Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 199 Helpless Thoughts

When Ye Ming went to Qingquan Hotel to look for Chen Yi, Chen Yi was sitting sleepily on the guest bed in room 812 of "Qingyang Hotel", with the quilt covering her waist, her knees bent, her hands wrapped around her knees, her brows furrowed, her eyes closed. Looking straight ahead, I was falling into the painful and helpless yearning for Ye Ming...

Ever since she learned that someone wrote a letter to the provincial bureau saying that Ye Ming had an affair with her, she fell into a state of panic and despair. At the same time, she kept thinking of a sentence over and over in her mind: " If people don't know, unless you don't do it yourself!"

Yes, this is definitely a wise saying!

Originally, she always thought that the matter between herself and Ye Ming should be hidden.Normally, when she saw Ye Ming at work, she never showed any affectionate or ambiguous expressions, and always looked indifferent, as if they were still the same as before, but they were just ordinary colleagues.

However, she never expected that some people in the bureau began to doubt her relationship with Ye Ming, and wrote a complaint against Ye Ming with a nose and eyes, and even reported it to the provincial bureau's supervision office...

Therefore, she felt that this was simply God's will: God did not allow her to be with Ye Ming, and God did not allow her to have a sincere and unforgettable love - because she is a person with a family and a husband .In the absence of a divorce with Li Zhi, in order to taste the taste of the bone-destroying sex, I abandoned my sense of morality and shame, abandoned the concept of chastity that I had always believed in and adhered to, and had sex with Ye Ming many times. To have an affair together is a shameless depravity, a debauchery that should be condemned and punished.

Therefore, God became angry and began to warn himself: If he did not rein in the precipice, one day the matter between himself and Ye Ming would be exposed, and they would be accused and reviled by thousands of people. From then on, both of them would be ruined. I will never get rid of my notoriety as a slut and a baby...

And that inexplicable letter of complaint was God's warning to himself and Ye Ming...

She loves Ye Ming, loves like crazy, loves to the bone, loves so much that she almost loses her nature and self.

But now, Ye Ming is just starting his official career and is preparing to show his ambitions. If his ambiguous relationship with him is discovered at this time, then his bright future may be ruined.

Therefore, even considering Ye Ming's future, I should reluctantly break up with him as soon as possible.If you wait until someone finds out before thinking about breaking up, it will be "late to rein on the horse Linya, and late to make up for the leak when the boat arrives in the middle of the river", it will be of no avail...

What's more, now Ye Ming has another Chen Mengqi beside him.

It can be seen that this rich daughter's affection for Ye Ming is definitely not shallower than her own - during that time, almost every afternoon after get off work, she would see Chen Mengqi driving her fiery red Porsche to pick up Ye Ming.After seeing Ye Ming, she didn't care about many cadres in the bureau watching them. She went to hold Ye Ming's hand affectionately and happily, and pulled him into her car. dust off...

Every time she sees this scene, she feels that her heart is blocked and sour: this girl is so happy!She can openly and unscrupulously make out with Ye Ming in public, and as a girlfriend, she can play with Ye Ming everywhere and show off to people everywhere: I am Ye Ming's girlfriend!

And what about myself?Although they fell in love with Ye Ming, they could only engage in underground activities behind their backs.Apart from being in bed, two people can make out without any scruples, but on other occasions, no matter how much they miss and are impulsive, they can only behave politely, keep a distance, and even pretend to be indifferent...

Moreover, every time she sees Chen Mengqi, who is young, beautiful and full of youthful vigor, she will feel ashamed and even narcissistic and self-resentful: a good boy like Ye Ming should be matched with a young and beautiful girl like Chen Mengqi. child.As for myself, I am already old, I am already a dying flower, I should not pester Ye Ming anymore, but I should bless him and Chen Mengqi...

Dominated by such complicated and painful contradictory emotions, that night, she sent that long message to Ye Ming with tears in her eyes, asking him to break up...

She is a woman with a strong heart and an extraordinary endurance.After sending the breakup message, even though she was in pain like thousands of bugs were gnawing at her internal organs, and she suffered from insomnia all night long.However, she insisted on not answering Ye Ming's phone call, and didn't want to give herself any chance to repent - because she knew very well that in her current state, as long as Ye Ming said a few emotional words on the phone, or Just begging her a few words, telling her not to break up, the faith in her heart will definitely collapse, and she can't wait to throw herself into his warm and generous embrace again...

At the same time, in order to prevent Ye Ming from finding her again, she also moved out of Qingquan Hotel and lived in "Qingyang Hotel" which is opposite to Qingquan Hotel...

She has always been confident in her inner strength and strong self-control.Therefore, she felt that as long as she made up her mind, she should be able to gradually overcome the pain of missing Ye Ming, and slowly get out of this dangerous relationship like a time bomb.

However, after only two days, she felt that she was going to be unable to hold on anymore: every time she sat in the office, she couldn't help but look at the desk opposite where Ye Ming was sitting, and at the same time, there would be something in her mind. Ye Ming's handsome figure and gentle and friendly smile emerged, and Ye Ming's voice calling her "Sister Chen Yi" and his happy and hearty smile would often sound in her ears...

Several times, in a state of trance, she seemed to feel that Ye Ming was really sitting across from her, and she even yelled out the word "Little Yezi" out of nowhere...

What is especially frightening is that she now has insomnia almost all night.Sometimes she closed her eyes and fell asleep with difficulty, and in her dreams she would dream of Ye Ming again, the two were hugging each other tightly, kissing each other, undressing each other impatiently, and then the two of them were entangled tightly... …

Every time she wakes up from such a dream, she will be extremely sad and lost, and tears will roll down her pale and haggard face like beads of broken threads...

After suffering like this for a day or two, she felt that she couldn't bear it anymore, and she struggled to find an excuse for herself: within two days, as long as Ye Ming in the provincial capital sent a message to herself, saying that he didn't want to break up, saying He still loves himself as much as before, so even if he has to go to the [-]th floor of hell and suffer torture such as knives, mountains, fires and tongue cramps in the underworld, he will throw himself into his arms without hesitation and be a brave animal. Flaming moths...

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