Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 273 Enforcement

Around one o'clock in the noon, Ye Ming took seven or eight cadres of the first sub-bureau, drove a car and two pickup trucks, and arrived at the entrance of "Green Field Restaurant" on the west entrance of the East Railway Station Square.

At that time, it was the time when there were the most guests and the busiest time in the hotel: the cashier was "crackling" at the bar and pressing the computer to check out, the waiters serving food in the lobby shuttled back and forth, and from time to time, drunk guests staggered out of the boxes. Come out, mumbling in my mouth, I don't know what I'm talking about...

Ye Ming and others jumped out of the car and walked straight into the overcrowded hotel lobby.

The welcoming guests standing at the door are usually used to seeing people in uniform coming to the hotel in groups for dinner, so they thought Ye Ming and the others were also here for dinner, so they asked with a smile on their faces: "Sir, have you reserved a box? What's the number?"

Ye Ming held the seizure decision in his hand, glanced at the welcoming lady, and said, "Where's your boss? Ask him to come out. We're from the Local Taxation Bureau, so we need him."

The welcoming lady was startled when she heard that they were looking for the boss, she hurried to a box and called out a short, stocky middle-aged man with a crew cut.

The man looked at Ye Ming and the others with disdain, and asked coldly: "You are from the local tax bureau? What are you doing in our shop? I am the boss here, just tell me if you have anything to do!"

Ye Ming looked at the "Tax Registration Certificate" hanging above the bar, and saw that the legal representative on it was "Kang Lixin", so he asked, "Are you Kang Lixin?"

The flat-headed man glared at him and said, "That's right, I am Kang Lixin. But, kid, I advise you to be more polite when you see me in the future, and don't name me by name. The people on East Station Road, Everyone calls me Brother Li. You’d better call me Brother Li, or Brother Kang, don’t be so rude!”

It turned out that this Kang Lixin was the cousin of Kang Genxin, the captain of the judicial police of the court. One day, I invited these little guys to the shop for a meal, and asked them to call me "Big Brother".Then, he regarded himself as the big brother on Dongzhan Street, and called his younger brothers to "difficult" every now and then, so he bluffed many people.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Kang Genxin wrote the name of the legal representative of "Lvye Restaurant" as Kang Lixin, and asked him to be fully responsible for the operation and management of the hotel.Of course, this so-called "full responsibility" is actually "completely irresponsible". There is another relative of Kang Genxin in the store who is responsible for collecting money and managing accounts.Kang Lixin's "responsibility" is to maintain the order of the hotel and prevent some bad boys from causing trouble. In fact, he is equivalent to a security captain.At the same time, once people from various departments come to collect fees or taxes, push out this stupid "legal representative" and let him entangle with those law enforcement departments...

Ye Ming saw that this legal person named "Kang Lixin" ghostwritten a pair of evil triangular eyes, his face was full of flesh, and he looked like a stupid pig, and he called him "Brother Li" as soon as he opened his mouth, knowing that he was a bit stupid, so he ignored it He shook the "Enforcement Seizure Decision" in front of his eyes, and said: "Kang Lixin, I am here to inform you that your Lvye Restaurant has refused to fulfill its tax obligations since January 18880.23 this year. Overdue taxes and overdue fines of 40 yuan. The first sub-bureau of the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau has issued a "Definitely Corrected Notice" to you many times, but you still have not corrected your tax violations, nor have you reported to the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau in accordance with the law Pay the owed taxes and overdue fines. According to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article No.[-] of the "Tax Collection and Administration Law", with the approval of Zou Wenming, director of Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau, we are now taking measures to seize the property of your restaurant according to law. To offset the taxes and late fees you owe. I hope you will cooperate."

After saying these few words, Ye Ming waved to the back, Liu Pengcheng and other seven or eight people rushed in, and in front of the astonished customers, they began to move the refrigerator with drinks and beer on the opposite side of the bar.

Ye Ming walked into the bar and said to the cashier who was guarding the tax control cash register, "Go away, we are going to confiscate the tax control cash register now."

The cashier saw that he was wearing a uniform, his eyes were wide open, and he didn't dare to resist, so he obediently walked out from the bar.

When Ye Ming was dismantling the tax control cash register, Kang Lixin suddenly showed a fierce look, picked up a high stool under the bar, aimed at Ye Ming's head inside the bar, and smashed it.

At this time, Ouyangming, Liu Pengcheng and others were instructing the cadres to clean up the beverages and beer in the refrigerator. When they saw Kang Lixin pick up a high stool and smash it at Ye Ming, they couldn't help but exclaimed and shouted in unison: "Director Ye, be careful!"

Ye Ming has been practicing martial arts for nearly 20 years, and he has already developed the ability to see all directions and listen to all directions. How could he be attacked by a gangster?When Kang Lixin raised the stool and threw it at his head, he straightened up without dodging or dodging, aimed at the high stool that was thrown over him, and punched him with a "bang", hitting the high stool just in time. The wooden bench top of the stool.

He only heard a "crash", and the thick stool was pierced by his punch.Kang Lixin, who was holding the stool, was knocked back a few steps by the force of his punch, and finally lost his footing. He fell under the refrigerator with his head up, and the back of his head touched the edge of the refrigerator. Grinning.

At this time, seven or eight chefs in white coats and hats, holding kitchen knives, machetes and spoons suddenly appeared from the kitchen. They all looked fierce and surrounded Liu Pengcheng who was about to move the refrigerator. and others.

In the lobby and boxes, some customers who were new friends with Kang Gen also gathered around with the chefs.Someone began to shout in an incendiary tone: "Who dares to move things? Are you state cadres or bandits? How can you come to the store in broad daylight to rob things? Don't think that you can do whatever you want by wearing dog skin. If things are not fair, someone will take care of them. If the road is uneven, someone will shovel it. As long as you dare to move things, we dare to trample you to death, and let you get in and out!"

Liu Pengcheng and others saw so many people gathered around all of a sudden, some of them were still holding kitchen knives, machetes and other tools, their faces showed hesitation and fear, and they hesitated to clean up the things in the refrigerator.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ye Ming immediately came out of the bar, glanced coldly at the chefs and spectators who were accusing them, and suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "What are you trying to do? You want to hinder us from carrying out official duties." Just now, who said they were going to trample us to death? You stand up and step on one for me to see! Stand up for me if you have the guts, don’t be a coward!"

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