Ye Ming and the others followed Manager Zhao to the financial room on the 11th floor.Because Manager Zhao is also the financial director of the hotel, he also has the key to the financial room, so he opened the door first and let Ye Ming and the others go in and sit down.

Ten minutes later, two financial personnel rushed over.

Ye Ming asked Liu Pengcheng and the others to help the financial staff check the account books and vouchers, and told them that they could only take away the account books and vouchers of last year and the year before. According to regulations, this year's account books cannot be adjusted for inspection, so they can only look at them here.

The main clue for Ye Ming to judge the tax evasion of the hotel today is the room fee of more than 5000 yuan that Chen Yi paid in advance. Therefore, as soon as he entered, he asked the financial staff to find out the diary for November, and then carefully searched for the room fee for Chen Yi's stay. business.

Just as he expected: there was no business record of more than 11 yuan in the journal on November 6.What's more, all the small accommodation business registered in the entire journal accounted for a few hundred yuan, and none of them exceeded 5 yuan.

From this, he judged: These accounts are all fake.

So, he stood up and said to Manager Zhao: "Manager Zhao, please ask the financial staff to open all the locked cabinets, drawers and safes in this office. We need to see if there is anything missing. material."

Manager Zhao said bluntly: "Okay! Xiao Wu, you open all the cabinets and let Director Ye and the others take a look."

After Xiao Wu opened all the cabinets, drawers, and safes, Ye Ming walked over and checked them one by one, but found no books or anything like that.

At this time, Liu Pengcheng and the others had already assisted another accountant to check the account books and vouchers, and were about to sign the account adjustment list, but Ye Ming suddenly waved his hand and said to Liu Pengcheng: "Director Liu, don't take these account books and vouchers back. , It's useless to check."

Liu Pengcheng looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Then what shall we investigate?"

Ye Ming turned to look at Manager Zhao, and said with a half-smile: "Manager Zhao, I'm sorry, please take us to your office, we also want to see if there are any account books and vouchers over there .”

It turned out that Ye Ming estimated that those real accounts could not be placed in the financial office, waiting for people from the tax bureau to search.However, Manager Zhao is the chief financial officer. If the real ledgers were kept in the hotel and not taken home to hide them, they must be in his office.

Therefore, after saying that to Manager Zhao, he stared fixedly at him to see his reaction.

Sure enough, Manager Zhao's expression changed immediately after hearing his words.

After being stunned for a long time, he forced a smile and stammered: "Director Ye, my office is not the finance department, so where will there be any accounting books and vouchers? If the leaders want to come to my office A cup of tea would be more than welcome."

Ye Ming smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to Manager Zhao's office for a cup of tea!"

Manager Zhao was riding a tiger at this time, and with a sense of luck, he brought Ye Ming and others to his general manager's office.

As soon as Ye Ming entered, he used his eyes to scan around, looking for places where Manager Zhao might hide the books and vouchers.

Finally, his eyes landed on an inconspicuous small safe in the corner of the office.

So, he pointed to the safe and said to Manager Zhao, "Manager Zhao, please open that safe, we want to see if there are any tax-related materials in it."

Manager Zhao showed an imperceptible look of contempt on his face, and pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Director Ye, that is my personal safe, and it stores some of my personal items, so don't open it!"

Seeing that he was unwilling to open it, Ye Ming decided that it was tricky inside, so he said seriously: "Manager Zhao, I have sufficient grounds to believe that your hotel is suspected of major tax evasion, so now I need you to cooperate with us in the inspection. Of course, the law It is stipulated that our tax bureau does not have the power to search. You don’t have to open this safe, and we can’t do anything to you. But if you do this, you are refusing to cooperate with our tax inspection. Starting tomorrow, I will report to the county bureau The Collection and Management Division filed an application to suspend the supply of invoices to your hotel and to confiscate your tax control cash register on the grounds that you are suspected of tax evasion and refused to cooperate with the tax inspection. Think about it yourself: if you are willing to cooperate, please open the insurance cabinet; if you don’t want to cooperate, the rest of us will leave immediately!”

Manager Zhao seemed frightened by these words, and hurriedly said: "Director Ye is serious, serious! How dare I refuse to cooperate with the inspection of the leaders? I will open the safe immediately."

Then, he walked over, bent down and opened the safe with the key.

Ye Ming and Liu Pengcheng walked over and asked him to open the small drawers one by one in the safe. After a closer look, there were really only some cash, checks, treasury bills, gold necklaces and other things inside, and they didn't even read a single page. arrive.

Manager Zhao waited for them to read it, and then took the initiative to open several locked drawers on the desk, and opened them for Ye Ming and others to see. There were no account books or vouchers inside.

After Ye Ming looked at the safe and all the drawers, he was also slightly surprised and disappointed at the same time: What's going on?Could it be that I made a mistake in my judgment?Or, Manager Zhao took the real account book home and hid it?If that's the case, there's nothing you can do about it...

So, unwillingly, he looked around in the office, and finally, his eyes fixed on the row of bookcases on the right side of the window.

After careful observation, he suddenly noticed something strange: this row of bookcases is the kind of integral bookcases embedded in the wall and connected to the wall. It is divided into three floors, with glass doors on the outside.Through the glass door, you can clearly see the neatly arranged books inside.

Ye Ming found that among the three layers of books, the first and third layers are paperback books, while the second layer is all hardcover classics.

The strangest thing is: the books in the middle of the second floor seem to be turned frequently, and the color is completely different from the dusty books on the two sides and the first and third floors, and even gives people a feeling of oiliness.

After seeing this strange phenomenon, his heart skipped a beat, he glanced at Manager Zhao, and then walked slowly towards the bookcase.

After standing next to the bookcase, he opened the glass door outside, turned his head and glanced at Manager Zhao intentionally or unintentionally, and saw that he suddenly showed a panicked expression, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his face ...

Seeing Manager Zhao's panicked expression, Ye Ming felt more confident, so he moved away the large hardcover books in the middle of the second floor, and looked inside, only to see a [-] on the wall inside the bookcase. Square little drawers.After opening the drawer, there were several ledgers with blue covers lying in it...

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