Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 122 Contagious Lovesickness

Coming out of Zou Wenming's office, Ye Ming just wanted to sit in Chen Yi's office on the third floor, and asked her about renting a house outside, when the mobile phone in his trouser pocket suddenly rang, and he took it out to check the number, but it was Xia Chuchu's .

During this period of time, Ye Ming was troubled by Xia Chuchu's phone calls: she often called suddenly in the middle of the night, waking him up from his sleep.When I asked her what was the matter, she said that she couldn't sleep, and wanted to chat with him, a country bumpkin, and listen to his unique Xin Leng Mandarin, and said that his Xin Leng Mandarin is a good cure for insomnia, sometimes listening she fell asleep...

Ye Ming was dumbfounded by her words, and didn't dare to offend her, so he had to be patient and chat with her in his "New Leng Mandarin" until she yawned on the phone... …

If Ye Ming shows a little bit of impatience, Xia Chuchu will half-jokingly and half-seriously say: "You bumpkin, are you really dating Chen Mengqi? You said it before: you only dated her to give her I won’t take it seriously to cure depression. I can tell you: one day I will be unhappy, and I will come to Xinleng to find you and Chen Mengqi. Qiqi is a heartless thing, she has lovesickness, I will give her Pull you to the stage and cure her. She is fine, she is proud now, and she doesn’t call me a single one. Find a chance to tell her: just say that her lovesickness has infected me, let me She left you on her own initiative. Back then, I offered you to her as a country bumpkin. Now that her illness is cured, she must return you to me. I also have the same illness and need the same prescription for treatment..."

Ye Ming could hear: When she said these words, although it was in a joking tone, there was jealousy and sourness in it, as well as a sense of helplessness...

Ye Ming has already confirmed that Xia Chuchu really likes him.It's just that he is suffering from headaches because of Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi: Chen Mengqi drives to the gate of the county bureau on time almost every day at around 05:30, waits for him to get off work, and then asks him to accompany her to eat and go shopping, Go to the movies with her.The two of them have visited almost all the famous places for eating, drinking and having fun in Xinleng.

Sometimes Ye Ming is really helpless and jokes that he is a "Mr. Escort", and Chen Mengqi will smile and say: "You are my boyfriend, this is your duty! Besides, you are just eating with me now." , playing with me, but not with me..."

She was going to say "I didn't sleep with me again", but after all, she still felt shy and couldn't open her mouth, so she had to keep her mouth shut...

And Chen Yi is a boring gourd. Although she was very jealous, she didn't say it out loud, but she expressed her dissatisfaction with actions: if Ye Ming asked her to go out for dinner occasionally, she would not agree; Ye Ming thought of the hotel where she was temporarily staying at night. Going to bed, she locked the door tightly, but didn't open the door for him...

Of course, Ye Ming also knew: Chen Yi neglected herself during this time, on the one hand, she was a little jealous of Chen Mengqi, on the other hand, it was also because she knew the contents of Ouyang Ming's complaint letter, and she was a little scared. Zhiyou stayed in Xinleng. After all, he was a bit jealous, so he avoided Ye Ming as much as possible...

Just because he was at a loss when dealing with Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi, so he didn't dare to provoke Xia Chuchu: that is a master with a fiery personality. She saw hope, maybe she would come to Xinleng to find him every now and then.In that case, it will be even more difficult for him to parry...

Now, when he saw the words "Xia Chuchu" displayed on the screen of his mobile phone, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, pressed the answer button with a guilty conscience, and said, "Hi Miss Chuchu! You finally chose a daytime time to call me." I called...what can I do?"

"Dead country bumpkin, I called you at night, are you impatient and complaining? Let me tell you: Miss Ben thinks highly of you, so she only called to chat with you in the middle of the night. You have to figure it out: there are so many outstanding boys in this provincial city , if I call any one of them in the middle of the night and say that I want to chat with him, he will be so happy that he won't be able to sleep for three days and three nights, believe it or not? So, you stinky country bumpkin, don't be ignorant of your blessings! "

Ye Ming thought that what she said was reasonable, so he said with a smile: "I believe it. You are a famous host, known as a heartthrob, and there are as many unmarried young men who are obsessed with you all over the country. Call me , I should be honored and flattered..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Chuchu laughed and scolded over there: "Damn bumpkin, stinky bumpkin, shut up your stinky mouth... I have good news for you: I got the news from the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee that you have already You have won the honorary title of advanced individuals who have done justice and bravery in the whole province. The provincial party committee will hold a grand commendation conference to commend you brave individuals. I heard that after the commendation conference is over, Lu Zhiyao, secretary of the provincial party committee, will personally meet you advanced individuals. Our station has already received the task of publicity and reporting, and it is estimated that the commendation meeting will be held in the next few days. Let me tell you: when you arrive in the provincial capital, you must come to me, and you cannot hide from me, do you hear me?"

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay. If I come to the provincial capital, I will definitely come to you."

Xia Chuchu paused for a moment, then suddenly said: "I tell you: You still owe me a promise, and one day I will let you fulfill it."

Ye Ming asked inexplicably, "What promise do I owe you?"

Xia Chuchu let out a "bah", and said bitterly: "I knew that you, a heartless country bumpkin, would definitely forget the promise you made yourself. You don't have the slightest shadow of me in your heart... Tell you: last time When you came to record the show, you told me that you would confess your love to me on the spot at my show, have you forgotten? I keep your words firmly in my heart and wait for you to fulfill your promise. "

When she said this, her tone suddenly softened and became gentle, and in a tone that sounded a bit shy, she whispered: "You bumpkin, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, don't laugh at me: I often do a Meng, dreaming that you really came to the scene of the romantic hand-in-hand show, holding a large bouquet of roses in your hand, in front of the audience and male and female guests, you knelt down on one knee and wooed me...

You don't know: In the dream, I was so happy, so happy, so sweet... I saw you kneeling there, but I just didn't come to pick up the flowers in your hand, just didn't agree to your courtship—I I want you to kneel for a while longer, I want to prolong my sense of happiness and sweetness, and I want all TV audiences across the country to see: Ye Ming wooed me... But every time at this time, I would Woke up from a dream... When I knew it was just a dream, I was very sad and wanted to call you, a country bumpkin..."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Ye Ming heard a low sob coming from the phone, and Xia Chuchu hung up the phone with a snap...

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