Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 138 I Will Never Understand Your Tenderness

"Students and friends: I am very happy tonight. Because, after six years of separation, a dozen of us are now together again under the enthusiastic initiative and organization of Su Xing. I still miss my I miss the wonderful years we spent together. Therefore, today I take this opportunity to dedicate the song "Jingjing Campus" by Taiwanese campus singer Mr. Yang Qinghuang to everyone, to cherish the memory of our past. Let’s reminisce about our good memories on campus together.”

After finishing these opening remarks, Ye Ming sang with the rhythm of the music, with a slightly melancholy and sad voice:

"The bells of the campus are jingling, how many beautiful dreams have been intertwined. The days of the cold window are far away, and the memories are always sad. The forest in the garden is lush and green, and the dreams under the trees know how many dreams. Although the partner in the dream is far away, the dream is still fragrant. La la la shua la la la la, the years of growing up are the most unforgettable Shua la la la la shua la la la la, always so melancholy Jingjing campus, oh Jingjing campus, where can I find the smiles of the past and the flowers in my dreams The children are still fragrant, but now they are on each other's side Shua la la la Shua la la la, the years of growing up are the most unforgettable Shua la la la Shua la la la, always so melancholy"

When Ye Ming sang this song, various scenes, experiences and feelings of college were constantly imagining in his mind. Therefore, his singing voice had a strong appeal: there was a touch of sadness in the vicissitudes of life, and there was a touch of sadness in the joy. Mixed with a trace of melancholy, this old song by Yang Qinghuang is reinterpreted in a thousand turns, soul-stirring...

When he sang the last line "It's always so melancholy", the people in the box couldn't help applauding and cheering loudly.

Li Wen is also an all-rounder in literature and art.However, she has rarely heard such a beautiful singing voice, such a soulful interpretation, and such a moving performance in a karaoke hall...

Li Wen was originally a girl with a melancholic temperament, and she had a strong perception of artistic things such as music and dance.Therefore, when Ye Ming sang to the climax, she suddenly felt that the softest part of her heart was suddenly touched by his beautiful singing...

After Ye Ming finished singing, she suddenly had a strong urge to sing: she felt that the only one who could echo Ye Ming was herself; moreover, she, who didn't want to sing tonight, wanted to sing very much at this moment. Let Ye Ming listen to her beautiful singing voice, and even have an idea of ​​competing with him...

Therefore, after Ye Ming finished singing, she went to order a classic song by Chen Lin: "I will never understand your tenderness".

The people in the box knew that Li Wen had an argument with Su Han today and was in a bad mood, so they all thought she couldn't sing tonight.Unexpectedly, she actually took the initiative to order a song, and gave priority to this song.After a classmate after Ye Ming sang "You at the Same Table", she picked up the microphone silently, adjusted her mood a little, and sang:

"I always say no to loving you. Do I really make you suffer? What kind of love does not need to pay. If you love, you can love clearly. What is love and what is love? Suffering Your appearance is a beautiful mistake, I have you but I am not happy I don’t have the heart to watch you pretend to be confused, and I don’t have the opportunity to confide in you I don’t want to make love too vague, if you love, I will love clearly Your tenderness I will never understand, I can't see you clearly Your tenderness I will never understand, I feel like I have entered layers of mist Your tenderness I will never understand, the dream in the fog is not the destination Your tenderness I will never understand, I am waiting for the last loneliness"

Like Ye Ming, when Li Wen sang this song, she put all her emotions into it. She sang like weeping, complaining, and admiring, which made people feel sad and heartbroken. It's even better than Ye Ming's song...

While singing, Li Wen secretly glanced at Ye Ming who was sitting on the sofa from time to time, seeing that he was listening intently to her singing, with an expression of admiration and admiration on his face, she couldn't help but feel slightly delighted, and the next song was sung Very touching, very emotional...

At this time, that Xiao Wei was completely drunk, almost unable to stand still, and unable to fight for singing again.So, she began to cling to Ye Ming: wherever Ye Ming went, she followed him; as soon as Ye Ming sat down, she put her body and head on Ye Ming, making Ye Ming dodge left and right, which was very annoying ...

Coincidentally, after Li Wen sang the song "I'll Never Understand Your Tenderness", there was a dj dance song "European Express" next.

Ye Ming's classmates all know that he was known as the "Prince of the Thunderbolt" when he was in college, and his "breakdancing" once became a sensation on campus.

"Breakdance" was popular all over the country in the late 80s and early 90s, especially after the release of the American movie "Breakdance" and "Rock and Roll Youth" starring China's "Prince of Rock and Roll" Tao Jin, almost every school in the city, In public places such as factories and municipal squares, there are young people who love rock and roll and the hot and fierce rock and dance music. cheers.

Ye Ming was originally a cultural and sports activist in school.Although his hometown, Wantou Town, Xinleng County is remote, its folk culture is very developed.Therefore, Ye Ming not only practiced martial arts since he was a child, but also played the erhu, played the flute, and sang folk songs.

After going to college, he performed martial arts, erhu, and flute in various cultural performances and class meetings many times, and was warmly welcomed by his classmates.Later, he learned to dance "break dance". Unexpectedly, the first performance caused a sensation in the school.

It turned out that because Ye Ming practiced martial arts all the year round, he has a strong comprehension of various movements, and his body flexibility is very good, and he can also add some martial arts movements during the dancing process, such as back and forth somersaults, carp straightening, leaping in the air, on-the-spot Spinning and so on, these difficult and difficult movements for others are a piece of cake for him, and after doing these movements, he can still sweat and breathe, very calm and unrestrained, which makes His classmates envied and admired him, so they nicknamed him "Prince Thunderbolt"...

Therefore, when the disco music "European Express" started to play, many students shouted: "Ye Ming, break dance. We haven't seen you dance for six years. You must perform for us today." Have fun."

At the same time, a classmate got a red ribbon from nowhere, and wrapped it around Ye Ming's forehead without any explanation. This kind of decoration with red ribbon on the forehead is a classic of "break dancing". modeling.

Ye Ming was still half-drunk at this time, and he was eager to get rid of Xiaowei's entanglement, so he didn't refuse, and asked a classmate to turn on the flashing revolving light, jumped into the center of the box with a long step, twisted his waist and started "break dancing" " performance.

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