When Chen Yuanqiao heard Ye Ming's last few words and learned that he had invited Qing Tao, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Wang Xiuguang, Director of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, to a restaurant and was discussing the purchase of land by Jinqiao Group, his eyes rolled His eyes widened, and his eyes revealed an expression of surprise and joy, and he asked in an unbelievable tone: "Xiaoye, is what you said true? Are you really with Secretary Qing and Director Wang now?"

"Uncle Chen, can I lie to you about this kind of thing? We're just halfway through our meal, and it's not far from Jinqiao Group. If it's convenient for you, come here as soon as possible!"

Chen Yuanqiao heard Ye Ming's words with certainty, and judging from his tone and the fact that he invited himself to the past, it is estimated that his company's purchase of that piece of golden land is very promising, and he suddenly felt a sense of escape from death. , hurriedly said: "Xiaoye, can you leave the box for a while, go outside and have a few words with me alone? You are with Secretary Qing and the others now, some words may not be good, so how to answer me in front of them."

Ye Ming agreed, and about ten seconds later, he said on the phone: "Uncle Chen, I'm already outside the box now, if you have any questions, just ask!"

"It's like this: I want to ask, you told Secretary Qing that I want to buy land, how did he answer you?"

"Uncle Chen, let me tell you the truth: you were suspected of violating the rules when you bought the land. Therefore, Secretary Qing didn't agree to me at first. Later, I reported to the two leaders the actual situation your company is currently facing. It’s difficult, and they all know Qiqi. They heard that I wanted to help Qiqi, so they agreed in principle to sell this land to your company. However, it can’t be sold to you by agreement. You can only get it indirectly through bidding. As for how to get the land through bidding, I think you have worked in the real estate industry for so many years, and you should know the routine better than us, so I don’t need to explain it. The key point Yes: As long as Secretary Qing agrees to give this land to your company, it will be fine, right?"

"Yes, yes! Xiaoye, you are so smart and know our industry too well. It seems that my Qiqi has insight, knows that you are a good young man who is affectionate, righteous and responsible, and also knows that you are a reliable person at critical moments. A real man! Xiaoye, I sincerely apologize for the rude words I just said to you, and please don’t worry about the unreasonable accusations I made on you on the spur of the moment. You also know that I have always I've been struggling with the company's affairs every day, and my temper is getting worse and worse, so I hope you can understand and forgive me!"

Hearing his apology, Ye Ming smiled wryly and said, "Uncle Chen, don't talk to me like that! If I cared about you, why would I tell you so much? Come here quickly, don't Let Secretary Qing and Director Wang wait for you for too long."

Chen Yuanqiao responded cheerfully, quickly rushed into the box, and said to Xia Haoyu: "Mr. Xia, I'm sorry, I have a very important date now, so I can only stay away temporarily. Eat slowly, and leave when you are full!"

Xia Haoyu knew just now that it was Ye Ming who called Chen Yuanqiao, and now seeing him beaming with joy and smiling, he changed from the dejected and desperate expression that was like a concubine just now.Moreover, he actually left the table early without waiting for his distinguished guest and the "savior" to finish their meal. Obviously, he no longer took himself seriously, and couldn't help being furious, and said with a livid face: "Mr. Chen, you are going too far!" Right! You called me from the left to the right and called me over for dinner. In the middle of the meal, your daughter left angrily and taunted me before leaving. Now, you answered the phone yourself, and It doesn’t matter if the guests want to leave the meal before they finish their meal. You say: What kind of etiquette is this? Do you neglect the guests like this? I think you two have the same temperament and personality, and both of you have different personalities. Lack of it. No wonder a good Jinqiao Group has been turned into the current mess by you!"

Chen Yuanqiao originally didn't want to offend Xia Haoyu because of the good relationship between Xia's father and son and Governor Ni, and might rely on them for help in the future.However, after hearing Xia Haoyu's last few words of sarcasm, his anger boiled up, and he remembered that Qiqi and Xia Haoyu had no chance of getting married now, anyway, they had already offended them, and he was not afraid of offending Shen Shen again. At one point, he suppressed his smile, straightened his face, and shouted: "My surname Xia, what do you mean by that? How can we, father and daughter, be lacking? I have kindly invited you to dinner, and now I have urgent matters. Going out, is it worth your anger and cynicism? I used to think that you were a gentleman, a good young man with good etiquette and self-cultivation. Now, it turns out that it was just a mask you wore!

"It seems that our Qiqi's vision is indeed correct. She should have seen through your essence a long time ago, so she dislikes you so much. Young man, I advise you to be more modest, and don't just because you have a better family background and some money at home. , just be supercilious, self-centered, want the whole world to revolve around you, want others to curry favor with you, curry favor with you! If you feel that you are left alone to eat, and you are left out, then you are completely You can leave, there is no need to say such a yin three yang four!"

Chen Yuanqiao, like Chen Mengqi, is a person who doesn't care about anything when his temper comes up.Therefore, he spoke harshly, making Xia Haoyu's face turn blue and white, and suddenly stood up, and said with red eyes: "Chen Yuanqiao, don't think that with the help of that kid Ye Ming, you can achieve Your purpose. Let me tell you: I can help you achieve things, then, in turn, I can also ruin your business. Don’t you want to get the land in Real Madrid? You wait: if you really get that land, I, Xia Haoyu, drill three laps from your crotch!"

After saying these two harsh words, he picked up the suit on the stool and walked away angrily.

Chen Yuanqiao's heart trembled at his last two vicious words, an ominous thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and he began to regret that he shouldn't have stopped talking just now, which hurt Xia Haoyu's self-esteem.

However, he has no time to regret now, nor does he have time to remedy what he just said to Xia Haoyu, so he quickly called Chen Mengqi and told her: Ye Ming has already made an appointment with Secretary Qing and Director Wang of the Department of Land and Resources on Xiangfu Road. After dinner, let her rush to the gate of the group company to meet Ye Ming and the two leaders together.

Chen Mengqi was sitting in a small private room and was sulking, but when she heard her father said that she was going to see Ye Ming, and Ye Ming also invited the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Director Wang of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, she couldn't help being elated, and hurried to see Ye Ming. She ran out of the small box, rushed to the entrance of Jinqiao Hotel, got in her father's car and rushed to the place where Ye Ming and the others had dinner.

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