other was a famous TV host. I didn't expect them to travel all the way to this remote place to visit Ye Ming.

Especially when Lu Nianzi said that Xia Chuchu was Ye Ming's fiancée, Gong Xinqiu and Liu Richang were even more surprised, wondering what kind of character this Ye Ming is?How could it be so crude?

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