Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 255 Make a Wish

Secretary Lu heard that Zou Wenming said that Ye Ming was promoted exceptionally, and that he had made some achievements within two months. He was very interested, and asked Zou Wenming to Civilization specifically talked about the process of his exceptional promotion, how he united the hearts of the people, and how he took measures to raise taxes.

Seeing that Secretary Lu was very interested in Ye Ming's affairs, Zou Wenming just happened to like Ye Ming very much himself, so he described in detail how the party group of the county bureau promoted Ye Ming to be in charge of the first sub-bureau. It talked about Ye Ming leading the cadres to go to the karaoke hall at night, subduing a gangster in the building materials market to force them to pay taxes, and finding out the tax evasion problem of "two sets of accounts" in Qingquan Hotel, etc.

During Zou Wenming's narration, Secretary Lu listened with gusto and his eyes lit up.

After Zou Wenming finished speaking, Secretary Lu couldn't hide his joy. He wanted to say a few words of thanks to them, but suddenly remembered that he was the secretary of the provincial party committee, not Ye Ming's parent. Stopping the words of thanks that had come to his mouth, he tried his best to hide his excited expression, and said slowly: "Director Xiao Xu, Director Xiao Zou: Comrade Ye Ming is one of the ten advanced individuals commended by the Provincial Civilization Committee last time for their bravery and courage. One of them is also a benchmark and banner of your land tax system. In the past two days, I have had some contact with him and talked with him once or twice. Overall, I feel that this young comrade has a good character, high ambition and strong overall quality. , There is a lot of room for cultivation and development.

I have always believed that no matter what level of leadership, the most important ability is to be good at discovering, cultivating and utilizing talents.There must be a correct concept of talents and a scientific concept of employing people, and good steel should be used wisely.For Ye Ming, a young comrade, I admire and look forward to it.I hope you can also train him well, educate him carefully, and support him wholeheartedly, so that he can give full play to his talents and advantages, and achieve better and better results in his own positions. "

Xu Fei and Zou Wenming kept nodding their heads while quickly recording Secretary Lu's "instructions"...

While Secretary Lu was talking with Xu Fei and Zou Wenming, Ye Ming brought Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi to his home, and asked them to burn incense and bow in front of the portrait of their mother in the main room.

During the process of offering incense and saluting, Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi were both devout and solemn.Both of them silently made a wish in their hearts, hoping that Mother Ye could bless themselves and Ye Ming to have a sweet love and grow old together...

After paying homage to Mother Ye, Ye Ming took Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi to the kitchen and asked them to cook on fire, while he went to a nearby villager's house to buy local chicken, bacon, pig blood cake, sweet potato vermicelli, etc. raw materials.

When Ye Ming walked out of the kitchen, he ran into the county party secretary Shen Youbin head-on.

When Shen Youbin learned that Ye Ming was going to the village to buy vegetables, he happily said, "Xiaoye, I'll go shopping with you."

When walking towards the villagers' homes, Shen Youbin asked tentatively, "Xiaoye, have you thought about transferring away from the local tax system and working in a party committee or government department?"

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "Secretary Shen, I really haven't thought about this issue. I think the local tax system is pretty good, and the remuneration is relatively good. Moreover, my current major is taxation, and I am used to working in this department. I don’t want to be transferred from the land tax to develop elsewhere.”

There was a hint of disappointment on Shen Youbin's face, but he was not discouraged, but said persuasively: "Xiaoye, you are a capable and promising young talent, you must have a long-term plan for your life, and you cannot be a frog in a well." You should also be very clear: Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee cares about you very much and values ​​you very much. Moreover, you once saved the life of Secretary Li of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. What a good network and background resources! If you always Struggle in the local tax system, because you are a semi-vertical management department, even if Secretary Lu and Secretary Li want to help you in your career, but because your department has limited promotion and competition, so, during their tenure, at best It would be great for you to help a county bureau chief.

However, if you go to the party committee and government department, it is a vast world. It can be said that the sea is wide and the sky is high. There are great opportunities and space for development and promotion.Therefore, my opinion is: You'd better transfer to the county party committee office, do an internship for a few months, and then become my secretary.Of course, your position and salary will be resolved accordingly.As long as you come, I guarantee that within a year, you will be admitted to the official level, the same level as your Director Zou.How about it?Would you like to think about it? "

Ye Ming disliked and hated being a secretary.Moreover, he is also very clear: the reason why Secretary Shen wants to be his secretary is definitely not because of his literary talent or other abilities, but because he took aim at Secretary Li Runji behind him, and maybe even because he took aim at him. Secretary Lu.

However, although he didn't want to go to the county party committee, after all, Shen Youbin is the official of his parents and he can be regarded as his leader, so he couldn't refuse him too directly, so he said tactfully: "Secretary Shen, I will give you an answer after considering this matter, okay?" ?”

Shen Youbin looked at him hopefully, nodded and said, "Okay, I hope you will seriously consider my proposal today and give me an answer as soon as possible."

When Ye Ming and Shen Youbin walked to the gate of the school, the party secretary and the mayor of Wantou Town happened to drive a Santana. When they saw Shen Youbin, they immediately braked. The two jumped out of the car and called Secretary Shen enthusiastically. , and asked him where he was going, and said that they had ordered four tables of meals at the "Green Homeland" restaurant near the town government, and now they came here specially to invite the leaders of the province, city and county to have dinner.

Seeing that both of them turned a blind eye to Ye Ming next to him, as if he didn't exist, Shen Youbin was afraid that Ye Ming might have some thoughts, so he pointed at Ye Ming and said to the two of them, "This is Director Ye from the First Branch of the County Local Taxation Bureau. , the whole province is an advanced individual. Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee is going to have dinner at his house, and now I will accompany him to the village to buy some raw materials such as local chicken, bacon, and winter bamboo shoots."

When the secretary and the mayor saw that Secretary Shen was very polite to Ye Ming and said that he was "accompanying him to buy some raw materials", they immediately knew that this young man should not be underestimated, so they quickly smiled and went to talk to Ye Ming one by one. shake hands.

After they finished shaking hands, Shen Youbin smiled and said: "Secretary Chen, Mayor Li, you have to thank Director Ye! Because of him, Secretary Lu decided to list Donggang Village in your town as his Poverty alleviation hook point. In the future, various departments in the province will come to Donggang Village to help the poor, and various support funds will definitely be allocated continuously. At that time, your town may benefit a lot, right?"

When Secretary Chen and Mayor Li heard Shen Youbin's words, their eyes lit up, and they asked in surprise almost at the same time: "Secretary Shen, is this true? Secretary Lu really listed Donggang Village as his poverty alleviation link." point?"

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