Li Wen also knows a little bit about "break dancing", knowing that this kind of dance requires high physical strength, waist flexibility, and body coordination. It is easy to get started, but it is difficult to dance well.

Therefore, when Ye Ming jumped to the center of the box and began to twist her body to the rhythm of "European Express", she also stood up with great interest and stared at Ye Ming intently.

Soon, as the disco music gradually reached its climax, Ye Ming's body began to twist faster and faster, and his footsteps also began to change constantly: sometimes he pitched and stretched like a coiling dragon; Swirling, like a spinning top; sometimes lightly "walking in the clouds", elegant like a fairy; Stand on the ground and rotate, as dexterous as an ape...

Under the flickering colored lights, his body is constantly changing charming mottled colors.On that incomparably handsome face, there were beads of sweat rolling like pearls.Every movement, every look in his eyes is so charming and charming that Li Wen's brain went blank for a moment...

When he finished the last movement, thunderous applause broke out in the box again...

At this time, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.Su Xing wanted to go home to help his parents clean up some spare things for tomorrow's wedding banquet, so he told a classmate named Liu Dong to take Ye Ming and others to have a supper, and then he left and went home.

Five or six of the remaining dozen or so students got drunk and took their wives or girlfriends to leave and go home.The rest of the people divided into three cars and came to the "Yuzui Hot Pot City" along Yanjiang Avenue to eat hot pot together.

In order to completely let Ye Ming eliminate his hostility towards him, Su Han followed them to Hot Pot City.And Li Wen originally didn't want to follow Su Han for supper, but when she saw that Xiao Wei was already drunk, she was still clinging to Ye Ming's body, so she insisted on driving to follow him for supper.Because she was worried about Xiaowei's accident, Li Wen had to drive her BMW car instead of her, and took Ye Ming, Xiaowei and others to "Yuzui Hot Pot City" together.

There are about fourteen or five classmates who eat supper plus family members.As soon as she entered the box, Xiao Wei dragged Ye Ming's hand and buried her head on his shoulder, half asleep, half awake, murmuring non-stop, pouring out her love for him to Ye Ming Ye Ming was extremely embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do.

When Liu Dong was ordering food, Ye Ming's phone in his trouser pocket vibrated suddenly, and a "tick" sound came out: this is someone sending a short message.

Fortunately, Xiaowei was already drunk at this time, so she couldn't hear the notification tone of the text message in Ye Ming's pocket at all.Otherwise, the lie that Ye Ming told her that he forgot his mobile phone during the meal would be in danger of being exposed again.

Ye Ming hurriedly moved Xiaowei who was humming on his shoulder away, and motioned to Li Wen on the other side to help and take care of her, then walked out of the box door, took out his mobile phone and looked at the message, it was from Xia Chuchu.

This short message is very long, and Ye Ming flipped through several pages with the buttons and still hasn't finished it:

"Hillbilly, are you asleep? I just came back from recording the show, and I was very tired, but I couldn't fall asleep when I lay down on the bed, and I started thinking about you, a dead bumpkin again! I'm worried, tonight will be another sleepless night... Many people say: I am thinner and haggard than before. I didn’t believe it at first. But just before I went to bed, I looked in the mirror and I was shocked: In the mirror, I have sunken cheeks and swollen eyes. After removing makeup, your face looks pale... This is all caused by you, a dead country bumpkin... Country bumpkin, when will you come to the provincial capital! You must call me as soon as you come!"

Ye Ming read Xia Chuchu's text message that boldly and straightforwardly poured out her missing feelings, and was a little dazed for a while: I want to reply, but I don't know what to say!If you don't reply, it seems that you can't bear it...

While he was hesitating, a classmate opened the door of the box and came in, smiling and shouting: "Yezi, Xiaowei is clamoring for you, saying that you sneaked away, and she is going to drive to find you and bring you back! Come in quickly, none of us can stop her."

Ye Ming hated it for a while, but considering that she was Li Wen's best friend, he couldn't offend her too much, so he put away his phone and walked into the box.

At this time, Xiaowei had been pushed down on the seat by Li Wen and others.As soon as Ye Ming sat down beside her, she leaned her head over.

Fortunately, at this time, the TV hanging on the wall in front of the box was playing the program "Lang Man Holding Hands" hosted by Xia Chuchu.Here's a rerun of last night's episode.Li Wen, Xiaowei and most of the men and women in the box like to watch this show.

Especially Xiao Wei, since she hasn't found a partner yet, she is particularly interested in this kind of programs. She will watch every episode of "Lang Man Hand in Hand" from beginning to end almost without landing.

Moreover, like Li Wen and others, she is a huge fan of Xia Chuchu, and she admires her very much.

Therefore, she has now turned all her mind to the TV show, watching without blinking her eyes, opening her mouth so wide that she almost blew out...

And Ye Ming's male classmates were constantly criticizing Xia Chuchu: some said she was the most beautiful woman and her super idol; some said she was too lively, more than cute, but not gentle enough; Some said that she seemed to have lost weight and haggard recently, and she didn't have the exuberant and easy-going hosting style. I don't know why...

Ye Ming listened to their discussion without saying a word, looked carefully at Xia Chuchu on the video screen, and found that she was indeed much thinner than before, and there seemed to be a faint melancholy between her brows, every time When I laughed every time, I seemed a bit forced, and I was no longer as confident and cheerful as before...

"The belt gets wider and wider, but I don't regret it, because of Yixiao, people are haggard!"

For some reason, when he saw Xia Chuchu's melancholy and haggard expression, these two ancient poems suddenly popped up in Ye Ming's mind...

At this time, Liu Dong, who was already a little drunk, muttered, "It doesn't matter whether Xia Chuchu is thin or haggard, she is my idol anyway. If I, Liu Dong, can hold hands and hug her in this life, I will be happy." Death is worth it!"

Several other male students laughed and echoed, "Old Liu is right, we all have such lustful thoughts. It's a pity that Xia Chuchu is like a star in the sky. As ordinary people, we can only look up to it, but we can't pick it up!" Hahaha!"

At this time, Xiao Wei suddenly moved her mouth close to Ye Ming, and mumbled drunkenly: "Ye Ming, you are not allowed to go back tonight, you have to stay with me all the time, okay?"

Ye Ming was startled, and quickly shook his hands and said, "Xiaowei, don't scare me! Let me tell you: I have a girlfriend, and she is in the provincial capital. You should keep a little distance from me! When my girlfriend comes, she will be angry when she sees us like this."

Xiaowei stared at him angrily, and asked, "Who is your girlfriend? You call her here, show me, and I will let you go!"

Ye Ming felt a little drunk at this time, so he pointed his hand at the TV screen and said, "My girlfriend is her, Xia Chuchu!"

Everyone in the box was taken aback for a moment, then they all laughed, pointed at Ye Ming and said, "Ye Zi, you are too funny! If she is your girlfriend, we will all kneel down for you and call you uncle! Haha Ha ha!"

Ye Ming was irritated by their tone, so he said to Xiaowei: "Lend me your mobile phone, and I will call Xia Chuchu over to show you right now! When the time comes, you all have to kneel down to me!" "

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