After listening to Secretary Li's three-point instruction, Ye Ming hung up the phone, turned to Hong Zhiting who had been standing by the hospital bed in a daze and listened to his call, and said, "Xiao Hong, the leader who called me just now is Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the leader of the Provincial Party Committee in charge of the 5.15 major case. Just now he gave three instructions regarding your brother's issue: First, the issue of your brother's crimes will not be announced to the outside world, nor will he The Provincial Party Committee Office notified internally that it was treated as an unnatural death; second, the Provincial Party Committee Office will give your family tens of thousands of humanitarian compensation; third, if you want, you can work at the reception desk of the Provincial Party Committee Office and sign a formal labor contract. Contract. Although the salary at the reception is not very high, the job is fairly stable, and there are two social insurances and one housing fund. So, I would like to ask for your thoughts and opinions now."

After listening to Ye Ming's words, Hong Zhiting couldn't control the tears she had been holding back, and they flowed down, nodded to Ye Ming, choked up and said: "Chief Ye, thank you, and thank you for those kind-hearted people. Leader. I accept your opinions on how to deal with it, and I am also willing to work at the reception desk of the Provincial Party Committee."

Seeing that she agreed, Ye Ming smiled in relief, handed the card in his hand to Hong Zhiting again, and said, "Xiao Hong, since you are going to work in the provincial capital, why don't you just bring your father here. Take a comprehensive examination of his condition and stay in the hospital for a period of time to see if he can improve his health. So, you should take the 30 yuan. On the one hand, you can treat your father, and on the other hand, you can also ask your parents Confess so that they won't suspect the cause of your brother's death."

Seeing that Ye Ming really wanted to help their family, Hong Zhiting nodded with tears in her eyes, took the card, bowed deeply to Ye Ming, walked out of the ward, and helped her mother go...

After the phone call with Ye Ming, Secretary Li was about to say goodbye and leave Secretary Lu's office, but was stopped by Secretary Lu: "Comrade Runji, don't leave, I have something I want to talk to you about."

Secretary Li stopped in surprise, looked at Secretary Lu, and saw that his face was more serious, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he had encountered a huge problem, and he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

Secretary Lu came out from behind the desk, pulled Li Runji to sit down on the couch, and said in a worried tone: "Runji, the future political structure of Tianjiang Province may be more complicated. According to what I got Reliable news: Not long ago, Meng Gongcheng submitted a letter of accusation to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the main comrades in charge of the Central Committee, accusing me of cracking down on dissidents, cultivating cronies, and establishing my own small groups and cliques in Tianjiang. The examples he cited include The downfall of Zhou Jiqing, Xie Hongda, and Wang Hai also included my trust and recommendation for you, Guo Guangwei, Qiu Wangxi, Chang Ying from the Organization Department, and Qing Tao, the current mayor of M City. Because before that, I had already Suggestions to the Central Committee: After the transfer of Comrade Huang Zhifu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, you will serve as Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee; Comrade Qiu Wangxi succeeded Wang Hai as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee; Comrade Qing Tao replaced Meng Gongcheng as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of M City. The No. [-] chief originally agreed to my suggestion .

"However, Meng Gongcheng did not know from which channel he got the news, so he wrote the letter of accusation, saying that the people I recommended are all my cronies, and that I wanted to dominate Tianjiang, so I did not hesitate to use them. All kinds of despicable means have brought Xie Hongda, Zhou Jiqing, Wang Hai and others down, in order to replace all the standing committee members of Tianjiang with my cronies, and clear the way for me to do whatever I want in Tianjiang. In this letter, he In particular, I mentioned you, saying that you, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee who was promoted for less than two years, are powerful in Tianjiang because of my trust and connivance. The set of death has stirred up the Tianjiang political arena and made people panic..."

As soon as Secretary Lu said this, Li Runji's cheeks flushed red, his teeth clucked loudly, and he said with fire in his eyes: "Meng Gongcheng, an old bastard, why is he so despicable and nonsense? Zhou Jiqing, Xie Hongda , Wang Hai, and the others, all violated the law and discipline themselves, and they were supposed to be sanctioned by the party discipline and state law. It was you who kept them in order to maintain the stability and unity of Tianjiang, and did not let them receive the punishment they deserved. It is good now, On the contrary, Meng Gongcheng, the old bastard, took this matter as a target to attack you. Your Secretary Lu is aboveboard, and your selection and recommendation are completely out of public interest. What reason does he have to spray dirty water on you? Besides, he said that we are going smoothly I prosper and those who oppose me perish, which one of the people we investigated and dealt with in the past two years did not deserve what he deserved? Which one was not a corrupt official?"

Seeing that he was getting more and more excited as he talked, Secretary Lu waved his hands and said with a worried face, "Run Ji, don't get excited. To be honest, when Zhou Jiqing, Wang Hai, and Xie Hongda had an accident, I expected someone They will make a fuss about the three of them, accusing me of rejecting others and being intolerant of others. Moreover, Comrade Wu Dongsheng reminded me not long ago: Among the main leaders of the Central Committee, the two leaders of the Standing Committee who are in charge of political and legal work and propaganda work have already treated me quite well. Criticism, saying that I cover the sky with one hand in Tianjiang, engage in small groups and sectarian activities, and in order to cultivate my own power, I will not hesitate to use various means to bring down some disobedient members of the leadership team. Fortunately, the No. [-] chief knows me better and has no Bewitched by their words. But, you also know: one word makes money, one pile destroys bones. If these people say too many bad things about me in front of the No. [-] and No. [-] chiefs, my life will be very difficult in the future.

"So, I was mentally prepared for someone to make a fuss about Wang Hai, Zhou Jiqing and Xie Hongda and attack me. However, I didn't expect that the person who jumped out to attack me now was Meng Gongcheng. In my impression, I and Meng Gongcheng seems to have never had any conflicts, and even rarely communicated. Moreover, considering that he is an old comrade who is about to retire, I have always respected him. I did not expect that when he was about to retire, he would give I'm here to do it.

"Meng Gongcheng's accusation is actually more effective than Zhou Jiqing's or Wang Hai's and Xie Hongda's accusations against me: because the central leadership knows that I have no conflicts with Meng Gongcheng, nor have any prejudices. Therefore, many people will mistake him for It was out of public interest and because he was really dissatisfied with my actions that he came forward to expose me, not because he had any personal grievances with me. Therefore, some leaders of the Standing Committee believed his accusations against me, and in the No. [-] chief There are a lot of suggestions there. And these suggestions are extremely unfavorable to you and me."

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