Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 142: Chasing the Stars

When Xia Chuchu's tongue was held in Ye Ming's mouth, there was a crunchy and numb feeling, which made her unable to help but groan, and her body began to lie on Ye Ming's body like a snake. Twist and twist...

As the two kissed more and more deeply, Xia Chuchu only felt that her mind was blank, and her tongue began to deftly stretch and hover in the mouth without a teacher, and was tightly entwined with Ye Ming's tongue.

At the same time, her arms around Ye Ming's waist became stronger and stronger, and the two sharp peaks of her chest pressed against Ye Ming's chest without any scruples, making his blood boil all of a sudden, and he almost spit out nosebleeds on the spot... …

The two of them were only focused on kissing passionately, but they didn't notice that several heads poked out from the door of the box, and they were all staring at them with envious, surprised, and excited eyes.And behind these heads, there are still people who are quietly poking their buttocks and backs, anxiously asking them in a low voice if they have seen enough, can they also witness the passion of the first beauty of Tianjiang TV station hosting the live broadcast big drama...

After all, Ye Ming is a martial arts practitioner. Although he was kissing Xia Chuchu passionately, he did not lose his instinct to see all directions and listen to all directions. He soon noticed that someone was peeping at the door of the box, so he secretly took a look there , Sure enough, there were a few heads hiding behind the door of the box, drooling as they watched him and Xia Chuchu kiss.And behind them, someone was still vaguely squeezing between these heads...

So, he quickly pulled his tongue out of Xia Chuchu's mouth, smiled and said in a low voice: "Chuchu, let's go in! Someone is peeping at the door of the box!"

Xia Chuchu turned her head to look over there, and sure enough, she saw a few heads shrinking back quickly, so she nodded with a blushing face, and took his hand to walk into the box.

When she reached the door of the box, Xia Chuchu suddenly stopped in her tracks, looked at Ye Ming charmingly, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you tonight? It's so late, why did you suddenly think of calling me? Isn't that right? miss me?"

Ye Ming smiled self-consciously, and said: "I called you for two reasons: one is that I was really annoyed by that Xiao Wei, and I wanted to ask you to come and rescue me; the other is that my classmate bet with me just now. , Said that if I could invite you, a big star, they would kneel on the ground and call me uncle. Hehe!"

When Xia Chuchu heard him mention the second reason, she couldn't help laughing again, pinched his arm fiercely with her fingers, and cursed in a low voice: "Smelly country bumpkin, you are going to die! How dare you take me and you?" Your classmates bet!"

The two walked into the box talking and laughing.As soon as she entered the door of the box, Xia Chuchu held Ye Ming's arm even tighter, and at the same time turned her head, leaning on Ye Ming's shoulder, with a delicate appearance of a small bird, which made the box look so beautiful. The eyes of the men and women in the movie are all straight.

When the two cuddled together and walked to the place where Ye Ming was sitting just now, Xiao Wei, who had been staring at them coming in with jealous eyes, suddenly stood up with a "huh", and said to Xia Chuchu with red eyes: "Sister Chuchu, Although you are a big star, you can't bully people like this, and you can't steal my boyfriend. Let Ye Ming go!"

Before Xia Chuchu could speak, Li Wen who was beside Xiaowei hurriedly pulled Xiaowei away, complaining in a low voice, "Xiaowei, why are you drunk? Apologize to Sister Chuchu."

After complaining about Xiaowei, she looked at Xia Chuchu with a smile all over her face, and said in a tone of infinite admiration: "Sister Chuchu, everyone at our table is your fan. Today I can see you with my own eyes, and talk to you It's a great honor to have dinner at the same table. We all want to take a photo with you, do you mind if Sister Chuchu?"

Xia Chuchu saw her bright eyes, bright teeth, pure and beautiful, and she spoke Mandarin very purely and pleasantly, so she couldn't help but develop a good impression of her.Hearing that they wanted to take a photo with her, she said openly: "Okay. You are all Ye Zi's classmates and friends, and that is my friend. Come, come, everyone take out your mobile phones, we invite you A classmate with good skills is in charge of shooting, and I will take a photo with every classmate and friend, and I hope you will develop the photo and send it to me!"

Ye Ming's classmates saw that she was so easy-going and didn't put on airs of a big star at all, they all cheered, and hurriedly started to take their mobile phones, turned on the camera function, and prepared to take a photo with Xia Chuchu.

When other people took a photo with Xia Chuchu, Liu Dong picked up his mobile phone and went outside, dialed Su Xing's number, and said excitedly: "Su Xing, I have good news for you: Xia Chuchu, the host of the romantic hand-in-hand show on the provincial TV station, is here Let's have supper with us in our box, come here quickly!"

"What? You are not drunk and joking with me! Lao Liu, I have a lot of things to do now, so don't make such jokes. I'm dead!"

Liu Dong was so anxious that his feet jumped, and he swore: "I lied to you as a ****! Tell you: Ye Ming is so capable! You may never think in your life: Xia Chuchu is his real girlfriend And it seems that Xia Chuchu is actively chasing him. Just now several of us saw the two of them booing at the door of the box, and we can see our saliva... Come here quickly, don't regret it later, I have notified you."

Su Xing listened to his swearing and swearing, and finally believed his words, and exclaimed excitedly on the phone: "Wow, I'm so happy... Lao Liu, you have to do everything possible to delay the time, don't wait until I arrive. If we break up, I will be scolded to death by my wife. You don’t know: my wife is a die-hard fan of Xia Chuchu, not only will she watch every episode of Lang’s hand-in-hand show, but also, her boudoir is full of walls Photos of Xia Chuchu are hung all over the wall, and she also said that her greatest wish in this life is to take a photo with Xia Chuchu, make a huge photo, and paste it in her bedroom... So, I have to hurry up now. Go to her house and pick her up together. You must delay the time for supper, and you must wait for us to come over. "

Liu Dong smiled and said: "Your daughter-in-law is getting married tomorrow, and now she is guarding the boudoir at home and waiting to be a bride tomorrow, it is not suitable for her to come out!"

"What's inappropriate? Let me tell you: If I tell her that I'm going to see Xia Chuchu now, not to mention that she's getting married tomorrow, even if she's in a new house with me right now, I'm sure she'll kick me away and crawl Get up and go see Xia Chuchu! If I don't ask her to go with her today, let her know tomorrow, maybe she will punish me to kneel on the washboard all night. Hehe!"

After talking on the phone with Su Xing, Liu Dong and Su Xing returned to the private room, and saw that everyone had already taken photos with Xia Chuchu, so he smiled and said to Ye Ming: "Yezi, Su Xing called me just now, he and his wife will come over later, Let's eat slowly and wait for them."

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