Just when Chen Yuanqiao felt ashamed and desperate because Chen Mengqi offended Xia Haoyu, and felt that he could no longer get the support of Huayu Heavy Industry and the golden land in Huangma Town, his cell phone happened to be at this moment. "Buzzing", and looking at the number, the name displayed on the screen turned out to be Ye Ming, whom he hated so much at the moment.

When he saw the name "Ye Ming" on the phone screen, Chen Yuanqiao's face was blood red and his eyes were flaming. He thought, if it wasn't because Ye Ming talked to Qiqi last night, it wasn't because he was in Qiqi. Qiqi and Xia Haoyu are sowing discord, Qiqi should listen to her own words and choose to get engaged to Xia Haoyu.In that case, at least Jinqiao Group can get a loan quickly, which can greatly alleviate the financial crisis of the group company.Even if Xia Haoyu really can't get the land in Huangma Town for the company, as long as there is a huge amount of financial assistance from Huayu Heavy Industry, Jinqiao Group should be safe in the short term, and it can completely survive the current crisis and wait for the real estate market. the arrival of spring.

However, it was this Ye Ming, who couldn't help Jinqiao Group get the land and couldn't finance the company, but took advantage of Qiqi's deep love for him, and broke up Qiqi and Xia Haoyu at the most critical moment. He fell into a desperate situation all of a sudden.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuanqiao angrily pressed the answer button, and shouted into the microphone angrily: "Ye, you are almost 30 years old, why are you so uncultivated and have no basic principles of life? As the saying goes: Ning Demolition of ten temples, not even one family! My Qiqi and Mr. Xia Haoyu are of the same family, talented and beautiful. It was originally a perfect marriage. What are you doing now? Why do you want to break up the marriage between Qiqi and Mr. Xia Haoyu? You What exactly do you want to do?"

His words, on the one hand, were out of resentment towards Ye Ming, on the other hand, they were also for Xia Haoyu who was sitting opposite him, and the purpose was to tell him: Qiqi originally agreed to marry him. However, because he was bewitched by Ye Ming, he suddenly changed his mind.And the reason he said this was because he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, and he wanted Xia Haoyu not to give up, not to blame Qiqi, and continue to pursue her until he succeeded.

Ye Ming was baffled by his scolding.However, he is a very reserved person, especially in front of elders.Therefore, although what Chen Yuanqiao said just now was very ugly and harsh, he did not retort tit-for-tat, let alone refute Chen Yuanqiao angrily, but said calmly: "Uncle Chen, you may have misunderstood me! I made an appointment with Qi yesterday. Qi went out to drink tea, not because she wanted to break up her marriage with Mr. Xia, but because she knew that she was very depressed and depressed recently, so she wanted to talk to her, relieve her, and let her not be so depressed, don't be so trouble.

"During the chat, we also talked about her engagement and marriage with Mr. Xia. At that time, I saw that she was very worried and very haggard, so I asked her how she felt about Mr. Xia? Are you satisfied with this marriage? Qi Qi said by herself: She doesn't like Mr. Xia very much, and even hates him a little bit. The reason why she agreed to get engaged to Mr. Xia was purely because she considered that Jinqiao Group needs the support of Huayu Heavy Industry, and it was not voluntary at all. Moreover, she also Said: She knows she won't live long, and it's the same whether she marries or not, so it doesn't matter who she gets engaged to!

"I heard her say this, and guessed that she had the idea of ​​committing suicide. I was very anxious and worried about her. So, I advised her: You must be kind to yourself, and you must not do anything stupid. The marriage is forced and helpless, it is a painful choice, so don't force yourself. As for the difficulties of Jinqiao Group, we can help solve them together."

Hearing this, Chen Yuanqiao realized that her daughter was in such pain and thought of committing suicide. She was stunned with fright, and beads of sweat dripped down her forehead.

At the same time, after listening to Ye Ming's explanation, he found that he was really blaming Ye Ming a little bit: maybe, he really saw Qiqi in such pain, so he persuaded her to seriously consider her marriage with Xia Haoyu, and there was nothing else vile thought.What's more, yesterday he also promised to lend 2000 million to Qiqi, and let her put it in the company to pay back the debt.From this point of view, he may really want to help Jinqiao Group.

So, he slowed down his tone, and then asked Ye Ming: "Xiaoye, just now you said that you would help our company out of the predicament, what can you do? I heard Qiqi say: You promised to lend us 2000 million last night." I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for the company's repayment of the debt. However, you loaned us 2000 million, which is only enough to pay off the principal and interest of those small fund-raising accounts. It is completely useless for our company's other large debts. !"

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "Uncle Chen, who are you with now? Is it convenient for Fang to talk? If there are outsiders present, please go to a secluded place to answer the phone."

Chen Yuanqiao glanced at Xia Haoyu who was opposite, stood up, pointed to Xia Haoyu outside, and signaled that he would go out to answer the phone, then opened the door and walked out of the box, came to an empty corner, and said in a low voice: "Xiaoye, there is no one around me right now, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

"It's like this: last time you asked me to find Secretary Qing of the Municipal Party Committee of M, and asked him to allow the city government to sell the land in Huangma Town to you Jinqiao Group. At that time, because I didn't understand the policy, I thought that since Secretary Qing If you keep your mouth shut, you are not allowed to transfer the land in the Xinghai Development Zone at will, so it must be against the law to go to him to approve the land now. So, I rejected you at that time.

"However, after meeting with Qiqi last night, I have a deeper understanding of your company's current plight, and also know the importance of the land in Huangma Town to your company. Especially when I saw that Qiqi was so thin, I was so haggard and painful, and I felt very heartbroken and sympathized with her very much. I felt that I must try my best to help you and solve some practical difficulties for you.

"So, after parting with Qiqi, I went home and checked and studied the policies and documents on the transfer of state-owned land use rights on the computer. In addition to the two methods, there are two possible transfer methods, namely agreement transfer and bidding transfer, and they are all compliant and legal. So, tonight, I made an appointment with Secretary Qing and Director Wang Xiuguang of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources. During the meal, I talked with the two leaders about your company's desire to obtain the land in Huangma Town. Now, the two leaders are with me. If you are free, can you come over and face the two leaders Tell me about the condition of the land?"


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