Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 183 Analysis

In the morning of that day, Ye Ming organized a meeting for the cadres of the whole branch to discuss the issue of income again.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ye Ming asked Ouyang Ming and Liu Pengcheng to talk about the income situation and difficulties encountered by the sub-bureau in the past few days when he went to the provincial meeting.

Liu Pengcheng spoke first, saying that the individual group he is in charge of now has three main problems:

One is that the project of cleaning up the households with missing taxes and pipes is a huge project, and the manpower is obviously insufficient. If the efforts are too small, it will be difficult to have a deterrent effect. Many self-employed individuals who have not obtained certificates and paid taxes are resorting to soft and hard methods, trying to delay this period. Time, let's see the wind direction;

The second is that in the Xinleng building materials market, there are more than 80 self-employed households engaged in the wholesale and retail of building materials. They have been huddled together and collectively do not pay taxes.Branch cadres had nothing to do with them, and the income task was easy to complete at that time, so they all set a monthly turnover of less than 2 yuan, and the tax was 0 if they did not reach the threshold; The situation is tense, so at the beginning of the year, all taxes were set for them, usually 500-800 yuan per month.If all collections are in place, the annual local tax revenue should be increased by 60 to 80 yuan, and all of them are county-level revenues.However, with the instigation and support of a mafia leader named Zeng Qiang, none of these self-employed people are willing to declare and pay taxes. Therefore, all the taxes they set this year are owed on the computer, and no penny has been put into the treasury. ;

The third is that some self-employed people with connections and backgrounds, although they have been taxed, they just do not pay and owe taxes all the year round, which has caused a very bad impact, and it has also affected the enthusiasm of those self-employed around them to pay taxes. extremely destructive.For example, there is a "Lvye Farmhouse Local Restaurant" in East Station, and the business is very good.However, because the actual owner of this restaurant is the captain of the County Court Judicial Police Brigade, named Kang Genxin.Relying on his good relationship with Li Li, he has never paid taxes, but he has also set up a tax control invoice machine, which can issue invoices to the outside world. At present, the accumulated tax arrears has reached more than 5 yuan.Because he has never paid taxes, many self-employed people around him compare with him, and they don't want to take the initiative to declare taxes.There are several "nail houses" like this...

When he said this, Ouyang Ming interjected: "Director Ye, I think: if we keep looking at these self-employed individuals in our bureau's jurisdiction and trying to squeeze a large amount of tax money from them to complete the task, it will be no different. It takes a lot of effort to pluck the feathers from the iron rooster, but in the end it may have little effect. I think: we might as well directly talk to the key tax source households under my jurisdiction or the companies with good profits in the Jian'an real estate group. Talk, ask them to support us, pay a few million yuan in taxes in advance, and make up for the income gap in our bureau. In this case, it will save time and trouble, why bother?"

As soon as Ouyang Ming made the proposal, several cadres nodded approvingly, and all turned their eyes to Ye Ming to see how he would make a decision.

However, Ye Ming shook his head and said, "Director Ou, I don't agree with your idea. The State Administration of Taxation has issued documents many times, resolutely opposing tax authorities in various places to pay more than they deserve and collecting excessive taxes in order to complete their tasks. Behaviors will be severely investigated and punished. If we do this, it will be against the wind and violate discipline. Moreover, this is also a kind of short-sighted, drinking poison to quench thirst: We collected next year's tax this year, so what should we do next year? The huge gap next year How to make up for it? What's more, if we pre-collect taxes, those taxpayers will lose at least a few months of interest. They may not dare to say anything, but they will definitely say that we are messing around and bullying others. , It will also have a great impact on our land tax image."

Of course, Ye Ming has another meaning that he didn't express here: he is new here, and he is in charge of the first sub-bureau.If the first year has to rely on "eat more than enough food" to complete the task, the members of the bureau's party group must be very clear in their hearts, they will feel that they are not capable, and their impression of themselves may be greatly reduced. This is something he never wants to see ...

Ouyang Ming originally thought that Ye Ming didn't know about the method of tax collection in advance, so he proposed it as a good idea, but he didn't expect to be rejected by him, his face was a little embarrassing, and he didn't say anything else.

Ye Ming looked at Liu Pengcheng, thought for a while, and continued: "Director Liu, before going to the provincial meeting, I have analyzed the tax sources of self-employed individuals in our sub-bureau in detail, and I think there is still great potential to be tapped. My The idea is: the Jian’an real estate group in charge of Hao Jinbin needs to carry out further inspections and evaluations, and strive to check and supplement the tax payment of 300 million yuan; the key enterprise group in charge of Director Ou has already collected all the receivables, and the taxes that should be paid will be paid on time. It is no longer possible to add additional county-level income tasks; the remaining income gap of more than 0 yuan at the county level must be made up by tapping the potential of individual groups to increase income.”

As soon as this remark came out, the cadres of the individual group, including Liu Pengcheng, showed embarrassment in their eyes: You know, the annual tax revenue task of the individual group is only 800 million yuan.But now Ye Ming asked them to check and pay more than 0 yuan in taxes in the remaining one and a half months, not including the normal monthly income, which is simply unbelievable.

Ye Ming saw the surprised and embarrassed expressions on their faces, so he said confidently: "Colleagues in the individual group, don't worry: the 0 yuan search and supplement task I proposed is not something I imagined out of thin air. , but with sufficient grounds.”

As he said that, he took out his "Work Diary" and began to analyze it in detail according to the results of his investigation in the past few days: "First of all, according to what Director Liu just said, there should be more than 70 yuan of self-employed people in the Xinleng building materials market. Tax arrears. These tax arrears, I will take measures to collect them without any omission; secondly, I conducted a self-employed comparison with the county state tax bureau and the industrial and commercial bureau, and found that within the jurisdiction of our branch, there should be 80 Many self-employed households have not come to apply for a local tax registration certificate, nor have they paid a penny of land tax. If we calculate the tax payment of 5000 yuan per household, these more than 80 households that have missed collection and management can give us an increase of at least 40 yuan in taxes. These two items add up to more than 110 million yuan."

Having said that, he raised his head and glanced at everyone again, and said with emphasis: "The third item is the focus of our clean-up this time, and it is also the biggest loophole in the individual tax collection and management of our first sub-bureau. This is the taxation of the entertainment industry. Question. As far as I know: At present, there are 15 karaoke halls, 8 bars, and 5 dance halls in our jurisdiction. The payment should be at least tens of thousands. But I just looked at the taxation data in the centralized collection and management system. The average taxation of these karaoke halls, dance halls, and bars is about 10 yuan, and some are only a few hundred yuan. This loophole, we must Make it up, and collect the taxes that should be paid this year without any omission.”

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