Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 200 Love and Hate

However, just as Chen Yi struggled to find an excuse for herself and prepared to get back together with Ye Ming the next morning, she unexpectedly received a text message from Ye Ming agreeing to break up...

When she saw the text message, she was in a daze for a while before recovering.Then, after she read the text message carefully again, she suddenly felt as if someone had whipped her heart violently, and the severe colic pain went from her heart to her forehead, and she almost fainted...

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that although she had asked Ye Ming to break up, she secretly hoped that Ye Ming would not agree to her, hoped that he would come to her, and use various reasons to persuade herself not to agree. separate.Then, I was moved by his reason, and the two got back together.

Only then did she clearly realize that what she fears the most in her heart is not entirely that her ambiguous relationship with Ye Ming will be exposed, but that she is worried that he will be fascinated by Chen Mengqi or other girls From now on, she no longer likes and loves herself—this kind of worry about losing Ye Ming's love is what she fears the most, the most feared, and the most unacceptable thing...

In her subconscious mind, she could bear the pain of breaking up with Ye Ming and no longer having a physical relationship with Ye Ming, but she absolutely couldn't bear the fact that Ye Ming no longer loved and cared about herself...

Therefore, when she received Ye Ming's text message agreeing to break up, she almost collapsed on the spot - in her opinion, this was a clear signal from Ye Ming: he really didn't love her anymore Don't care about yourself anymore!He now has Chen Mengqi, a "Bai Fumei" girlfriend who clings to him, clings to him, and loves him every day. As a half-aged mistress, he is completely a dispensable supporting role.Therefore, he no longer retained himself.Maybe, my breakup message just went according to his wishes and heart, and saved him a lot of trouble...

When she thought of this, she felt that all thoughts were lost, and she felt that her whole world had completely collapsed...

From that day on, she felt that the pain in her heart had multiplied, and she was in a trance every day. She didn't think about food, sleep, and food, and she lost a lot of weight.

When she went to work today, she knew that Ye Ming had returned from the provincial capital.So, at noon, she stayed in the office, with the door ajar, waiting for Ye Ming to come to the office to find her with a glimmer of hope.

Her idea is: Even if he just came to the office to talk about breaking up with her, as long as she can spend two hours alone with him, she can also talk about the pain of lovesickness...

However, after waiting and waiting until it was time to go to work at 02:30 in the afternoon, Ye Ming never showed up at the office door.

At this point, she was finally completely desperate: this ruthless bastard obviously wanted to cut off contact with her completely, and no longer have the slightest relationship...

After coming to this judgment, she made a bitter decision when she was hurt: in the future, if she saw him again, she would pretend not to know him and ignore him...

After making this determination, she asked the office director for a leave of absence because she was worried that she would be in love with the scene in the office and would miss Ye Ming, saying that she was a little uncomfortable and wanted to go back to have a rest, so she returned to "Qingyang Hotel" ahead of schedule. The whole time I huddled on the bed, dazed in a daze, I didn't even eat dinner...

And Ye Ming never thought that Chen Yi would misunderstand him like that—the reason why he didn't go to find Chen Yi at noon was because he thought that Chen Yi really wanted to break up with him, so he didn't want to pester her anymore, for fear of leaving her with a shameless impression .

However, when he learned from Li Zhi that Chen Yi hadn't come home these days, he vaguely felt that things were not as simple as that. Sister Chen Yi must have a lot of difficulties.

That's why he decided to go to Qingquan Hotel to find her, and wanted to have a long talk with her, asking her about her true thoughts and her future plans.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at Qingquan Hotel, he accidentally discovered clues that the hotel was suspected of making false accounts to evade taxes, and found the real accounting books of the hotel in Manager Zhao's bookcase...

After discovering those ledgers, Ye Ming took them to the financial office and compared them with their financial statements for this year. He found that this year alone, the turnover recorded in the financial statements was more than 0% less than the real turnover. ten thousand yuan.If the business tax and surcharges are calculated, about 11 yuan of tax has been paid less this year.Moreover, the profit on their financial statements is a negative number. If this under-recorded turnover is added, the profit will become positive 0 yuan, and the income tax declaration will be 50 yuan less.

And this is just this year's data.If it goes back to the previous few years, it is estimated that the tax evasion of this hotel will reach several million yuan...

So, he ordered Liu Pengcheng to take the set of real and fake accounts back to the bureau, and let the inspection bureau send people to thoroughly investigate the hotel's tax evasion problem tomorrow.Then, they went home.

On the way back, Ye Ming made up his mind: no matter what, he must go to the office tomorrow at noon to find Sister Chen Yi, ask her about her current situation, and talk to her about the divorce with Li Zhi.Even if he can't be with her in the future, he still wants to persuade her to divorce Li Zhi - because this guy is so inhumane, he takes his concubine so confidently outside, and he justifiably wants Chen Yi to understand him and tolerate him , is there anyone in this world who is more shameless and shameless than him?

The next morning, Ye Ming intentionally came to the bureau earlier and stood on the ground in front of the office building, wanting to say hello to Chen Yi when she came to work.

However, after Chen Yi got off the commuter car in the bureau, when she walked past him, she didn't even lift her eyelids, let alone stop for a while, and hurried past him with her head down. She called "Sister Chen Yi" twice and she didn't answer.

Of course he didn't know that Chen Yi was facing the complex feeling of love and hate in his heart at the moment. Seeing that she ignored him, he couldn't help being puzzled, and at the same time he was a little disappointed: after breaking up with Chen Yi, would he be in a different shape from now on? Stranger?That would be too cruel!

When he thought of this possibility, he felt a little reconciled, and he became more determined to go to Chen Yi for a heart-to-heart talk at noon.

In the morning, Ye Ming came to Chief Zou's office and reported to him the results of yesterday's work, and focused on the tax evasion of Qingquan Hotel.

After listening to his report, Zou Wenming was very happy, and praised repeatedly: "Xiao Ye, not bad! Your thinking is very good, and your measures are very effective. According to your results yesterday, if you combine the taxation of the entertainment industry and the taxation of the building materials market It should be more than 200 million yuan. It is estimated that Qingquan Hotel can also add 300 million yuan to the treasury. In that case, your branch office will be able to overfulfill the annual taxation task this year. Now the pressure in my heart is relieved a lot. Hehehe!"

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