Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 166 Top Secret Mission

Like every time he read this farewell letter in the past, when Lu Zhiyao read the last line "Dear farewell, farewell", tears welled up in his eyes, especially when he saw the last line "Love you forever" , the tears in the eyes became more turbulent...

Lu Zhiyao has worked in the officialdom for decades, and he has long developed a character of not being surprised by changes, not chaotic when things happen, and not changing his face when Mount Taishan collapses in front of him. When there are tears.

However, every time he sees this diary or reads that letter, he will feel uncontrollable and burst into tears, and he can't control it...

If there is any soft place under his hard shell, if there is anything that can soften his heart as hard as iron, it is this diary in his hand, this thin letter The farewell letter, and the two yellowed old photos in his hand - of course, and the gentle, beautiful, soft and lovely girl in his deep memory...

After a few silent tears, he put the letter into the soft leather journal.Then, he held up the two photos in his hand and stared at the girl in the photo without blinking: these two photos, one was a group photo of him and the girl, and the other was a single photo of the girl.

Judging from that single photo, the girl is of medium build, wearing an ordinary white Dacron shirt and a pair of light brown polyester pants.Her eyes are big, revealing her intelligence and elegance. One can tell at a glance that she is a naturally beautiful, quiet and dignified Xiaojiabiyu.

As for the group photo, one can tell at a glance that it was taken in a state-run photo studio at that time: the background is a landscape painting with rough lines and mottled oil paint, and Lu Zhiyao and a girl are standing in front of this painting, holding hands Holding hands, with their heads sideways, the smiles on their faces were a little stiff and unnatural.

Judging from the group photo, Lu Zhiyao was in his early thirties at the time, tall and thin, with a well-defined face, and vigorous youthful eyes; the girl was about 20 years old, holding Lu Zhiyao tightly with her right hand Yao's big bony palm seemed a little nervous and apprehensive.

At the bottom of the group photo is a line of printed words: "Photographed by Lu Yuan and Zhao Han on May 19, 5××"...

Lu Zhiyao was staring intently at the girl in the photo, when suddenly there was a light knock on the door, followed by a deep voice shouting outside: "Report!"

Lu Zhiyao did not answer the report outside immediately, and put the group photo into the back of the soft leather diary without haste, then put the diary in the third drawer of the safe, closed the safe door and locked it superior.Then, he pulled out some paper from the paper tube on the desk, wiped it carefully on his face, and after making sure that there were no traces of tears on his face, he sat down firmly on the office chair, with a dignified expression, A voice answered, "Come in!"

After he responded, the door of the office was pushed open silently. A middle-aged man with a strong build, a crew cut, and a resolute and indifferent expression on his face walked to Lu Zhiyao with steady steps. In front of the desk, he stood at attention with a standard military posture, but did not speak, waiting for Lu Zhiyao's order.

This middle-aged man was named Xu Lizhong, and he was the only staff member that Lu Zhiyao brought over from his original work unit after he was transferred to be the secretary of the Tianjiang Provincial Party Committee.

Xu Lizhong was originally the chief bodyguard of the Central Guard Corps. He has a cold personality, strong martial arts skills, and is extremely loyal to his superiors.He was originally a guard for Lu Zhiyao's father-in-law, Gu Shenghao.After Gu Shenghao's death, Lu Zhiyao took him from the Central Guard Corps to his side as an orderly and driver, and took him by his side all the time, just like his family.

Lu Zhiyao looked at Xu Lizhong, with a kind smile on his face, and said: "Xiao Xu, come to work from the north to the south, you should get used to it in life!"

Xu Lizhong still maintained the posture of standing at attention, and replied solemnly: "Reporting chief, I was really not used to it when I first came here. The main reason is that the dishes here are too spicy, and almost all dishes are filled with chili peppers, which can make people cry. The water is so spicy! However, after this period of exercise, I have basically adapted to it, and I like chili dishes!"

Lu Zhiyao laughed and said, "You should know that the eating habits of Tianjiang people are not afraid of spicy food, and it is a famous place where they are not afraid of spicy food."

Speaking of this, he seemed to recall something from the past, looked straight ahead, and said leisurely: "When I was in college, I was influenced by someone, and I learned to eat chili several times, and I got used to it all at once. So, although I am from the Northwest, I am still used to eating after I came to work in Tianjiang. By the way, do you know why I learned to eat chili so quickly?"

Xu Lizhong thought about it seriously, and replied: "I know! That's because the chief is smart, comprehensible, and adaptable, so he quickly learned to eat chili!"

Lu Zhiyao laughed loudly, pointed at Xu Lizhong, and said, "Xiao Xu, you're trying to amuse me on purpose! What does eating chili have to do with intelligence and comprehension? You're so adaptable and you put it a bit aside. .However, this is not the main reason, but because I had the motivation to learn to eat chili at that time, so I learned and adapted after only a few times!"

Xu Lizhong really wants to know what is the motivation he said to learn to eat chili peppers, but he knows the rules: the chief's affairs, especially private affairs, should not be easily asked, unless he is willing to take the initiative to talk to you, take the initiative to tell you, otherwise, it is better not to Better to ask.

Therefore, after Lu Zhiyao finished speaking, he just smiled slightly and didn't ask anything.

This is what Lu Zhiyao likes most about Xu Lizhong: he is cautious in his words and deeds, tight-lipped, diligent in his work, and loyal.Moreover, although he looks very dull, in fact, he is like a mirror in his heart, he can understand the chief's intentions very well, and he will never mess things up.Therefore, when he was in the capital, he wrote a letter to Xu Lizhong: "Zhuge is only cautious in his life, and Lu Duan is not confused about major matters!"

Seeing that Xu Lizhong had been standing there waiting for him to give the task, Lu Zhiyao suppressed his smile, picked up the photo of the young woman on the table, handed it to Xu Lizhong, and said seriously: "Xiao Xu, I'm going to give it to you now." You have a task. This task is my personal entrustment, but you must complete it as the most important work task! Moreover, you can only do it quietly by yourself, and you can reveal your identity when necessary. Ask the relevant local government department for help, but you must never disclose your purpose. Do you understand?"

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