Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 262 Worry

Ye Ming's drinking capacity is completely inherited from Secretary Lu, which is astonishingly large. In addition, he has practiced martial arts all year round and has excellent physical fitness.Therefore, under normal circumstances, he can drink two catties of high-strength liquor above 55% without appearing drunk at all.

The sweet potato wine they drank today had an alcohol content of less than [-]%, and all the leaders were sitting at the table today, so he took turns to toast each of them, and drank seven or eight ounces in one breath, but there was no reaction .

Chi Dahua, Qing Tao, Shen Youbin and the others at the table knew that he was very much favored by Secretary Lu, and saw that he was bold, unrestrained and generous, and they also liked him from the bottom of their hearts, although there were only two girls among them. He has the lowest rank and the youngest age, but no one dares to underestimate him. After he made a round of toasting, the leaders, big and small, including Director Xu and Director Zou, also stood up with smiles on their faces and took turns to pay back he.

When Secretary Lu saw that Ye Ming was also freely and generously swaying on the wine table, he was as grand as he was on the wine table back then.

While Xu Fei was drinking, he accidentally raised his head and glanced at Ye Ming, who was opposite him, and saw him and Chen Yi beside him making eye contact and expressing love. They looked away from each other, but happened to be caught by Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was startled, and suddenly remembered that when some cadres of Xinleng County Bureau [-] Sub-bureau sued Ye Ming last time, they mentioned Ye Ming's adultery with Chen Yi.Could it be that this incident was not fabricated by those who complained?

So, he began to pay attention to the words and deeds of Ye Ming and Chen Yi.As a result, he caught several more details of the two people's eye contact...

Moreover, he found that Ye Ming cared about Chen Yi very much. Whenever he found someone toasting Chen Yi's wine, he would puff up his eyes and look at her with a worried expression on his face, as if wishing he could drink instead of her.But for his girlfriend Chen Mengqi, he didn't have such a concerned and worried expression, and he didn't seem to have made eye contact with her—up to this point, Xu Fei was convinced that the relationship between Ye Ming and Chen Yi was definitely not normal.Even if the two of them are not having an affair now, in the near future, they are likely to make style mistakes...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little worried about Ye Ming: If he made a mistake in this kind of thing at a young age, no one would be able to cover it up and protect him.In case something happened to Dong Chuang one day, even if no one stepped on him or sued him in the unit, Chen Yi's family members would definitely not let him go, and the city would be full of trouble.

And once they reached that state, the reputation of the two of them would be completely stink.If Ye Ming wants to make a difference in his official career, it will be extremely difficult.

Moreover, he judged from the ambiguous relationship between these two people: Ye Ming does not love his current girlfriend.Otherwise, it is impossible for him to flirt with other women boldly while his girlfriend is sitting beside him.

After making these guesses and judgments, Xu Fei sighed secretly, and suddenly thought of Director Xia's daughter Xia Chuchu, and couldn't help feeling sorry for Ye Ming: Ye Ming, Ye Ming, what on earth are you thinking?Xia Chuchu is the daughter of the provincial bureau chief and a big TV star, and she also has a deep affection for you. Why are you so ignorant of good and evil and current affairs?You don't want such a good girl with yellow flowers, but you want to like a married woman, you are too willful!

From the bottom of his heart, Xu Fei loves and loves Ye Ming very much.What's more, Ye Ming had helped him so much before, it can be said that he was kind to himself.

Therefore, after realizing that Ye Ming might have an affair with Chen Yi, he felt a little anxious and uneasy, and secretly made up his mind: he must find an opportunity to talk to Ye Ming alone, persuade him, let him Don't fall into the vortex of having an affair with a married woman.Moreover, if possible, I must match him and Xia Chuchu, it is best to let them become lovers and get married as soon as possible.In that case, it will be good for Ye Ming and himself...

But Secretary Lu had a very good impression of Chen Yi.

During the drinking process, he was full of praise for the few dishes Chen Yi cooked, saying that he had eaten many places and many kinds of dishes, but today's few dishes were the most refreshing to him , the best drink, the most flavorful.

With Secretary Lu's praise, Director Chi, Qing Tao and the others were not far behind, smashing their lips one after another, showing a look of incomparable delicacy, and then following Secretary Lu to praise these dishes, putting Chen Yi blushed with praise, and showed a shy smile on her face. From time to time, she turned her head to look at Ye Ming, who was only smirking beside her, feeling very sweet in her heart...

According to Secretary Lu, Chen Yi not only cooks well, but also looks knowledgeable, gentle and virtuous, very considerate and caring, very similar to Zhao Han when he was young.And from the way she looked at Ye Ming, it could be seen that she, like the other girl, liked Ye Ming very much.If Ye Ming can find her as his wife, she will undoubtedly become a good wife and mother, and Ye Ming's future family will be very happy.

After having this idea, he began to ask about Chen Yi's family background intentionally or unintentionally.

At first, he heard from Zou Wenming that Chen Yi was born in a professor's family, and he was a typical lady. , I was overjoyed again.

But at this moment, Xu Fei, who was sitting next to Zou Wenming, smiled and added: "Secretary Lu, I heard that Xiao Chen's husband is also a billionaire! So, not only is she excellent in herself, but also A happy little family is truly enviable!"

The reason why Xu Fei suddenly inserted this sentence was not because he had guessed the real intention of Secretary Lu's question, but because he wanted to take the opportunity to remind Ye Ming: no matter how good Chen Yi is, she is already married, and there is a "happy little girl" "Family", you should be more sober and realistic...

Secretary Lu was taken aback when he heard Xu Fei's words: He always thought that since Chen Yi showed such love for Ye Ming, she must not have married.Moreover, judging by her appearance and demeanor, she doesn't look like a married woman with a family.Now when Xu Fei suddenly said that Chen Yi was married, Secretary Lu couldn't help but be a little bit tongue-tied, looking at Ye Ming, he also became worried like Xu Fei: What is this kid trying to do?Bringing a girlfriend by your side, but still getting involved with a married woman, isn't this just asking for trouble?

(This chapter is added for the VIPs of the book friends "Friendship Forever" and "Investment Points to Read Books", thanks to the two book friends)

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