Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 118 Forgiveness

Ye Ming heard from Ouyang Ming that Zhang Dongfang once saw himself and Chen Yi touching each other while singing in the private room, and immediately remembered his birthday. Since he and Chen Yi were a little drunk, the two of them were a little bit drunk in the private room. Sitting together with hands clasped as if no one else was there.Moreover, on that night, in the apartment in "Biyuan Community", Chen Yi gave her body to herself...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shudder: Now he has completely offended Zhang Dongfang!On the night of his birthday, if Zhang Dongfang wanted to catch him, he only needed to drive a car and quietly follow him and Chen Yi to the "Biyuan Community", and he would definitely see himself and Chen Yi going upstairs hugging each other.If he used his mobile phone to secretly take a few intimate photos of himself and Chen Yi, this matter would be completely exposed...

Ouyang Ming saw that Ye Ming's face was cloudy, showing worry and anxiety, and hurriedly confessed: "Director Ye, don't worry. Since I caused this, I will definitely find a way to calm it down. I just thought about it : Tonight, before the investigation team of the Municipal Bureau’s Supervision Office came down, I talked to the cadres who signed the name and unified the caliber of dealing with the investigation team. I was the instigator, although I was not in that letter I signed the letter, but I drafted that letter. So, I will take the initiative to find the investigation team tomorrow, and admit that I wanted to make a false accusation against you for personal purposes, so I concocted such a false accusation letter. They explained: The three issues involved in this letter are all fabricated and fabricated. Although, if I do this, the Municipal Bureau may deal with me in the name of falsely accusing and framing my colleagues. But, you are so kind to me, You have helped me so much, I can no longer harm you against my conscience. I want them to push the responsibility on me for the other cadres who signed it, saying that the reason why they signed it is that I have accepted it. In fact, they have never heard of the problems you mentioned in your letter... I think, in this case, the investigation team should believe us, and it shouldn't cause you any harm."

Ye Ming heard what he said was sincere, and that the solution he proposed was indeed feasible, so he felt a little more at ease, and then he grabbed Ou Yangming's shoulder and said with deep emotion: "Director Ou, if you can say and do this, I will I feel very relieved in my heart, and I also feel that it is worthwhile and completely correct for me to help you out of the predicament today! I remember a sentence in an article: Sometimes when you help others, you may end up helping yourself! Today I I realized the profound meaning of this sentence: When I decided to help you pay off your debts and help you get rid of the entanglement of Luo Shaoming and others, I didn’t know that you had written such a letter! If I didn’t help you today, but To add insult to injury to you. Then, the enmity between us will become deeper and deeper. In this way, when the investigation team talks to you tomorrow, you will definitely try to prove the problems reflected in my letter, and you will add embellishments. Those problems are exaggerated, and these things are spread. In this way, my problems are very complicated and troublesome... So, I helped you today, and in fact, I helped me in the end. You said: Don’t you This reason?"

Ou Yangming nodded and said: "Director Ye, even though you said that, I still feel guilty in my heart, and I still feel that I am too dark and despicable. I think: the party group of the county bureau will definitely deal with me this time. Because even I myself feel that I should be reprimanded and dealt with for doing such a despicable thing. My repentance is only produced today when I compare it with your integrity. If you didn’t do your best to help me today I may not wake up to this matter, and I will still hold a grudge against you. Therefore, I think the truth you just said is completely correct. "

Hearing his sincerity and sincerity, Ye Ming knew that he had truly repented now, so he said, "Director Ou, don't worry. Now that you have decided to change your past and start a new life, I will help you to the end. If you tomorrow After voluntarily admitting that you organized the letter of complaint, the county bureau or the city bureau will punish you, and I will try my best to help you speak up, and try not to affect you because of it!"

What Ouyang Ming is most worried about now is that after he voluntarily admits that he has falsely accused Ye Ming tomorrow, Zou Wenming or Director Xu of the Municipal Bureau will be furious and punish him.Now when Ye Ming said that he was willing to help him speak well to Director Zou, a stone in his heart fell to the ground—he knew that Director Zou loved Ye Ming very much.As long as Ye Ming insists on helping him, Director Zou will definitely buy his face...

At this moment, Zou Wenming suddenly called.

"Xiaoye, where are you now? Have you eaten? Can you come to my house? I have something urgent to discuss with you."

As soon as Zou Wenming opened his mouth, he showed a very anxious and concerned mood.

Ye Ming glanced at Ouyang Ming who was a little nervous, and said, "Director Zou, I know what you want to tell me. I am with Director Ouyang Ming and we are discussing how to explain the letter to the investigation team tomorrow." question."

The reason why Ye Ming told Zou Wenming so bluntly that he was with Ouyang Ming was to give him a vaccination first, so that he would not have too much opinion on Ouyang Ming.

When Zou Wenming heard Ye Ming say that he was with Ouyang Ming, he said angrily, "Xiao Ye, don't you know who organized the letter of complaint written by the cadres of the First Sub-bureau? Let me tell you: if my estimate is not Wrong, that's definitely Ou Yangming next to you. This villain, just because he didn't become the chief of a sub-bureau, fabricated truth and turned black and white, and made something out of nothing. This is to kill you! My worst I hate this kind of cunning villain who doesn't speak to his face but stabs him in the back. Don't disturb him for now, come to my house first, and let's discuss countermeasures together. Director Xu told me just now: You must wipe out your matter You must be calm, and those cadres who sue you behind your back must be dealt with organizationally, and this unhealthy tendency to sue behind your back and frame your colleagues and leaders must be stopped!"

Ye Ming smiled and said: "Director Zou, don't get excited. Just now Director Ou admitted to me that this letter was written by his organization. Moreover, he also sincerely thanked me. He also told me: Tomorrow, he will take the initiative to find someone from the investigation team to admit his mistakes in the false accusation, and explain to the investigation team that what he wrote in the letter is nothing but fabricated things. He also told me that he is willing to accept his superiors because of his own mistakes. There will be no complaints!"

"Oh? Did he really say that? You're not trying to excuse him, are you?"

Zou Wenming asked in disbelief on the phone.

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