Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 167 Secretary Lu's Love Tragedy

Xu Lizhong listened to Lu Zhiyao's solemn words, so he straightened his chest and replied loudly: "Understood, Chief!"

Lu Zhiyao nodded, pointed to the photo he took, and said, "Lizhong, this is a college classmate of mine, named Zhao Han, from Zijiang County, City K, but I don't know which town it is from." Which village. I haven’t seen her for 25 years, and now I need to find her for important things. You must find her before December 12, and learn more about her current situation: where she lives, what she does, Who is the husband, how many children are there, and are there any difficulties in the family... Remember: it is best not to contact her personally during the investigation, you can ask the neighbors around, or people from the local street or the neighborhood committee to inquire from the side. Find out clearly Afterwards, you come back and report to me immediately. Let me emphasize one more point: this must be kept absolutely confidential, including Xiao Guo, and you can’t reveal half of it!”

Xu Lizhong carefully looked at the beautiful girl in the photo, nodded and said, "Chief, don't worry, as long as there is a photo, I will definitely find her within the stipulated time."

Lu Zhiyao shook his head and said: "Lizhong, it's not that simple. The photo in your hand was taken more than 20 years ago. At that time, the person in the photo had just turned 20 years old and was still a little girl. Now more than 20 years have passed , she is already a middle-aged woman, and her appearance will change a lot. Therefore, I suggest: you go to the Zijiang County Public Security Department first, show your position as Deputy Director of the Second Secretary of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, and say that you want to know Let’s look at Zhao Han’s specific situation and ask them to call up her household registration information, then they can easily find her address and work unit.”

Xu Lizhong actually thought of this method from the very beginning, but after listening to Secretary Lu's suggestion, he still acted like he was suddenly enlightened, and said: "Okay, I will investigate according to the method instructed by the chief. The task can be completed in a day."

After Xu Lizhong left, Lu Zhiyao sank into the leather seat, resting his forehead with his right hand, frowning slightly, lost in the memory of the past...

Lu Zhiyao is a native of Xijing, the capital of a province in Northwest China, born in the late 50s.His father was the head of the Chinese Department of Xijing University and a famous master of Chinese studies.His grandfather was a former Qing Juren.Therefore, their family is a typical scholarly family, who highly respects traditional Chinese literature and etiquette, and follows the tradition of Chinese scholars in many details of life.

For example, although Lu Zhiyao was born in the 50s, his father still named him Lu Yuan and the word "Zhiyao" according to the old tradition.On formal occasions, such as sacrifices, genealogy, and reading, the name "Lu Zhiyao" is used in writing; while on other occasions, he is called "Lu Yuan".Therefore, "Lu Zhiyao" is his official name, while "Lu Yuan" is equivalent to his nickname or nickname.

At the end of the 60s, due to the influence of the political environment at that time, Lu Zhiyao’s father was imprisoned in a cowshed for labor reform. Lu Zhiyao himself was sent to the northwest plateau as an educated youth before he graduated from high school in the early 70s.

There, he met his later wife, Gu Huaying, the daughter of Gu Shenghao, a former minister of a certain central ministry.

At that time, Gu Shenghao was also knocked down, and the children in the family were separated.Gu Huaying herself chose to go to the Northwest Plateau to join the queue as an educated youth.

Gu Huaying and Lu Zhiyao were placed in the same brigade. They were three years older than him. They were tall and thick, and their appearance was mediocre, but they had a very aggressive personality. They inherited her old man's fiery temper.

Gu Huaying was sent to that brigade before Lu Zhiyao.When Lu Zhiyao passed by, she fell in love with this dignified, gentle, and talented younger brother at a glance. After learning that he hadn't found a partner yet, she launched a fanatical love offensive against him, writing love letters to him continuously, From time to time, she would go to his cave to clean up, starch and wash his clothes. Every time her family brought some delicious food from the capital, she would try to keep it for Lu Zhiyao who couldn't get enough to eat every day.

However, Lu Zhiyao had no feelings for her at all.He has been familiar with Chinese and foreign classics since he was a child, and has his own understanding and pursuit of love.The girlfriend he longs to find is the kind of Xiaojiabiyu who is pure in appearance, elegant in temperament, gentle and virtuous, not a noble, strong and pungent woman like Gu Huaying.What's more, she was more than three years older than him, which made it even more difficult for him to accept.

Therefore, every time he received a love letter from Gu Huaying, he never replied; Gu Huaying wanted to do housework and wash clothes for him, but he tried his best to shirk it; Let's share together, anyway, I just don't want to give her any illusions and opportunities.

Gu Huaying also felt his indifference, but she never flinched or lost heart, and persevered in her pursuit of love.

Once, when Gu Huaying returned to the capital, he learned from his father who had been reinstated that he and Lu Zhiyao’s father, Professor Lu Jiaqi, were close friends long before liberation, but one went to the capital after liberation, and the other stayed in the capital. Xijing, so there are very few contacts.

When Gu Huaying heard this, she couldn't help being overjoyed, and begged her father to write to Lu Jiaqi as soon as possible, and propose marriage to him in person.

Gu Shenghao doted on his little daughter, whose personality was very similar to his own, so he wrote a letter to Professor Lu Jiaqi, who had been liberated from the cowshed, at her request. He proposed: The youngest daughter Gu Huaying and the noble son Lu Zhiyao jumped in the same team. The two young people are a good match. Can they become good friends of Qin and Jin?

Lu Jiaqi has always admired Gu Shenghao very much, and also knows that his family is very strict, and believes that his daughter will not go anywhere, so he quickly wrote back and readily agreed to Gu Shenghao's request for marriage proposal.

At the same time, Lu Jiaqi also wrote a letter to Lu Zhiyao, telling him: He has already booked a family for him, that is, Gu Huaying, the daughter of Gu Shenghao, a minister of the Central Committee, and the girl is with you now. A big team jumps in line, you two young people should communicate well, and get married as soon as you return to the city...

The Lu family is a typical poetry and book family, and the most important thing is filial piety and etiquette.And there is one point in filial piety, that is, you must obey your parents' orders in matters of marriage, and you cannot let the young people's temperament mess around.

Lu Zhiyao also knew this.However, for Gu Huaying, he really couldn't feel any admiration for her. On the contrary, he still had an instinctive dislike and dislike for her, and felt that if he married such a wife, it might be helpful to his future career and future. , but in terms of love and family, it will definitely be a tragedy.

So, he boldly wrote a letter to his father, hoping that he would change his original intention and not force himself to fall in love with Gu Huaying.

However, his father quickly wrote back, scolded him, and threatened that if he did not follow his wishes to marry the daughter of the Gu family, he would never go home to see him again.

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