As soon as Ye Ming heard the voice, he knew that Secretary Lu was coming, so he quickly raised his head, and greeted Secretary Lu politely with a smile.

Chen Mengqi was pampered like a princess since she was a child, and she didn't have much sense of awe in her heart, so she wasn't afraid of a high-ranking official like Secretary Lu, who said that Ye Ming wouldn't have chicken to eat if he didn't kill the chicken, so she let go of the cover The little hand kept his face shut, and retorted: "Why do you say that if Brother Ye doesn't kill the chicken, there will be no chicken to eat? When I was a child, I ate chicken every day at home, but my parents never killed a chicken. They bought it in the market and asked someone to eat it." Killed. Are your words too absolute?"

Secretary Lu was taken aback, looked at Chen Mengqi with a serious face, and suddenly laughed again, and said with a smile: "The little girl is right, what I just said is too absolute! But, I am based on today's specific situation. What the situation is! Today’s specific situation is: If Xiaoye and all of us don’t kill chickens, there will be no chickens to eat, right? So, we are all wrong: I am too absolute, but you are not specific Analyze the situation in detail, isn't that the case? Little girl?"

Since his daughter grew up, Secretary Lu has rarely had the opportunity to chat and laugh with a girl of Chen Mengqi's age. In addition, she is now his son's girlfriend, so when he talks and laughs with her, he is in a particularly comfortable and happy mood.

Ye Ming saw that Secretary Lu seemed very happy, so he also smiled and said jokingly: "Secretary Lu, Qiqi likes to talk too much, so don't argue with her. Qiqi, I think you are a typical way of deception: I often eat chicken , but complained that the person who killed the chicken was too cruel. What you mean is: as long as you don’t see the process of killing the chicken, you can eat chicken with peace of mind, isn’t that the case? Is this deception?”

Chen Mengqi was speechless, she looked at Ye Ming with a blushing face, and whispered, "Sycophant!"

Chen Yi came out just in time to tell Ye Ming to save the internal organs when cutting the chicken, and make a "red stewed fresh chicken offal" to eat later, when she heard the word "flatterer" in Chen Mengqi's mouth, she smiled and said: "Qiqi , did you know that he is a flatterer? Has he ever kissed your ass? Did you just be tricked by his sweet words and flattery?"

Chen Mengqi blushed, lightly punched Chen Yi's shoulder with her hand, and said with a little resentment: "Sister Chen Yi, why are you here to make fun of me? He doesn't talk sweet words to me! He only shoots the superiors Ass, never-"

She originally wanted to say "never flatter me", but after thinking about it, she felt that it was inappropriate, so she stopped the conversation abruptly.

Secretary Lu couldn't help laughing when he saw these two beautiful girls making fun of Ye Ming together. The scene was warm and funny...

Next, Chen Yi quickly started to stir-fry. It took only half an hour to stir-fry seven or eight local specialties that were delicious in color, flavor and flavor, including "Zhumei chicken", "winter bamboo shoots fried with firewood bacon", "dried bacon". Stir-fried green beans", "shredded cabbage", "stir-fried pork blood cake with white pepper", "braised field fish", "spicy chicken offal", "dried beans stewed vermicelli"...

At this time, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening, and Secretary Lu, Chi Dahua, Qing Tao, Shen Youbin and others were all a little hungry.

When Ye Ming brought the pot of vegetables to the dining table in the main room, Secretary Lu and the others stared at the delicious local specialties, and they all moved their index fingers.

After Ye Ming brought all the dishes to the table, he asked with a smile, "Leaders, do you want some wine? It's night now, so it shouldn't matter if you drink a little wine!"

Of course Chi Dahua, Qing Tao and the others wanted to drink some wine. Even Shen Youbin, who never drank, was eager to have a drink tonight-you know, this is to accompany Secretary Lu of the Provincial Party Committee!If you can drink some wine, you can use the opportunity of the toast to have a few more words with Secretary Lu, and you can also leave a deeper impression on him.What's more, if you drank wine tonight, you can proudly say: "On a certain day and month, Secretary Lu and I had a drink at the same table, and I even toasted him!"

It's just that although they all wanted to drink, they didn't dare to speak or make decisions without authorization. They all looked at Secretary Lu and waited for his instructions.

Secretary Lu is very happy today.Moreover, now everyone eats at the home where Zhao Han used to live. In a sense, he is also the owner of this "home".Therefore, after Ye Ming asked the leaders if they would like to drink some wine, he waved his hand and said straightforwardly: "Xiao Ye, it's rare for everyone to come to Donggang Village today, so you can drink some wine. But don't drink high-grade wine , if there is sweet potato wine or glutinous rice wine that is steamed and brewed in the countryside, that would be the best.”

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "I happen to have sweet potato wine at home. After I came back yesterday, a teacher at school who used to have a good relationship with my mother sent it over and asked me to take it back to the county to drink. Our Donggang Village Sweet potato wine is very famous, known as 'Donggang Moutai', and the leaders will know when they taste it."

After speaking, he ran into the room and came out with a white plastic wine barrel, which contained about ten catties of sweet potato wine.

At this time, Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi also cleaned up the kitchen and came out after washing their hands. When they heard that the leaders were going to drink, Chen Yi hurried to the kitchen to find small wine glasses, and placed one in front of everyone.

Ye Ming filled the wine glasses for Secretary Lu and others one by one, and sat down near the kitchen. Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi sat on both sides of him.

Secretary Lu is a typical northwestern man with a lot of alcohol.It's just that, after his official position reached a certain level, he consciously controlled himself and easily mishandled his wine glass.

But today, even with so many subordinates here, he still wants to drink, and even wants to get drunk—because this is the home of his lover Zhao Han, and he finally met and reunited with his son, There is a mixture of sorrow and joy in his heart: sadness is because of Zhao Han's death; joy is because of Ye Ming's appearance...

This mixed mood of sadness and joy is most likely to arouse people's alcoholism.

What's more, the few dishes Chen Yi fried today are appetizing at first glance.Moreover, the "spicy chicken offal", "stir-fried pork blood cake with white pepper", "braised field fish in brown sauce", and "stir-fried bacon with bamboo shoots" are all the best dishes to go with wine.

Therefore, Secretary Lu was very interested in drinking tonight. First of all, he raised the wine glass and suggested that everyone have a drink together.Then, he raised his glass again, toasted Chen Yi and Chen Mengqi individually, and thanked them for making such delicious farm dishes for everyone.

Next, Chi Dahua and others saw that Secretary Lu was very happy, so they stood up one by one and toasted him in turn.Secretary Lu also never refused to come, drinking until the glass was dry, and immediately mobilized the atmosphere on the whole table.

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