Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 155 There is 1 point of temptation

Accompanied by applause and music, Xia Chuchu, wearing a purple cheongsam and holding a bun like a dark cloud, came out of the backstage with a graceful smile on her face.

Immediately, the applause and shouts suddenly increased several times.Many fans of Xia Chuchu got up from the chairs they were sitting on excitedly, waved their chopsticks and drink bottles, kept tapping on the table, and shouted hoarsely: "Xia Chuchu, I love you! Xia Chuchu, I love you !" Some people even had tears in their eyes...

Xia Chuchu walked slowly to the center of the wedding platform in a graceful manner, waved her hands gracefully to the people below, and said the opening remark in her melodious and melodious voice: "Dear relatives and friends: Today, I am It is a great honor for me to be invited by a good friend to host the wedding ceremony of Mr. Su Xing and Ms. Liang Ying. At the same time, I also sincerely wish the groom, Mr. Su Xing, and the bride, Ms. Liang Ying, a happy new marriage, eternal union, love, love, Let’s grow old together! Next, let’s play the wedding march, and with warm applause, invite today’s new couple to the stage..."

Accompanied by the wedding march, Su Xing took Liang Ying's hand and slowly walked onto the stage along the wedding aisle covered with red carpets built by the wedding company.

As soon as she stood on the stage, the bride Liang Ying couldn't wait to let go of Su Xing's hand, turned around and hugged Xia Chuchu, and said with tears: "Sister Chuchu, thank you! It's me who can officiate the wedding for me today." The proudest and proudest thing in my life is also the highlight of my wedding banquet. I will always remember this beautiful day!"

At this moment, the banquet hall under the stage was already full of people and bustling. It turned out that there were several banquet halls in Xiangpeng Hotel.Because today is an auspicious day, there are also banquets for newcomers in several other halls.

Just after Xia Chuchu appeared on the wedding stage, many hotel staff working in other halls heard that Xia Chuchu was presiding over the wedding in the banquet hall on the third floor, so they immediately dropped their work and came to see Xia Chuchu first. .After they went back, they told the news to the guests and staff in other banquet halls.

At this moment, the whole hotel exploded.The wedding guests in the other halls left their seats one after another, and swarmed into the banquet hall on the third floor where Su Xing held the banquet, all of a sudden the area near the exit of the banquet hall was tightly blocked and impenetrable.

What's even more ridiculous: there are two couples who are getting married, and they are also fans of Xia Chuchu.When they heard that Xia Chuchu was hosting the show in the banquet hall on the third floor, they actually suspended the wedding. The bride dragged the wedding and the groom held her arm, and they both ran to the third floor to see Xia Chuchu came.

Now, three couples of brides and grooms appeared in this banquet hall, causing the surrounding guests to laugh non-stop...

The two brides who came to see the excitement saw that the bride on the stage lined up happily with Xia Chuchu, with tears of excitement streaming down her face, receiving Xia Chuchu's blessings and praises, they couldn't help feeling envious and disappointed at the same time. I can incarnate on the stage, become that lucky bride who hit some kind of shit luck, get in touch with Xia Chuchu intimately, take a group photo with her, and accept her sincere blessing. Now, this banquet hall All of a sudden, three couples of bride and groom appeared, causing the surrounding guests to laugh non-stop...

In the banquet hall, the guests heard Xia Chuchu say in the opening remarks: She was invited by a friend to preside over the wedding today, and they couldn't help being surprised. I don't know who has such a big face, To be able to invite the number one beauty of this provincial TV station to preside over such a small wedding.

Some people learned from Ye Ming's classmates that the friend Xia Chuchu mentioned was the handsome young man sitting near the chief position, and they couldn't help staring at him with surprise and envy. Tongues and saliva were flying all over the place to discuss the relationship between him and Xia Chuchu...

Xia Chuchu has long been used to this kind of lively scene of being surrounded by people and being sought after by others. Therefore, despite the excitement in the audience, she on the stage is calm and composed, with her usual, unique and charming personality. The relaxed, lively, humorous, and witty host style gradually pushed the atmosphere of the wedding to the climax wave after wave.From time to time, the entire banquet hall resounded with thunderous applause, turbulent waves of applause, and laughter one after another...

After completing all the ceremonies according to the wedding procedure, the bride and groom finished drinking the glasses of wine, and then walked off the wedding stage with the support of the best man and bridesmaid, leaving Xia Chuchu alone on it, ready to say a few words of blessing before stepping down.

At this moment, among the guests who felt that they hadn't had enough yet, whoever took the lead shouted: "Xia Chuchu, put on a show. Xia Chuchu, we want to watch the show..."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, many guests booed and applauded rhythmically.

Xia Chuchu smiled sweetly, her eyes moved, and she glanced charmingly at Ye Ming who was turning around to watch her host the show, and then said to the booing guests: "Dear guests and friends: Thank you for your applause and cheers! Today is a happy and auspicious day. Taking this opportunity, I would like to dedicate a song to a boy I like and admire in my heart. It was sung by Carina Lau. Because it is a chorus song, I have to choose a male guest from the audience to perform this song with me."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience immediately erupted into a commotion, and all the guests showed surprise and excitement on their faces: What's going on?The famous star host Xia Chuchu, is she going to sing and confess her love to the boy she likes on such an occasion?Who was that lucky boy who got her favor?Who will she choose to sing this song with her?

Only Ye Ming knows best: Xia Chuchu wants to express her love to herself in front of Chen Mengqi and so many guests.Because he knows: The lyrics of the song "A Little Tempted" express a kind of entangled emotion of wanting to love but not loving, wanting to love but afraid of being hurt, which is exactly the same as Xia Chuchu's complicated and ambiguous feelings towards herself at the moment. Contradictory feelings dovetail...

Of course, Ye Ming's classmates who had supper with Xia Chuchu at "Yuzui Hot Pot City" also knew very well: the boy Xia Chuchu said she liked and admired should be their classmate Ye Ming.

Therefore, after Xia Chuchu finished speaking, several of Ye Ming's classmates pretended to be ignorant and shouted: "Chuchu, who do you want to sing with you? Can we come up?"

Xia Chuchu pointed her slender hand towards Ye Ming who was next to the wedding platform, and said, "I would like to invite this Mr. Ye Ming to sing this song with me!"

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