Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 233 Painful Tears

The reason why Secretary Lu suddenly mentioned this poem "Jianjia" is because when he and Zhao Han fell in love, both of them liked this love poem with blending scenes, profound artistic conception, and crying like complaints, and they often sang together Recite the classic sentences in it carefully.Moreover, in Lu Zhiyao's first love letter to Zhao Han, he quoted the first few lines of this poem to express his love for Zhao Han, but he was worried that it would be difficult for the two of them to be together. The ambivalence of "the road is blocked and long" in the future...

When he heard Ye Ming say that his mother also liked this poem, and often recited it and used it as Ye Ming's enlightenment poem, Secretary Lu immediately came to two judgments: First, Ye Ming's mother It is definitely Zhao Han, there is no doubt about it; secondly, even after Zhao Han got married and gave birth to a son, he still pretended to be himself in his heart, and he always missed the good times when she was with him...

Thinking of this, he only felt that his heart was beating very hard.In order to calm down his excited mood, he said to Ye Ming: "Xiaoye, when I was in college, I also really liked this ancient love poem called "Jianjia", but now because I am old and my memory is poor, the words in the poem I don’t remember some sentences anymore, can you recite them for me now?”

In fact, Secretary Lu has the deepest memory of this poem, and he can still recite it backwards.However, he really wanted Ye Ming to recite this poem with his voice and intonation somewhat similar to Zhao Han, so that he could experience the warm and beautiful feeling of reciting this poem with Zhao Han...

Ye Ming nodded and said, "Okay."

Then, he recited very emotionally and charmingly:

"The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren is on the side of the water. If you follow it back, the road is blocked and long; if you follow it, you are in the middle of the water. The reeds are desolate, and the white dew is not yet shining. Follow it back, the road is obstructed and climb; follow it when you travel back, and you will be in the water. The reeds are picked, but the white dew is not finished. The so-called Yiren is in the water. Follow it back, the road is blocked and right; travel back from In other words, it’s like being in the water.”

After Ye Ming finished reciting, Secretary Lu seemed to be immersed in the artistic conception of the poem, squinting his eyes slightly, savoring it carefully for a long time, and then said in an emotional voice: "Xiao Ye, when I was young, I My father asked me to recite more than 300 poems in the "Book of Songs". Among them, my favorite is this "Jianjia". The sad and melancholy emotions of the protagonist give people a kind of melancholy beauty, which is very contagious!"

Speaking of this, he sighed slightly, fixed his eyes on the necklace on Ye Ming's neck, and asked suddenly: "Xiao Ye, when I was looking at the jade pendant you were wearing just now, I found two words engraved on it, one is The word 'Han' and the word 'Yuan'. Moreover, these two characters should have been engraved later, unlike when this piece of jade was carved. Is there any meaning or story in it?"

When Ye Ming heard him ask about this matter, his heart ached, his eyes turned red, and he said in a low voice: "Secretary Lu, you are right. This piece of jade is a token of love from my father to my mother. That'han The word ' is my mother's name. And the word 'far' is my father's name...

As soon as Ye Ming said this, he heard "Ah" from Secretary Lu's mouth, his eyes widened all of a sudden, and an incredible expression appeared on his face. Before he could finish speaking, he asked in a trembling voice: "Xiaoye, what did you just say?" What are you talking about? You mean: the word 'far' is your father's name? Is it your biological father's name?"

Ye Ming was immersed in the nostalgia for his mother. He didn't notice the abnormal expression on Secretary Lu's face. He nodded and said, "That's right! I was born in a single-parent family since I was a child. I haven't seen my father since I was born. I asked My mother, where is my father? But my mother never told me, she just said that my father is in a far away place. She also told me: Don't ask now, and don't try to find your father. If the opportunity comes, You father and son will always meet. If the opportunity doesn't come, you probably won't be able to meet each other in this lifetime..."

Secretary Lu interrupted him again, and asked again in an unusual tone: "Xiaoye, you mean: Your mother has always lived alone? Never married? You have never seen your father since you were born, is it ?"

Ye Ming glanced at Secretary Lu strangely. Seeing his flushed cheeks, bright eyes, and trembling lips, which was quite different from the calm expression at the beginning, he couldn't help but feel a little strange. He thought he was sick, so he felt a little uneasy. Said: "Secretary Lu, are you not feeling well? Is it because I disturbed your rest? Or, I will take my leave now, you can sleep and have a rest!"

Seeing that he stood up and was about to leave at any time, Secretary Lu suddenly grabbed his arm and said in an almost pleading tone: "Son, don't go! I don't feel sick at all. On the contrary, I feel very sad right now. Happy. Come, come, sit down, let's talk for a while...By the way, why did your mother give you this jade pendant? Did you want you to find your father?"

Ye Ming felt pain in his heart, looked down at the jade pendant on his chest, rubbed it a few times with his hands, his eyes turned red again, and said in a choked voice: "Secretary Lu, this is my mother's relic, it was left by her. The most precious legacy to me. She said: I wear this jade pendant, as if she and my father are by my side! She also said: This jade pendant has aura. If I encounter any catastrophe in the future Difficult, as long as I touch the jade pendant a few times, she will feel it under the Nine Springs, and will..."

"Wait! Son, what did you just say? You said this jade pendant is your mother's relic?"

After Secretary Lu heard the word "relic", he felt as if someone had punched his chest hard, and his heart ached. At the same time, his blushing cheeks suddenly turned pale. I had to control my emotions, interrupted Ye Ming's narration again, and asked in a raised voice.

Ye Ming nodded and said sadly: "Secretary Lu, my mother is a teacher in a rural middle school. She has taught in our middle school for more than 20 years and has never left there. Five years ago, she suffered from liver cancer, but she He still insisted on giving lectures on the podium, until finally he collapsed on the podium, was sent to the hospital, and passed away a month later..."

When Secretary Lu heard his last words, he suddenly groaned in a low voice, and then said to Ye Ming in a choked voice: "Son, wait! I'm going to the bathroom!"

Under Ye Ming's surprised and worried eyes, Secretary Lu staggered to the door of the bathroom in the room like a drunk, pulled the door open tremblingly, then went in and locked it, and suddenly covered it with a generous palm. On his face, big streams of tears gushed out from between his fingers like a spring, and immediately wet his neck, his collar, and then soaked his chest...

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