Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 119 Plan ahead

Ye Ming knew that Zou Wenming had always had a prejudice against Ouyang Ming, thinking that he was superficial, had a rough life, and had a bad habit of gambling.Now that he knew that he had reported his innocence behind his back, he would definitely feel even more disgusted with him in his heart.If I don't communicate with him well, maybe he will really punish Ouyang Ming severely.

So, he persuaded Zou Wenming again, saying: "Director Zou, Director Ou is really sincerely discussing with me what to do with the investigation team tomorrow. Moreover, I think the method he proposed to confess to the investigation team is a false accusation. It is very useful. When the investigation team reports the conversation records between him and several other cadres who signed the letter to the Provincial Supervision Office, it is estimated that my matter will be calm. So, please believe I, I believe Director Ou, we will definitely handle the matter properly."

Hearing what he said so firmly, Zou Wenming couldn't figure out what was going on between him and Ouyang Ming. After thinking about it for a while, he asked him to stay away from Ouyang Ming and go outside to answer the phone.Then, he said seriously on the phone: "If this is the case, then you tell Ou Yangming to write a profound self-criticism immediately and hand it to me. The content of the self-criticism is to admit his own mistakes, and express his determination to repent; second, he must explain in detail his purpose and motivation for writing the complaint letter, and analyze the serious consequences of this behavior; The cadres held a black meeting, prepared to deal with you in detail, and explained clearly how they discussed and decided at that time. Do you understand?"

Ye Ming said in a bit of embarrassment: "Director Zou, there is no need to write a self-criticism! In that case, Director Ou will be very embarrassed."

Zou Wenming sighed, and said earnestly: "Xiaoye, you are immature, you don't know people's hearts are unpredictable, and the officialdom is sinister. The reason why I asked Ouyangming to write a review has two purposes: first, to plan ahead, and build a A dam: When the investigation team arrives tomorrow, I can be the first to show them Ouyang Ming's review letter, so that they will know that the report letter is purely false accusation before they start the investigation, and they will not be able to investigate it. So seriously; the second is to hold on to the evidence. If Ouyang Ming wrote this self-criticism in my hands, I am not afraid that he will retract his confession tomorrow. Because in the self-criticism, he has already described in detail his motivation and purpose of framing and falsely accusing you And the process, this is something he cannot deny. If he faces the inspection team tomorrow, what he said is different from what is written in the review, we can treat this review as his personal statement and hand it over to the inspection team. We are not afraid of him Thirdly, with this review, it will be an important basis for punishment when the party group of the bureau wants to deal with him and several other cadres. My thoughts are: Ou Yangming's lawsuit against you this time, With despicable motives and bad means, he must be punished and let him have a longer memory. At least, his position as deputy director must be dismissed this time, and he can no longer be in your way. This is also the case of the Municipal Bureau. Director Xu's meaning."

Ye Ming was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Director Zou, it's better to be careful about this matter. Although Director Ou organized the lawsuit against me, although his motives were impure, his methods were legal and justified. I remember the Civil Service Law and There are regulations in the party discipline: civil servants and party members have the right to report and accuse others of violations of discipline and law. Director Ou and the others reported me to the provincial bureau in the form of a real-name letter. Although the content of the report is not true, the method is legal. Therefore , I think it’s better not to deal with them.”

Zou Wenming said bitterly: "Xiaoye, Director Xu also talked to me just now, saying that you are too soft-hearted, easy to trust and forgive people. Look, I am going to give you a sigh of relief now, and for you You remove the stumbling block and pave the way. You are good. Instead, you argued with me and defended your opponent. You, I really don’t know what to say about you. Since you quoted the scriptures with me, I will tell you too. You: I have sufficient grounds for punishing Ou Yangming and the others. Article [-] of the Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions for Party Members stipulates: Whoever makes a false accusation of framing others shall be given corresponding Party disciplinary sanctions based on the facts of the false accusation and with reference to the punishment received or likely to be received by the framed person; If other serious consequences are caused, severe or aggravated punishment will be given. Although Ouyang Ming and the others’ report was legal, it is clearly a false accusation. Therefore, it is completely correct for the bureau’s party group to punish them accordingly.”

Ye Ming knew that Zou Wenming had a background in discipline inspection and supervision, and was very familiar with party discipline and rules.He said that he had a basis for punishing Ouyang Ming and the others, which must be good.

On the phone, he couldn't argue for Ou Yangming any more, so he said vaguely: "Director Zou, then I'll ask Director Ou to write up the review first, and I'll hand it over to you when I get to work tomorrow. I'll talk to him again. talk."

After hanging up Zou Wenming's phone call, Ye Ming walked into the box and told Ou Yangming about Director Zou's request to write a self-criticism.

Ou Yangming said happily: "Director Ye, this is fine. Even if Director Zou doesn't remind me, I will write this review. Moreover, I have to write more profoundly and earnestly, and try to get the understanding of the bureau leaders. I also sincerely admit my mistake to you."

While Zou Wenming was on the phone with Ye Ming, Director Xu Fei of the Municipal Bureau was also planning to do something for Ye Ming.

He is very clear: Regarding Ye Ming's promotion to the first sub-bureau of Xinleng County Bureau, if you must find fault with the fault, then there is indeed a problem.Because according to the relevant regulations on the selection and appointment of party members and leading cadres, Ye Ming, as a newly promoted middle-level deputy, is still in the probationary period, and it will take a year before he can be officially appointed as the deputy director of the first branch.A deputy director who was still on probation was appointed by the bureau's party group as the actual person in charge of the branch, which was obviously suspected of violating the rules.Moreover, the first sub-bureau of the Xinleng County Bureau is a branch with a large tax source and the largest number of people, and its importance is self-evident.In such an important branch, the party group of the Xinleng County Bureau deliberately vacated the top position and let a newly promoted deputy director take charge of the administration. This is obviously abnormal.If the Provincial Supervision Office must investigate and deal with it, it makes sense.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, he called Director Xia of the Supervision Office of the Municipal Bureau and asked him to come to his bedroom in the guest house.

Director Xia is the leader of the investigation team who is going to the Xinleng County Bureau to investigate Ye Ming's problem tomorrow.

When Director Xia saw that Director Xu was looking for him to go to his bedroom at night, he felt a little excited and hurried to the Municipal Bureau Guest House.

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