Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 274 Li Wei

Ye Ming knows that the society has a lot of opinions on the enforcement of civil servants, which is often biased. Once there is a confrontation between the enforcer and the enforced, the masses and onlookers who don't know the truth often stand on the side of the enforced. Help them boo, help them fight the law enforcement.

The main reason for this situation is that some law enforcement departments have been exposed to the Internet and news media for their brutal law enforcement, phishing law enforcement, and illegal law enforcement, which aroused public outrage among the masses. , So that the public has a prejudice against the law enforcement department and even all civil servants, so every time the law enforcement department confronts the subject of law enforcement, the crowd will subconsciously stand on the side of the person being enforced.

Secondly, another reason why the public generally supports the target of law enforcement is the mentality of "sympathizing with the weak" - because most people believe that in law enforcement actions, the law enforcement agency is the strong and the target of law enforcement is the weak.And the weak should receive widespread sympathy and solidarity...

For example, today, most of the onlookers are unaware that the "Green Field Restaurant" has a very bad tax arrears and tax evasion behavior, and also bought and bribed the local tax officials.What they saw was a lot of people in uniforms pouring into the hotel, wanting to move the refrigerators in the store and collect the tax control fees in the bar counter, and when the employees in the store incited them, they thought that the people from the local tax bureau were I was bullying the hotel, so they all gathered around...

Therefore, after cheering up and yelling, Ye Ming raised the seizure decision in his hand again, and said loudly: "Everyone, don't be deceived by some people with ulterior motives. You have all seen it: we are all wearing clothes today. They came in uniforms and brought legal documents. Our enforcement measures against the Green Field Restaurant are based on facts, legal basis, and in compliance with legal procedures. This fact is: the Green Field Restaurant has not paid a single point since this year. They have accumulatively owed more than 1 yuan in tax arrears and overdue fines. However, they still have invoices and can still conduct business in a dignified manner without paying taxes according to the law. Everyone said: This is a big blow to other taxpayers who pay taxes according to the regulations. Is it fair or unfair to the taxpayers? If we don’t take compulsory measures to recover the tax for the country, it will be our dereliction of duty and a violation of the law of fairness and justice in taxation. Therefore, I advise you not to crowd around or help them make a fuss , let alone help the evildoers to help lawbreakers fight against law enforcement agencies!"

Some of these onlookers are also in business. After hearing Ye Ming's words, they felt that the Green Field Restaurant was indeed a bit too much. , slowly retracted to their respective boxes.

The seven or eight chefs were employees in the shop. Under the leadership of a head chef, they were still waving kitchen knives, spoons, machetes and other tools, all of them with fierce eyes, approaching Ye Ming and others step by step.

The self-proclaimed "Brother Li" Kang Lixin was knocked to the ground by Ye Ming's punch, and he was knocked out of his wits. He managed to get up from the ground, covered the back of his head and shouted to the chef angrily: " Junbao, hack them to death, hack these dog legs in dog skin to death!"

After yelling hoarsely, he took out his phone again, dialed a number, and shouted into the receiver: "Brother Hai, someone is making trouble in my shop and robbing me, please bring a dozen brothers with me." Come here, it's best to call Brother Dong, and bring guys with you, come here and give me some relief!"

Ye Ming heard that he started calling people again, and he didn't know who the "Brother Hai" he was talking about was, but he heard that he asked the other party to bring the guy, he was probably a gang of gangsters, and he thought that this matter must be done first. Stand up, otherwise there will be endless troubles: once these chefs meet with that group of gangsters, they will have weapons in their hands. If they hurt the cadres in the bureau, they will suffer a lot!

So, he turned his head and said to Liu Pengcheng: "Director Liu, you call 110 to call the police and say that we belong to the Local Taxation Bureau. Now we are performing official duties in the Green Field Restaurant. Some people use violence to resist taxes here. Please come to maintain law enforcement order!"

After saying these few words, he suddenly moved his body forward, rushed into the middle of the seven or eight chefs with weapons in their hands, and first punched the head chef in the face, taking advantage of him After a moment of astonishment, his right hand stretched out like lightning, and snatched the machete for bone removal from his hand.

Then, he turned around among the group of cooks, punching left and kicking right, but he didn't really hit or kick them, just made them dodge or retreat.While they were dodging, he did the same, with lightning speed and ghostly shortcuts, he snatched the knives and spoons from the seven or eight people into his hands in the blink of an eye, and clamped them Get under your own armpits, and then fit out of the crowd.

During the process of him grabbing the weapon, none of the seven or eight cooks touched his body, and none of them saw clearly the process of him grabbing the knife and spoon. The weapon that he held tightly in his hand was inexplicably in his hands, and he didn't even have time or opportunity to resist...

This time, not only the chefs who had their weapons taken away and Kang Lixin standing next to him were stunned, even Liu Pengcheng, Ou Yangming and other colleagues who knew Ye Ming's martial arts also widened their eyes in surprise, not believing Ye Ming. There will be such a quick skill, such a mysterious means...

After Ye Ming retreated to Liu Pengcheng and the others, he threw the weapons under his armpit to the ground with a "crash", stepped on them with his feet, and glanced fiercely at the chefs opposite who were beginning to show timid expressions. He shouted: "Your weapons are under my feet, who has the guts to come and grab them?"

The head chef, with a big arm and a round waist and a height of more than 1.8 meters [-], is Kang Lixin's cousin, and has always been fierce and domineering.At this moment, although he knew that Ye Ming was extraordinary in skill, he wanted to show his loyalty and bravery in front of Kang Lixin because of his brute force and brute strength.Therefore, after Ye Ming said that sentence, he suddenly showed a fierce look, took off his white coat, pointed at Ye Ming and rushed over.

When he was about to rush to Ye Ming's side, the head chef named "Junbao" stretched out his right fist, aimed at Ye Ming's face and hit him.

Ye Ming saw that his fist was powerful and powerful, and he didn't dare to be careless. He steadied his horse and turned his head to the right to avoid his fierce blow.Then, he suddenly stretched out his left hand and grabbed his right arm. Taking advantage of his body pounced over, he swooped down with his left hand and clasped his waist.Then, he roared "Hey", summoned his supernatural power, lifted the fat body of "Jun Bao" over his head, aimed at the huge live fish pond on the left...

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