Shen Youbin just said that Secretary Lu listed Donggang Village as his poverty alleviation anchor point because of Ye Ming, but it was actually just his guess.However, he is willing to credit this credit to Ye Ming - because there are various signs that Secretary Lu has an inexplicable fondness for this young deputy director of the Local Taxation Bureau.Maybe one day, this Ye Ming will rise to the top of the sky because of Secretary Lu's love for him.At that time, it is very likely that I will rely on him and follow him.Instead of going all out to curry favor with him at that time, it is better to show him more favors and praise him more while he is still fledgling, maybe it will get miraculous results in the future...

As for Secretary Chen and Mayor Li of Wantou Town, seeing that Secretary Shen valued this young man so much, and also said that Donggang Village was listed as the poverty alleviation link point of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary, it was also the credit of this young man, so they couldn't help but look at him with admiration. His expression also became respectful, and when he talked to him again, he said "Director Ye", very affectionate.

When they learned that Secretary Shen and Ye Ming were going to the village to buy local chickens, pig blood cakes and other special products, they hurriedly stopped them and said: "Secretary Shen, Director Ye, why do you need to go to this trivial matter yourself? Wait for you It’s a bit inappropriate for the majestic secretary of the county party committee to bargain with the villagers for a chicken and two pieces of bacon, isn’t it? Today, the leaders of the province, city, and county have all come to our Donggang Village, and we should be here to entertain them. Then there is a reason for the leaders to buy vegetables and cook in person? Wait a minute, let us handle this matter."

With that said, Secretary Chen took out his mobile phone and called the village party secretary.

After the call was connected, Secretary Chen said straight to the point: "Secretary Ye? I'm Chen Baoshan. It's like this: You know that many big leaders from the province, city, and county have come to your village today for research, to visit the poor and ask questions. Bitter, isn’t it? Let me tell you a piece of good news: Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee has listed your Donggang Village as his anchor point for poverty alleviation. Starting today, your Donggang Village has officially entered the road of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich. Haven’t you been nagging about your village’s lack of policy and financial support, so you can’t solve the problem of food and clothing so far? Now it’s all right, with Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee helping the poor with you, you don’t have to worry about policies, don’t worry about funds, you The village secretary of this impoverished village will feel proud from now on. Hahaha!"

I don't know what Ye Zhishu said on the phone, probably some words of joy and gratitude.

Secretary Chen added: "Old Ye, I also want to tell you some good news: Principal Wu of Wantou Middle School called me just now and told me that the condolence team from the Provincial Department of Education came down to mourn the deceased teacher Ye Han and promised to allocate funds to the middle school. 200 million yuan is used for the maintenance and renovation of the school. Aren’t you always worried that the school will collapse or fail to run? Now you can rest assured: once the school is repaired and there are sufficient funds, it will become more and more prosperous. Children in your village will no longer have to worry about having nowhere to go to school."

Having said that, he paused for a moment before getting to the point: "Secretary Ye, I have something to trouble you: the leaders of the provinces, cities and counties all like to eat special local vegetables in the countryside, such as pigs. Blood cakes, sweet potato vermicelli, firewood bacon, etc. Please go to the neighborhood to find some, and buy some at the folks’ homes, and we will pay according to the price. In addition, I think the local chickens in our Donggang Village are all eaten in the mountains. It is grown from worms and grass, delicious and fresh meat, green and environmentally friendly. Although the leaders have repeatedly told us not to engage in big fish and meat, I think if we can buy two native chickens, let the leaders have a taste of our real Donggang village. The leaders should not be offended by the delicious taste of local chickens. So, if any company has local chickens, please send Branch Secretary Ye to buy some for us, and we will definitely pay for it!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Ming was almost impeccable: he not only publicized to the villagers the benefits that the leaders brought to Donggang Village, but also prevented them from thinking that the leaders came here to eat and drink, and even a chicken I have thought of all the questions I have, and put it at the end, as if it was brought up in passing, so as not to let the other party have any thoughts that are not good for the leadership. I can't help but be impressed by him. , They are all "slippery, slippery, slippery, fall into the oil pan and not stick to the oil", it seems that this statement is indeed true!

After hanging up the phone, Chen Shuji smiled contentedly and said, "Secretary Shen, wait a minute, someone will deliver something soon. Look, Zhishu Ye and the others have already gone out on their motorcycles to buy vegetables for us. "

As he said that, he pointed to the village branch opposite, signaling Secretary Shen and Ye Ming to look over there.

Ye Ming looked up, and saw that two people came out from the red brick building of the village branch, probably the village branch secretary and a village cadre, and left on a motorcycle.

Just as Secretary Chen expected, ten minutes later, several villagers came one after another from the field opposite the school, carrying chickens, pig blood cakes, and bacon, and walked straight to the school.

When these villagers came to the place where Ye Ming and the others were standing, they asked with a simple smile on their faces, "Is Secretary Lu there? We are here to give Secretary Lu some local products, and ask him to taste it." .”

Secretary Shen originally wanted to take these things by himself, and then pay them. Hearing that they came here specially to give Secretary Lu a taste of some local products, he felt that this was the best opportunity to please Secretary Lu. .

So, he changed his mind and said in a loud voice: "Folks, I am Shen Youbin, secretary of the county party committee, and I am here to accompany Secretary Lu to your Donggang Village for investigation and visit. He traveled across mountains and rivers in Wantou Town, visited the poor and asked about the hardships. He did a lot of research work and mastered the first material. He learned that Donggang Village is the poorest village in Wantou Town and even Xinleng County, and the problem has not yet been solved. The problem of food and clothing made me feel extremely sad and guilty. Therefore, he decided to list Donggang Village as his poverty alleviation link point. In the future, he will always pay attention to the development of Donggang Village, and relevant departments will also have support funds and support policies Come down. I believe that the day when Donggang Village will get rid of poverty and become rich will soon come. Now, Secretary Lu is looking for someone to talk to. If the villagers want to thank Secretary Lu, after he talks to someone, everyone will meet him face to face Say, okay?"

As soon as Shen Youbin finished speaking, Secretary Shen and Mayor Li took the lead in applauding.

At this moment, Secretary Lu finished his conversation with Xu Fei and Zou Wenming, and happened to come out from the school gate, and saw several villagers standing at the school gate with dishes such as local chicken, bacon, and pig's blood in their hands. Can't help showing a surprised look.

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