Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 1161 Good people do it to the end

After Chen Yuanqiao and Chen Mengqi entered Ye Ming's dining room, Qing Tao briefly asked about the current situation of Jinqiao Group, and then said to Chen Yuanqiao: "Mr. Chen, to tell you the truth: Xiaoye just mentioned your company to me. When I wanted to buy the land in Huangma Town, I disagreed at first. However, I heard from Xiaoye later that your company had a big problem and is currently facing great difficulties. And the land in Huangma Town is very important to your company. Whether it can be brought back to life is very important.

"So, I thought about it: You Jinqiao Group is such a large private enterprise, you can't just watch you collapse - after all, your company pays so much taxes to the city every year, and contributes to the financial resources of city m. A certain contribution. Moreover, your enterprises, including Jinqiao Hotel, have also supported many employees and provided many employment opportunities, which can be regarded as reducing the employment pressure for the municipal party committee and government. From these two points, the municipal party committee and municipal government have When you encounter difficulties, you should really support them. Approving a piece of land for you to develop is also a way for the municipal government to support you. Therefore, I just agreed in principle to your company’s request for land purchase.”

When Chen Yuanqiao heard Qing Tao say that he had agreed to sell the land in Huangma Town to Jinqiao Company, he couldn't help but blushed with excitement, and quickly thanked Qing Tao and Wang Xiuguang.

Seeing that Ye Ming was so concerned about her affairs, Chen Mengqi confided to him last night, and today he brought Secretary Qing and Director Wang. was replaced by an expression of heartfelt joy.

After eating, Chen Yuanqiao rushed to the bar to buy the bill, then pulled Ye Ming aside, and asked in a low voice: "Xiaoye, can you invite Secretary Qing and Director Wang to our hotel for coffee later?" Let's go to the living room, have a cup of tea or coffee together, and then have a deep chat? You know, Secretary Qing is not easily invited by others. Since he came out today, I don't want to give up this great opportunity to get to know him After all, our company will rely on him a lot in the future."

Ye Ming said happily: "Uncle Chen, this is no problem. I originally wanted to invite the two leaders to sit in the coffee shop of your hotel after dinner, drink tea, and chat. But, I I want to remind you in advance: Secretary Qing and Director Wang are very honest people. They helped you today, not because they want to get anything in return from you, but because they sincerely want to save your company. So, wait for your hotel , you must not engage in such things as giving red envelopes or giving gifts. If you do this, Secretary Qing and Director Wang will be angry, and maybe your land purchase will be ruined."

When Chen Yuanqiao invited Qing Tao and Wang Xiuguang to the hotel, he originally wanted to give them a big red envelope to express his gratitude.Now when I heard Ye Ming say this, I was taken aback, and quickly nodded and said, "Okay, okay."

Ye Ming knows that Chen Yuanqiao's most urgent problem is to get the land in Huangma Town and sell it to Fuxin Technology Group; the second is to get several hundred million in financial assistance to repay the bank loan due at the end of the year. In order not to lose credit, or be drawn by the bank because of failure to repay the due loan.

Therefore, he decided to be a good person to the end, and said to Chen Yuanqiao: "Uncle Chen, you can call Zhao Tianxing of Fuxin Technology Group now, and you tell him: You are now talking to the secretary of the municipal party committee and the king of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources. Let the director have tea together. If he is interested, you can invite him to come over and have a chat. I know that Fuxin Technology Group has not established a firm foothold in Tianjiang now, and Zhao Tianxing most wants to find a backer in the province and city. So, As long as he knows that Secretary Qing and Director Wang are with you, he will definitely rush over to curry favor.

"Moreover, when Zhao Tianxing knows that you have a good relationship with Secretary Qing and Director Wang, he will definitely look at you with admiration. In this way, when you resell the land in Huangma Town, you can have a greater negotiation on the price At the same time, in order to get Secretary Qing and Director Wang through you, he will definitely be willing to lend funds to Jinqiao Group. In this way, your two problems will be solved together."

Hearing Ye Ming's words, Chen Yuanqiao suddenly grabbed Ye Ming's palm, shook it vigorously, and said gratefully: "Xiao Ye, you are really thoughtful. If you don't remind me like this, I haven't considered this matter yet." What about the floor! However, if I rashly call Zhao Tianxing over, Secretary Qing and Director Wang will not have any opinions or opinions in their hearts!"

Ye Ming smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this. Just before you came here, I told Secretary Qing: I am also an acquaintance with Zhao Tianxing, the general manager of Fuxin Technology Group. I have been to Xijing City. Moreover, Zhao Tianxing is a real person, he is kind and easy to deal with. Now their group company is planning to invest in Tianjiang on a large scale. Therefore, I would like to invite Zhao Tianxing to come and sit down. Both Secretary Qing and Director Wang have agreed. So, now you can safely call Zhao Tianxing and ask him to come to the coffee shop of the Golden Bridge Hotel in half an hour."

Just as Ye Ming expected, when Zhao Tianxing learned that Chen Yuanqiao was drinking tea with Secretary Qing and Director Wang of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, he hurried over immediately. They drank tea together for two hours and talked about it. Although it was some irrelevant topics, Zhao Tianxing found that Qing Tao and Wang Xiuguang respected Ye Ming very much, and the relationship between the three of them was also very close.

From this, he judged: Ye Ming's relationship and background in the province must be very tough.Chen Yuanqiao was able to get the land in Huangma Town, and Ye Ming must have made great efforts in it.

Therefore, after sending Qing Tao and Wang Xiuguang away, Zhao Tianxing stayed and proposed to Chen Yuanqiao: If Jinqiao Group needs to borrow money now, Fuxin Technology Group can lend [-] million yuan to Jinqiao Group first, and the interest will be calculated according to the same period. Loan interest rate calculation.After reselling the land in Huangma Town to Fuxin Technology Group, they can also lend [-] million to Jinqiao Group!

When Chen Yuanqiao got this promise from Zhao Tianxing, a big stone fell to the ground in his heart, and he couldn't stop thanking Zhao Tianxing.

On the evening when Ye Ming invited Qingtao and Wang Xiuguang to drink tea, Su Han, Ye Ming's classmate, the deputy director of the first secretary of the m city government and the secretary of the mayor Yao Yuanhan, was in a secluded small building not far from the Jinqiao Hotel. In a small tea house in the alley, he had a secret conversation with a real estate developer named Liu Fuyang.And what they talked about in secret was exactly the "golden land" that Chen Yuanqiao wanted in Huangma Town.

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