Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 182 Promise

When Zou Wenming heard Ye Ming express his position on the military order, his expression was firm and his tone was sonorous. He knew that he was not a person who talked empty words. When he said this, he must have a certain plan in his heart and specific measures to capture income. Feeling relieved, he patted Ye Ming on the shoulder with satisfaction, and said earnestly: "Xiao Ye, if you have any ideas, you must go all out to organize the branch cadres to implement them. You must not have only plans without action, or thunder You have to know: As a leader, having a good plan is the premise, but the most important thing is the ability to execute the plan. If there is only a plan but no ability to execute, then everything is empty.”

Having said that, he raised his head thoughtfully, squinted his eyes and glanced at the "Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau Tax Plan Completion Schedule" hanging on the wall of his office, and the worried look appeared on his face again. Expression: "Xiaoye, let me tell you the truth: whether you can complete the task this time is not only related to whether you can gain a foothold in the first sub-bureau, but also whether you can be successfully rated as an advanced individual in the provincial land tax system. To me For me, this is also a test and challenge: if you successfully complete or exceed the task, I, the leader who highly recommends you, will have face and have the right to speak; There is a lot of pressure, even if you are dismissed, it will be difficult to make up for my negligence in employing people. Do you understand this?"

Ye Ming nodded and said: "Director Zou, I understand. After I wait, I will immediately hold a branch cadre meeting, assign tasks, and immediately take action to collect the taxes that should be collected and check the taxes that should be supplemented. Add it to the warehouse, you will not be disappointed."

After coming out of the bureau chief's office, Ye Ming went down to the first floor, and suddenly saw Ouyang Ming and Liu Pengcheng lined up in the aisle between the lobby of the office building and the first branch with a dozen cadres from the branch office. Everyone had a sincere smile on their faces.

Above their heads, there was a banner hanging: "Warmly celebrate Ye Ming, director of the First Sub-bureau of the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau, who was awarded the honorary title of advanced individual for righteousness and bravery in the province."

When Ye Ming walked to the entrance of the corridor, Ouyang Ming and Liu Pengcheng took the lead, and all the bureau cadres gathered in the corridor applauded enthusiastically.

Ye Ming knew that this must be Ou Yangming's idea, and he was a little bit dissatisfied with his formalism and blatant flattery, but seeing the smiles on his and other colleagues' faces, it seemed that they were all sincere and came from the heart. I was happy in my heart, so it was inconvenient to say anything about Ouyang Ming, so I walked over with a smile, shook hands with Ouyang Ming, Liu Pengcheng and others, and complained in my mouth: "Director Ou, Director Liu, I know you have good intentions, but this way I have done it or passed it, I am a bit proud! I accept everyone's wishes, but the banner on my head will be taken down immediately. I am now just like you, a deputy director, but I am only a temporary negative in the branch office It’s just my responsibility. The banner directly calls me the chief of the first branch, and when the leaders and colleagues of other departments see it, they will think it’s my idea and will laugh at me.”

Ouyang Ming is now convinced of Ye Ming, and this small welcome ceremony today was indeed proposed and organized by him.

At this moment, when he saw Ye Ming say that, he thought he was being polite and modest, so he grabbed Ye Ming's hand and said in a very sincere tone: "Director Ye, don't be humble! In our minds, you have already It is our leader. Two days ago, Director Liu and I shared our feelings. Both of us admire you from the bottom of our hearts. We think that following you will definitely have a bright future. As for this banner, I think it is very necessary Hanging: You are the only advanced individual who has been commended by the provincial party committee in our province's local tax system. You represent the positive image of our local tax. We hang a banner here, and all taxpayers who come to the tax service hall opposite , as you can see, this is an excellent material and an excellent opportunity to promote the image of our new cold land tax. Therefore, I believe that every leader and colleague in the bureau will agree with my idea."

Liu Pengcheng also echoed and said: "Director Ye, I think Director Ou's words are very reasonable: our county bureau is now declaring the honor of the advanced unit of the provincial local tax system, and you are an advanced model emerging from our bureau. Let more people know about your advanced deeds. In this way, in the socialization evaluation of optimizing the economic environment held by the county government early next year, our bureau's ranking may be improved by a few places because of you!"

Ye Ming still shook his head and said: "Director Ou, Director Liu, this banner must be removed later. I think: if we want to fight for honor and image now, we can't work hard on these imaginary things, but we must Try to do everything possible to complete the tax revenue task of the branch. If our task is not completed, then no matter how much and vigorously these superficial things are publicized, it will be useless, and it will become a big joke in the end—what do you think?"

Seeing that he insisted on taking down the banner, Ouyang Ming nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call the advertising company that made the banner later and ask them to take it away."

Then, he said to Ye Ming: "Director Ye, just now I discussed with Director Liu, and also consulted with more than a dozen branch colleagues. Everyone agreed: tonight we pooled money to book two In the private room, let’s have a small gathering. First, we warmly welcome Director Ye to the First Sub-bureau to preside over the work; second, we warmly celebrate Director Ye being awarded the honorary title of advanced individual for righteousness and bravery in the province. Therefore, please invite Director Ye at night and don’t arrange anything else active."

Ye Ming saw that Ouyang Ming was still keen on this kind of lively and frivolous thing, and he took great pleasure in organizing and mobilizing. Although he knew that he had good intentions, he still felt a little disgusted in his heart, so he frowned and said, "Director Ou , Thank you for your kindness! However, I feel that now is not the time for us to gather and celebrate. Today is November 11th, and it is only one and a half months away from the end of the year. Our branch’s income task is still far behind, and I am so worried now Just now I came out of Director Zou’s office, and he told me: In the first half of November, our branch’s income, in addition to the normal monthly payment of more than 16 million yuan invoiced and stored in the warehouse, was less than 11 million yuan in taxes collected from other channels. Therefore, we have to tighten the string of income tasks at all times now, and we must race against time to catch up with the progress. I can’t delay any more. Now I make a promise to everyone: as long as our branch office completes it before December 1100 this year According to the tax planning task issued by the county bureau at the beginning of the year, I will invite everyone to dinner alone, and I will invite everyone to the best place, order the best food, drink the best wine, and everyone will get drunk when the time comes!"

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