Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 141 First Kiss

When Ye Ming saw Xia Chuchu, he wanted to stand up.Unexpectedly, his left hand was tightly bound by the drunk Xiao Wei, and his shoulder was also pressed by her head. He wanted to struggle but was afraid that she would fall, so he sat there awkwardly, looking at Xiang Xiang with a wry smile on his face. He came over to Xia Chuchu.

As soon as Xia Chuchu came in, she saw a chubby ugly girl lying on Ye Ming's shoulder, and she couldn't help being very surprised.

After walking to Ye Ming, she stared at Xiaowei and asked with a smile: "Young bumpkin, who is this beautiful girl? She said on the phone just now that she is your girlfriend, is it true or not? "

Before Ye Ming could answer, Xiaowei stood up with a "huh", still holding Ye Ming's left arm with her right hand, staring straight at Xia Chuchu, and said with her head held high, "Of course it's true! By the way , Miss Chuchu, Ye Ming said that you are also his girlfriend, is he talking nonsense? Also, Ye Ming is a state cadre, the deputy director of the Local Taxation Bureau, not a country bumpkin. Although you are a celebrity host, you are also our My idol, but I can't give someone such an ugly nickname so casually!"

Xia Chuchu was taken aback for a moment, seeing that when she said these words, her black face was flushed, her words were righteous, her mouth was full of saliva, and the fat flesh on her neck was trembling. Looking at Ye Ming again, he looked like Like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, with a sad face, full of frustration and helplessness, that expression is extremely funny and ridiculous...

Xia Chuchu looked at Ye Ming, then at Xiao Wei, and suddenly couldn't hold back her belly laugh, and the more she laughed, the more she laughed until she bent her waist down, and tears flowed out...

The people in the box looked at me and I looked at you inexplicably, but couldn't figure out why she suddenly laughed like this...

Ye Ming was terrified by her laughter, and quickly broke free from Xiaowei's hand, and stood there awkwardly, a little bit at a loss for a while.

Xia Chuchu managed to hold back her laughter, straightened her waist, suddenly turned her pretty face straight, walked straight behind Ye Ming, stretched out two tender fingers of her right hand, grabbed one of Ye Ming's ears, and Pulling his ear out, he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Damn country bumpkin! Smelly bumpkin! Now go out with me honestly and explain tonight's affairs clearly! Otherwise, I will take your dog Disobedient deaf ears!"

Ye Ming only felt a sharp pain in his left ear, and he couldn't help following her away from the dining table, bowed his body, tilted his head, and parted his lips crookedly, was held by her ear like a puppet, and staggered out of the box .

The people in the box did not expect that their idol would suddenly show off their masculinity. They actually grabbed Ye Ming by the ear and carried him out of the box. They were all dumbfounded and stood there in a daze. Thinking of Ye Ming's hunched over and grinning helplessly when she was carried out of the box, he suddenly burst into laughter...

Xia Chuchu carried Ye Ming out of the box, still didn't let go, and asked in a low voice: "Hillbilly, tell me the truth: when did you hook up with that strange flower in the box? You are really capable, the dignified Director Ye , It has become a garbage recycling bin for collecting broken copper and rotten iron... It’s okay to be weird, and I even named it Xiaowei. I thought she was some kind of beautiful and pure girl, but in the end it turned out that she didn’t look like a wax gourd. , A wooden barrel that is not as short as a pumpkin. Thanks to you, you can also see her, and you are arm in arm and shoulder to shoulder with her. I can't wait to dig out your blind eyes!"

As he said that, he put more force on the fingers holding his ears, and Ye Ming exclaimed "Ouch" in pain.

Ye Ming tilted his head and repeatedly called "wronged", and begged in a low voice: "Grandma, can you let go first? Let me explain to you slowly... You are a big star, so mischievous, you are not afraid that my classmates will laugh at you ? They are all your fans... Ouch..."

It turned out that when Xia Chuchu heard him say that she was "naughty and mischievous", she put more effort on her fingers.

At this time, several classmates and their family members poked their heads out from the door of the box, watching Xia Chuchu torture Ye Ming, with surprised and excited expressions on their faces.

Xia Chuchu raised her head and looked at the people at the door, and said with a smile: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a girl punish a disobedient boyfriend? You all go in and sit down. After I finish the torture, I will naturally come in for you to visit and admire." !"

Those people laughed loudly when they heard her last words, and they all shrank their heads back, and stopped disturbing her "punishing her boyfriend".

Ye Ming took advantage of the opportunity of her being distracted by talking, turned his head, and finally broke free from her "claw", rubbing his painful left ear, and said bitterly: "Please be gentle next time. No way? Your ears were almost twisted off by you..."

Xia Chuchu shouted: "What? Do you want to have another time? No, this time I must twist your ears off, so that you can remember!"

As he said that, he pounced on him, making a gesture to wring his ears again.

How could Ye Ming let her succeed again?When she rushed over, he grabbed her right hand, and wanted to lead her to him, but unexpectedly, he was drunk, a little unsteady, and his body turned towards Xia Chuchu. He turned sideways and bumped into her head-on.

Ye Ming was afraid that she would fall, so he quickly stretched out his hands and hugged her body.

Xia Chuchu was suddenly embraced by his waist, she felt her body go limp for a while, and she couldn't help stretching out her hands, wrapping around his waist, and at the same time slowly pressed her hot cheeks to his generous and warm chest...

The two hugged silently for a while.Xia Chuchu raised her head slowly, her pale cheeks were full of blush, her eyes were slightly closed, and she said softly and shyly in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "You bumpkin, kiss me!"

Ye Ming's body was pressed tightly against her soft and warm delicate body, and he could smell the fragrance of virginity emanating from her body in his nose, and now he was in a state of drunkenness, he could only feel his body It also gradually heated up, and a strong longing rose in my heart.So, without waiting for Xia Chuchu to speak for the second time, he lowered his head and kissed her cherry lips...

It was the first time for Xia Chuchu to kiss a man. Although she took the initiative to ask for a kiss from Ye Ming like the heroines in movies and TV who chase after boys, when Ye Ming actually kissed his lips, she didn't know. I'm at a loss, I don't know how to cater to Ye Ming...

Ye Ming saw that she took the initiative to ask him for a kiss, but when he actually kissed him, she closed her lips tightly, and knew that this must be her first kiss.

So, he patiently used his tongue to pry open her cherry lips bit by bit, then poked his tongue in, and immediately caught her lilac uvula...

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