Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1131 Three Opinions

Hong Zhiting had been biting her lips stubbornly, refusing to accept Ye Ming's bank card.However, when Ye Ming mentioned his second reason, her cheeks twitched, and her eyes showed a thoughtful expression: Yes, this is indeed a big problem!If the parents didn't see Hongxi's pension, they would definitely ask why.At that time, if I wanted to hide the fact that Hong Xi committed a crime, I might not be able to hide it anymore.

Just when her heart began to loosen, Ye Ming's cell phone rang suddenly.

Ye Ming hurriedly picked up the phone, and said to Hong Zhiting: "Xiao Hong, don't leave yet, I'll answer the call, and then we'll talk again."

This call was made by Secretary Li Runji.

Secretary Li first asked about Ye Ming's injury, and then asked: "The family members of the deceased Hong Xi in your inspection room, are they in your ward now?"

Ye Ming hurriedly said, "Yes, I'm talking to Hong Xi's sister."

When Hong Zhiting saw Ye Ming suddenly mentioning her name, she stared at him with wide eyes and listened carefully to the conversation between him and the person on the phone: she had heard Ye Ming call the other party "Secretary Li" on the phone just now, so she guessed Now it was a senior official who was talking about Hong Xi to Ye Ming, so he pricked up his ears and started to listen, not wanting to leave for the time being.

Secretary Li said: "Comrade Bai Jie reported to Secretary Lu and me just now that Hong Xi was the murderer who shot you and was an accomplice of Chen Jianli and others. Secretary Lu and I have also seen relevant evidence. You woke up yesterday. Why didn't you tell us about this first? Is there something unspeakable?"

It turned out that after Bai Jie left Ye Ming's ward at noon, he went to Secretary Li Runji immediately, and reported that Hong Xi was dragged into the water by Chen Jianli and others, betrayed Ye Ming and shot Ye Ming, and was finally shot dead by Ye Ming matter.Secretary Li was very surprised and angry when he heard that there was such a complicated case.So, he brought Bai Jie to Secretary Lu's office and reported the matter to Secretary Lu.

After Secretary Lu finished listening, he suddenly asked Bai Jie: "Comrade Bai Jie, when Ye Ming woke up yesterday, why didn't he tell you about this first? Does he have any concerns? What is his real thinking?"

Bai Jie hurriedly said: "Secretary Lu, just now I went to Comrade Ye Ming's ward and had an exchange with him about Hong Xi's problem. During the exchange, Comrade Ye Ming kept crying and blamed himself very much, saying that Hong Xi fell into In today's situation, he bears an unshirkable responsibility. He also said: If he hadn't decided to investigate the Huangyuan County issue in private, if he hadn't insisted on pulling Hong Xi to his side to investigate with him, Hong Xi would not have done so. Such a thing may happen.

"So, I guess: when he woke up yesterday, the reason why he didn't tell Hong Xi the first thing about betraying him and shooting him was because he felt ashamed and didn't want to talk about it for now; Hong Xi should keep it a secret first. If others hadn’t exposed Hong Xi’s problems, he probably wouldn’t have told anyone about Hong Xi’s crimes. From this point of view, Comrade Ye Ming is really kind-hearted, a man who hides evil and promotes good. , A benevolent gentleman who repays grievances with virtue!"

Bai Jie knew that Secretary Lu and Secretary Li liked Ye Ming very much, so he took the opportunity to praise him at this moment.

Secretary Lu leaned back on the seat, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then asked Bai Jie: "You went to talk to Ye Ming about Hong Xi at noon, did he say anything else besides self-blame? Yes What is Hong Xi's opinion on how to deal with the funeral?"

Bai Jie hurriedly replied: "Comrade Ye Ming said to me at the time: first, we hope that our task force will keep Hong Xi's issue secret, and not announce it to the outside world, nor tell Hong Xi's family members, and treat Hong Xi as an abnormal death; second, He said that he would talk to Hong Xi's mother and sister to learn about their appeals, and then he would give us some opinions and thoughts on Hong Xi's funeral. I guess Comrade Ye Ming wanted to cover up his crime for Hong Xi. lest his family members be harmed."

After listening to Bai Jie's words, Secretary Lu waved to him, signaling him to go out first.Then, he looked at Li Runji thoughtfully, and said, "Runji, I am very satisfied and gratified with Ye Ming's thoughts and actions on Hong Xi's matter. First of all, as a young man, he , after being betrayed and hurt by a colleague or subordinate, he was able to restrain his emotions, instead of blindly blaming and hating the other party, he took the initiative to find reasons from himself, and took the initiative to take the responsibility he should bear. This proves that He has realized the impulsive and aggressive mistakes he has made, and has sober reflection and remorse for the serious consequences of his mistakes. From this point of view, his adventures have made him mature A lot, and a lot of aging.

"Secondly, and the most important point: From his treatment of Hong Xi, it can be seen that he has a relatively broad mind. In Comrade Bai Jie's words, he has a kind heart. And this is what I appreciate the most, and I also feel The most gratifying thing. He can have such a mind and kindness, which proves that his character is indeed good. In my opinion, morality has always been the first priority, and ability is secondary. He has no flaws in morality. Don't worry about him."

Secretary Li also nodded in agreement, and said: "Secretary Lu, I was a little worried about Ye Ming at first. I always thought that he didn't understand the world, and sometimes he was too kind and easy to trust people. I was afraid that he would not be suitable for the officialdom." But after hearing what you said just now, I think it does make sense: a person with good character, benevolence and kindness is always the greatest advantage, even if he sometimes suffers because of this, it is still better than those who have bad character, Corrupt officials who are daring, reckless, ignorant and fearless. Therefore, we must support his thoughts and ideas on dealing with the Hongxi issue, and help him achieve his wishes."

Secretary Lu nodded and said, "That's right. You should call him now and ask him if he has met Hong Xi's family members, and ask him for his specific thoughts and opinions."

So Secretary Li picked up his phone and called Ye Ming...

Ye Ming heard that when Secretary Li asked about Hong Xi, his tone was gentle, and he didn't mean to blame himself. It is estimated that Bai Jie told him and Secretary Lu that he wanted to hide his crime for Hong Xi, so he answered cautiously. Said: "Secretary Li, I'm talking with Hong Xi's sister right now, and I just want to report some ideas to you."

Secretary Li said: "What do you think? Secretary Lu and I have already listened to Comrade Bai Jie's report. I would like to make three points here. You can tell Hong Xi's family members: First, Hong Xi's problem should not be disclosed to the outside world. Treat it as an unnatural death. Second, the Provincial Party Committee Office will give the family a little humanitarian compensation, the amount is not much, about tens of thousands of yuan; Waiter, let her have a stable job, support her parents."

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