She Chuming, Shi Liming and others came to the wedding banquet today because of Ye Ming. They did not expect to see Xia Chuchu here unexpectedly, and they were very excited. After all, although they are all officials of a certain level, they usually If you want to get in close contact with a first-line star like Xia Chuchu, there are not many opportunities.

Therefore, they were all guessing who among these guests had the honor to invite Xia Chuchu over, but they hadn't figured out why.

It wasn't until Xia Chuchu pointed at Ye Ming on the stage that they suddenly realized: So Xia Chuchu, a big star, came for Ye Ming today!

As for Chen Mengqi, when Xia Chuchu came on stage, she had a vague premonition in her heart: because she found that when Xia Chuchu was hosting the show on stage, she would casually glance at Ye Ming from time to time.She was sensitive to the complex emotions contained in that gaze - although Xia Chuchu's glances at Ye Ming were very brief, and could even be said to be a glimpse, but she couldn't hide it from the person who loved Ye Ming deeply. Chen Mengqi's eyes.

Therefore, when Xia Chuchu said that she would dedicate a song to a boy she adores, she began to feel congested in her heart, and felt that her breathing was about to stop—she was actually in that romance. On the stage where they were holding hands, they already sensed that Xia Chuchu had that kind of meaning for Ye Ming.However, she was very afraid to think about this question, so she chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and never mentioned or asked Ye Ming.

At this moment, when Xia Chuchu pointed to Ye Ming and asked him by name to come to the stage to sing the ambiguous and affectionate song "A Little Tempted" with her, she only felt a pain in her heart as if she had been stabbed.

However, she didn't want to and didn't dare to stop Ye Ming from taking the stage - because at this time, Ye Ming's classmates were all yelling and booing loudly.A few students ran over from other tables and almost lifted Ye Ming up to the wedding stage.

Chen Mengqi is a very docile person, especially for Ye Ming.Although, at this moment, her heart was in great pain and soreness, she did not make a scene or stand up to prevent Ye Ming from taking the stage, but lowered her head, staring blankly at the ground, her eyes filled with tears. tears of grievance...

As for Ye Ming, before he had time to react to Xia Chuchu's words, he was dragged up to the wedding stage by his enthusiastic classmates, and stood together with Xia Chuchu.

A staff member came over and handed him a microphone.

At this time, the prelude music of "A Little Temptation" was already playing from the speakers on both sides, and Xia Chuchu had already raised the microphone, turned around and looked at him with a smile, waiting for him to start singing the first verse.

As for the guests below, seeing Ye Ming and Xia Chuchu standing together, one is as handsome as jade, the other is as beautiful as a flower, the other is suave and unrestrained, and the other is charming. Yes, and the applause became more and more enthusiastic...

Ye Ming was forced to go to Liangshan at this time, and couldn't help himself, so he had to raise the microphone and sing duet with Xia Chuchu:

"You and I, both men and women, can't escape love. Who would have the courage to sacrifice everything and give sincerity? What you said is not only about you, but also about me. Should I continue? Should I have memories? Let love come closer step by step. I am a little tempted by you. But I'm so afraid to look into your eyes I'm a little tempted and a little hesitant I can't believe I can't help it I'm a little bit tempted for you I don't know if the result is sadness or joy I'm a little bit tempted and a little hesitant I'm afraid I'll lose after I love you I can't resist People are most afraid of falling in love even though they don't want to see or listen, but fall in love..."

During the duet, the guests in the audience were surprised to find that the more Xia Chuchu sang, the more she sang, the more she sang, the more affectionate she became, and the more she sang, the more she sang, and the more she sang, the more she sang, the more she sang, the more she sang, the more she sang, and the eyes she looked at Ye Ming became misty, like a layer of crystal mist.

Moreover, her misty gaze was fixed on Ye Ming all the time, as if every sentence she sang was pouring out to him, confessing to him, and questioning him from the bottom of her heart.Especially when she sang the words "I have a little affection for you, but I am so afraid of looking into your eyes", her eyes were full of confusion and helplessness, and her singing voice also revealed a desolate and mournful emotion. ...

At this moment, even a fool could see it: the boy Xia Chuchu said before singing that she liked and admired must be this sunny, handsome boy with a beautiful singing voice...

Therefore, when they sang the last line, some of Ye Ming's classmates shouted: "Ye Ming, give Chuchu a hug, give a hug!"

Ye Ming stood there awkwardly, momentarily at a loss.

And Xia Chuchu, after hearing classmate Ye Ming's shout, blushed and looked at Ye Ming affectionately, with a look of longing in her eyes...

At this moment, a sharp shout suddenly came from the chief's dining table: "No, no hugs!"

Following this scream, a girl with a beautiful face and pale face suddenly ran up to the wedding stage, snatched the microphone from Xia Chuchu's hand, then hugged Ye Ming, faced the guests below, and said loudly: "Everyone! Guest, this gentleman is my boyfriend, and I am also a good friend of Ms. Chuchu. The two of them just presented a duet song to you. Now, I would like to take this opportunity to sing a duet love song to my friends. My boyfriend expresses my admiration and admiration for him. The title of this song is "You Are What I Can't Live Without."

This time, all the guests below were dumbfounded: What's going on?Xia Chuchu, a famous star host of the provincial TV station, would actually grab a boyfriend from another girl on such an occasion?This is too unbelievable!

Especially, when they saw that Chen Mengqi was also a beautiful girl, while being surprised and envious, they couldn't help admiring the boy on the stage: this buddy, he's so lucky!To have two stunning beauties competing for husband on the same stage, and one of them is Xia Chuchu, a TV star who is known as "a heartthrob", this charm is not ordinary...

So, they all turned their attention to Xia Chuchu to see how she would deal with this embarrassing scene.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, after Chen Mengqi robbed Xia Chuchu of the microphone, she was not embarrassed or angry, but stood there openly, casting her eyes on the audience, still smiling all over her face, raising her voice. The voice said: "Distinguished guests and friends: Next, let us give warm applause to welcome Mr. Ye Ming and Ms. Chen Mengqi to sing "I Can't Live Without You" for us."

As she spoke, she took the lead in applauding gracefully.

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